May your skies stay blue. Or red.
Post here if you are not tired.
So, I decided to watch Trollhunters with my brother. He's addicted to it now.
ITT post a good memory you had on here, and then the next person has to post a better memory that they had. I'll start. I almost beat Makaze at a game of checkers.
First of all, what the heck is even going on? Why would they dare disturb the remains of the anime? It was great, I admit, but they should have let it rest. And it took me time to accept Lelouch's death. BUT WAIT HE NOT DEAD. Or maybe that's not Lelouch, who knows.
We don't have enough 11 year old noobs walking around in this forum. This place needs that certain child member that pops out a few times to stir up trouble or drama. I just don't want this place to be filled with old people, damn it.
Let the game begin.
Everyday, you must post in this thread, so as to take attendance for everyone. Keep doing this simple task whenever you can. It will be easy. Then, if you stop taking attendance, then we will assume the worse, and think you got abducted by aliens or something. spoiler: you will get abducted if you dont post in this thread and forward this to 10 other people
Since so many of you used to be so effing horny back in the day, and many people "dated" each other, I request to also have what you would call an "online dating acquaintance". 10th person to post becomes my dating buddy and I will pm you nice romantic ****.
Go to the second to last page of your private messages, take a screenie, and share on here what you have, so that others can judge you. Here is mine. Spoiler
ITT post facts that others might not know about you in KHV. Idk I wanted to share some information about me, so I made this thread. I had gotten banned once (I may have been banned 4 times now), and made another account with the name "rat", because I thought that that way, I wouldn´t draw much attention to myself and be found out. But I was found out, obviously, cause you just can´t hide THIS. Or maybe they saw my IP was the same.
Spoiler I hate how her eyes turned out I need to delete them or hide them with sunglasses. Spoiler She looks dead idk. Spoiler Boobies I guess. Though not really. It was sorta quick and done at night. Spoiler Was working on this, but Im never gonna finish it cause I´d rather work on other stuff.
Is it still bad now, or do we move on and that something naughty we did is void now, due to the years gone by? And Im talking about something naughty we might have done, and gotten away with.
I know there are quite a few old as hell users on this site, so if you are one of those people, pls post in this thread to let us know where you are in life, and if it´s different from when you were here 1,000,000 years ago. (or 8 years ago) If you are a new user then you can post too if ya want I guess maybe. I dunno I guess Im sentimental and I made this thread to get to know more about the people on here that I never talk to.
That Cin had come back and had been promoted to whatever you call those Mods with purple names. And he like, banned me. I dunno what for, but all I know is that I hadn´t done anything. Anyway, then I gave Makaze a call irl and talked to him through the phone, explaining to him everything that happened. I laughed. He laughed. He then said to not worry, cause he would talk to the admins about it. **** was weird, but Im glad Im not banned.
My birthday is in 3 days (start mindstorming presents for me pls) and I panicked because I thought I was going to be turning 23. But turns out Im gonna be turning 22. I don´t feel as old anymore.
Lets have a new skin pls.
Responsible I used to walk around with a shirt, simple jeans, and semi long hair, with facial hair. I had not a care in the world. I could come home early and watch my animes and play my interactive videos when I got back from work. But now, when I wake up and look at myself in the mirror, I just see this person with neat, short hair, no facial hair, wearing neat clothes I am forced to wear, as another day of work begins for me. I find myself not having as much time to spend on my personal activities, and instead, I spend those precious hours on helping others, and it has taken its toll. Im about getting sick of it. I still have no gf
idk yeah i guess : /
Had an interesting dream last night? Did the dream leave you hugging your pillow? Then go ahead and write it down right here. I´ll start off with one I had last night (and left me hugging my pillow for life) I dreamt that I had been using my lovely laptop outside, by a telephone booth (no idea why), surrounded by a lot of people passing by. My mind seemed to be in a rush, so I assume I had been using my laptop for work related shenanigans. But, after a while, I decided to place the laptop on top of the booth, because I had to go inside a building to get something. Then I came back outside, and my laptop was still where I left it. So, I brought it down, rolled up the cables with my Bamboo tablet and pen, and started to walk back inside the building. But then, amongst the people passing by, a man with a lean figure, buzzed hair, and facial hair, wearing a sweater, started walking towards me, and he took out a gun and pointed it at me. He wanted my laptop. So, in a calm manner, I handed it to him, and he started to run. But then I told him to wait, and I threw my Bamboo pen at him, because he had forgotten it. Needless to say, I felt scared, and full of regret for having taken my laptop outside, but then I woke, and my laptop was still beside me where I had left it, and I became happy. I won´t take my laptop for granted anymore.