That if you pretend to shake salt on your mouth, you'll taste it?
Just gonna post my **** here. Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler
The object closest to the far left corner in that room is what your keyblade will be stylized as. Mine Spoiler toilet scrubber
I noticed that I'd always be drinking coffee when watching Attack on Titan, so it has become a thing for me now with the series. Also, whenever I'd watch Cyborg 009 on Cartoon Network, I would always make myself some popcorn and pour some hot sauce on it. **** made for some fond memories of Cyborg 009 So you guys got any to share so that I won't feel like Im the only crazy person on here? Spoiler ****
ITT post WHY you're still visiting this site since ?-2013. srsly. I sometimes look at my join date and ponder why I am here after 6 years. 6 ****ing years. Is that even normal for a forum? I don't know. But anyway I guess you don't have to be an old-ass vet of the forum to post why you still keep visiting this heartless place. Anyway,I still come here cause it's better to chat with people/cool people I've met on here, unlike all the normal people in my life who don't know what kh is.
Spoiler Spoiler Had fun making this. The art style of Pokemon inspired me to make my own trainer so here she is. Named Kellu cause was talkin to Kells on Skype asking for advice on this
I must say this went better than last time.
Here's your song. (plz listen my drumming is beast on this.)
Its a house where my aunt lives atm. The house is filled with activity, such as the noise of footsteps going up the stairs. There has also been an incident with a baby being part of the ghosts' acts. We're gonna capture some real shiet with our profession ghost hunting gear. Hell yeah
I haven't been drawing lately, so Im making this thread as a way to actually draw. (lol i need motivation) I'll try to say this as uncreepy as possible: Post a pic of yourself and I will draw you. On paper. With pencil. And I'll take a pic of it. And post it here. There's no waiting in line so please come out of that shell and show me that beauty of yours babe
I know I don't post that much, but no one noticed that my chick avatar has those small round thingies on her boobies? I just noticed now and was like whoaaaaaaaa. So Im changing it. Cause this is a kids' site. srsly
Post pics of video game characters you wish were your parents.
We have to write one and I can't come up with a topic to write about. All the other lame choices regarding things like guns and drugs have already been taken and I want to take something else besides the norm. Any suggestions?
You have 5 minutes to screw up the place real bad. What do you do
Took my hands out for a few seconds during the day and it's ****ing freezing out there. If I turn into an ice sculpture, take me in khv.
The audio file of Mish singing Pumped Up Kicks?
I sometimes go into a deep thought as to why a member is using his/her avatar/signature. "Is this character from a show? What kind of character is it?" So I thought, why not find out by asking. I'll start with mine. I use my avatar and signature because I like the silent dude from the Killers' music video Here With Me. His cool personality and weird but soft love obsession with an actress makes the character loveable in my eyes.
Whenever Im feeling in love, I start listening to Beatles music, and this is the 2nd time in my life that I've done it. IT WON'T BE LONG YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH IT WON'T BE LONG YEAHyeahYEAHyeahYEAHyeah
I know it's no big deal. There are like what kabillions of people out there who are sad, but I guess I just wanted to speak out my mind. Be warned though, it's nothing serious. Just felt like letting some air out so don't bother reading. Im in the downers because of people/friends I guess. I hate saying this for I am at risk of looking childish and shiet, but playing Persona made me sad. The characters grew on me and I noticed how good they were once they became friends/close, and it should be easy to do so irl too if you do want to become close. I have become close with someone, and he is my best friend I ever had. We grew close at a young age, but it has been years since I've seen him. Now Im stuck somewhere else. Everyone is different. I become friends with someone, but it's not the same like with my bestie because I get to see who they really are. I know it's normal for everyone to have a dark side, but it feels as if there's a high percentage of rotten. You get close to someone, relying on them and willing to help them out, and then they bite you when you least expect it. I dislike how things run, but that's just how life is. I guess I like this place because it's not as complicated as talking and witnissing negative acts in person. That departure thread I had made sometime ago was because I had started to see this place as irl. I found out about some negative things in this site, shocking discoveries about others. I am such a girlllllll lmao. I know it seems as no big deal to others, but it does to me. The site just seemed tainted and I wanted to get away from it. But I returned again because of something. I guess things will be different once I head off to college. I'll meet people with the same interests and make some lasting friendships. I like you guys. I've grown close with some members and it brings me back to the feeling of being with my best friend. It's sad saying this, but some of the best people I've met are from the internet, so they're most likely 56 year old men posing as teenagers. But Im cool with that. Send me nudes.