i didn't see that thread until today. hahahahahahahha
r u been mean 2 me? :yelling::yelling::yelling::yelling::yelling::yelling: :guns::guns::guns::guns:
wat r u talking about? hey rosey will u b my friend????????????????
come to the animal family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! misty will u b my frend?????????????????????? dont b mean :guns::guns::guns::guns::guns::guns::guns::guns:
would be getting on msn be helpful? i can do that
i met a boy who grew up in the mountains
Hey you! yes you! why haven't we talked? not profile messages, i mean like iming. you said we woulddd! you lieedddd
since when is **** censored? ******ed
i hate, hate, hate you guts and i'll never talk to you again
and i've only wrapped two ****ing presents
of course. because celebrities occasionally die, it ONLY makes sense to say that a fictional character from an anime is responsible. How logical.
OK SO! I would just like to say one quick thing before responding to your big fat long message (even though i'm already terribly late D:) because...
oh ok i kinda sorta remember you except not really
Cindy Lou Who, who are you? like what was your original username
misty bisty boo boo
march 07 was a cooler month to join than april I. MISS. YOU.
i've had slow club in my head all day, it made me think of you haha. we should talk more. about subjects other than me being emo about tom.
oh? how is it different? yeah i haven't changed that since August i probably should do that.