It's definitely the best way. Personally I didn't bother with grinding until I got Beowulf and just Chicken'ed the last guy. It's practically an infinite battle after that. I also didn't want to start grinding until I got all the secret characters I wanted (like Cloud and Balthier).
I'm actually eating pie here in my basement... at 3:34am. I lack the Hawaiian punch, though. It's kind of depressing.
Minori is the strangest female character I've seen in a long time. Decent anime/manga though.
It's always the extremists who are remembered the most, and thus it's an unfortunate development when these extremists are thought to encompass everyone of a particular group. It's called the availability heuristic, and it's a crappy human tendency.
^ Just terrible.
Yeah, I don't see how it's such a big deal. Whether or not a boy is circumcized is hardly an issue to be raving about since it has no real impact on the way the boy will function. It's not like he's getting a sex change. If two people argue that much over circumcision and get that heated, they need to reconsider what their priorities are. There are way more important things to get worked up about. Anyway, glad it's over and done with.
There's a program for that. そんな事はプログラムがある。
Storyline was easy?
How does the 360 have a lack of games in comparison to the PS3? And 360 exclusives coming out on PC later (and coming out better is a matter of opinion most of the time) isn't really relevant because they're monopolized by the same company.
The fate of KH3 unknown. It hasn't even been announced yet. Mirror's Edge is also multiplatform, so it wouldn't matter which console you bought in order to get this game. Last Remnant is also multiplatform; the PS3 version was just delayed. So if those are the only games you're concerned about, then go with the 360 for Tales of Vesperia. If there are more games you haven't said yet, check to see if any of them are exclusives, then weigh out your options as to which one would get you more of your exclusives, or just consider the ones you want the most. Also consider what kind of gamer you are, as certain genres tend to lean toward one console. This has changed in the last year, but it's good to investigate your tastes so you're more prepared.
Depends. The story's pretty short. You spend most of your time navigating dungeons. Plot's broken too. Characters didn't develop. But I'll blame that on the game going through several directors over the course of 5 years. Better luck next time, SE.
I've lost count of how many language threads Mirai's made. とにかく、オートトランスレーターが最高だぜ〜www。
Masters programs don't really look at high school marks. They look at your GPA from your undergrad. O_o
My point exactly.
I spot two animated gifs above the rule limit. Ohoho. Mods are slacking.
Good question, although I'd say you would know best out of everyone here as to the reasons why. Being graded in Phys Ed is an iffy matter to me, though. This is mostly because it really depends on how your teacher runs things, and regardless of the method, someone is getting ripped off or at a disadvantage. If you have a Gym teacher who grades based on skill, then all the crappy sports players are gonna fail. On the flip side, if they grade based on 'participation', then a) it's almost impossible to fail, and b) people who are actually good at sports can't be distinguished or rewarded for it. But whatever, Phys Ed is soft. You get graded for moving around like an animal until you perspire (sometimes not). If you got an 80 for it, don't sweat it (no pun intended). The teacher probably just hates the way you run.
You want us to comment on your academic performance? At any rate, I'd say even if they were hating on you it'd be better than indifference. When you hit college, they won't even know your name. You're just a number.
Well yeah, COD's shooting mechanics isn't the Word per se regarding FPSs, but I've just grown far too used to it and it irks me at times whenever I play L4D. Still, I might pick this up in the future, but I have a list to go through before then. XD
I buy/sell a lot of video game related merchandise there.