Who the **** is the host? Somebody shoot that b.itch down for me. What a nice way to start it with Far Cry. Boobies.
Kingdom Hearts 3 link
"Yeah, Toonami's baaaack b.itches" Freaking boss < 3
I got freaking Gryffindor. Spoiler I wanted Slytherin..... Oh well, not bad I guess.
*Alright, so before falling asleep last night, I was planning on buying Left 4 Dead 2 off Steam, but since it was like 2 am, I went to bed and decided to do it in the morning. Welp, in my dream, instead of buying L4D 2, I had bought Fable 3 instead. I dunno why, but I was thinking "oh hey Fable 3 has multiplayer for L4D 2, right? I'll buy it". After some time of playing Fable 3 (in my dream), it suddenly hit me that Fable 3 was NOT L4D 2, and that I had spent money on a game I didn't even like. So I was fffffff-ing throughout my dream, and then I woke up, still thinking I had bought Fable. That reminds me, I still have to get Left 4 Dead 2......
You see I was bitten by a zombie and now I have the zombie virus or whatever the **** is called running through my veins I don't have much time gonna go turn into a zombie now hhrrrr urgghhh arlglla
I had a dream I was picking an alien character on a ME game, and all of the sudden my friend (used to be my bully) told me to say hi to the alien character, and I did. By saying mean things to it. I didn't mean any harm, I was just joking, but the alien character stayed still. The same friend was like "Dude, say something nice". I felt bad for saying those mean things to it, so I complimented the alien character on how it looks cool, and it complimented me in return with a "Oh, so are you yourself. Thank you." It was a weird dream.
Please stop giving us these great deals. :x
You know, seeing how low the price is on them, I really want to buy some. But, once I buy them, I won't even play them that much. Sort of like with the Street Fighter IV game.....and The Sims 3 for 10 dollars. And the Penumbra package I got for a low price. And that Dead Space 2 game that a (cool) friend got for me when it was at like 10 dollars. Lol whatever Im gonna buy me some vidyo gaems.
mom: How's the food I made? me: It's good. mom 1 minute later: Is the food okay? me: Dang it mom I already said it was good. mom: Go clean the garage. Damn it.
Going over and seeing the rep people have given me for my posts..... I just want to crawl up somewhere and die. :[ I said some stupid sh.it. But I guess I still do. Im done venting now.
So I was watching a Youtube video, and then I went to the homepage. I was logged in, and it said that I had 666 comments. I was like "wut lol" so I refreshed the page. The count went back to zero, and at that moment, I felt something like a finger run up the side of my body. WEIRD ****.....dadsdag I guess this sounds like made up bullshit....but I **** you not.
And Bobba Fett is in the ****ing episode. (as a kid) Turn your ****ing channels he's a badass bounty hunter boss.
Cause I think they did. I posted a link to some manga site, and when I checked it out 30 minutes later it was gone. I tried using Google to see if Facebook CAN do that, but I keep getting stupid results like "Why I deleted my Facebook" or "How do I delete posts?". It's like the search is avoiding anything to do with FB being able to delete your ****.
Am I the only one that laughed like an idiot at this? [video=youtube;Stb4mdRBKFk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Stb4mdRBKFk&feature=related[/video]
http://www.youtube.com/user/LukeTheeRipper?ob=0&feature=results_main Watch his stuff pl0x and tell me what you think. Yeah gurl.
Miss Voxli. :[
I'll just make this thread to post some of my drawings or w/e I've made. I don't freaking know anything about anatomy. **** Pieta Jesus face. http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm307/Rataz0rd/253818a0.jpg Some woman Im having fun drawing atm. No perv. Well, yes perv, but not while making this. http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm307/Rataz0rd/7868df00.jpg Vient http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm307/Rataz0rd/vin.png Joker http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm307/Rataz0rd/Thejoker.jpg