you still come on here? shame on you
Hey guys. Remember when I thought this place was like, the whole world? lulz
you were online yesterday? you come online? whattt
we've been friends for like 4 years wtf
sex me up ***** woooooo
obligatory seasonal post by orange complete why is it that i find myself randomly browsing here about once every 2 months or so? old habits die hard. Bye until winter, probably! Also misty sucks
hoorah! you should still come on AIM, there are bits where I have a free minute and I want your love and I want your revenge you and me could...
I miss you. My life has been consumed by Doctor Who, Pippin, and AP tests but come summer i will reunite officially. Also if you are on MSN and...
what is even going on?
hahaha its cool, that thread was AWFUL! I was just reading it going HOW WAS I THIS STUPID! The shame of being a new member.... and kitty. I am not stupid
because I was stupid when I was 12 and old habits die hard.
I am forever embarrassed to go on live journal since the superman incident of 2009. My video is awesome. and I can fly. this is so awful. i thought i was so cool. alice was raping me
sex. sex. sex. sex. porn. sex
hey you're purple now! neato! remember when you weren't staff? awww, baby growing up! And don't worry, I know of her sleep schedule, I just hope she'll see this when she wakes up. Misty's the only one left here that I talk to regularly
This is for you misty. if you don't see this thread i will cry. the purpose of it is to have what the name means. of course i remember. i created it. my acronyms are awesome. also i would come back but i'm a free woman now. there's nothing left for me here. it's a desolate land of few i remember and many i don't know. i have no purpose here. i've got to be where my spirit can fly free. (also i have lots of homework now)
i keep forgetting you're admin
wierd. and strange
i miss you
i don't understand anything anymore