No mw sucks ::L:
Best ****ing game ever :3
42. lolfillerz
Thanks man ^^
Well I requested NTSC, but I'm not sure if it is.
Fix'd .
xD.... Well, look around the video warehouse and code vault. We've had quite a few coding revolutions while you were gone!
Holy crap you're back O_o Remember me?
OK got it ^^
OK it's about 35% uploaded now...
Normal Roxas (005A) in the dump you made for me.
not for how long I've looked for it.
Well, I'm stuck then.
so find the @...@...@ for both?
Ah. I'm playing through some old NES games. (Which are hella better than today's games =D)
Anyway what's up?
Cool Story, Bro.