Memory recall and confirmation bias are awesome things.
Shantotto's a girl. XD But at least this means there are now two female characters on the Heroes side, matching the Villain's number with Cloud of Darkness and Ultimecia.
Behold, Shantotto.
Your video should still have a destination folder somewhere on your mac. Find it, then just go to that folder and click the file when you upload on YouTube? O_o Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question.
Also only for those who pre-ordered the game. Just to get that out there. I tried this myself, but it didn't work. It says in the fine print that it's only for those who pre-ordered.
Ahaha! Shantoto. LOL. Awesome find.
Well, bear in mind pre- has several functions. Pre- can be used in the context where it simply precedes something (oh my, using another pre-word) in matter of degree or order, but this not in regards to the verb it's attached to, but rather the direct or indirect object of the sentence. In this sense, "preboarding passengers with [First Class business tickets]" for example, it simply means that passengers with Firs Class business tickets take precedence (yet another!) over the others in the order of the boarding process. To preheat something simply means to "heat beforehand". So to rephrase, to preheat your dinner simply means to "heat your dinner beforehand". This is also why in many baking recipes, the phrase "Preheat the oven" is a common one. It simply means to heat your oven in advance in preparation for another step. Pre- does mean 'before', but in 'preheated dinner', pre- refers more to the order in which the heating is done in regards to the dinner. With 'preboarding the passengers', pre- refers to the order in which boarding occurs in regards to the passengers, not the actual action of boarding. Just to exhaust another example, I'm sure you're all familiar with the phrase "pre-ordering video games". Again, in this context, you're 'ordering the game in advance', not so much that you're 'ordering before you're ordering'.
In the MMORPG section?
1. Prelude? You mean like a Prologue? If so, there is no real set length. They're usually short because they don't usually investigate the story in its complete entirety, and what you want to get across in the prologue is up to the writer. My prologues always differ depending on the genre I'm working with and on what the story is about. Sometimes I'll just write about the main character, talking about their life, their thoughts, ambitions, etc. This are usually shorter and don't take up more than 1-2 pages (on standard size 12 font). Other times, I'll open the prologue with an action-scene that the readers will remain completely oblivious to as to the meaning of it, but only because I want them to focus entirely on the raw emotion behind the scene, rather than clutter their minds with unnecessary background that I don't want them to know yet. It's really up to you how long you want to make them. What's important is that prologues are meant to introduce readers to an important theme in your story, so write enough so you can get this theme across, but not so much that you begin giving away certain plot points away. 2:
What's between Black and White?
Not worth remembering. Andrew Jackson on the other hand, now there's a f*cking gangster President.
So I guess MapleStory is a no?
In-game music, nao.
I just wanted party chat because now I can actually chat with all my friends at once while I'm playing COD and don't have to listen to the prepubescent trash from everyone else in my party. Private chat as it was prior to NXE solved the problem but at the expense of talking to just one person. Frankly, I'm surprised it took them this long to implement it. O_o As for HDD installations, I haven't had too many problems so far, but to be honest I can only install one game at a time with my mediocre 20gb. (I had 11gb to spare for games). At any rate, the HDD installation is the last hope to hopefully alleviate some of the dirty frame rate issues and pop-in textures that Last Remnant has right now, LOL. Dare to dream.
I just wanted the party chat.
I lol'ed. @Sadden Blood Warrior: how can you type that and seriously think it's valid?
Let's all meet on MapleStory gaiz!
My girlfriend was telling me about the last episode. Some of it is so messed up, it sounds awesome. XD