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  1. Love
    " What do you mean only 23? Did you know something about what was going to happen to the school before hand? I heard what you were talking about with that man like you were expecting for it to happen." Shero said looking confused.

    Meanwhile . . .
    The god dressed in armor sat down on a bench, a sword and shield strapped to his back. He locked his fingers together and rested his chin on them. " I don't know how much longer the God King has before he's gone... everyone has been trying to find a answer to why hes degrading. We couldn't find a single thing... with the goddess of peace god and the God King about to follow suit then things will become pretty chaotic around here... I wonder if this means a second god war is going to become of it. If only Aia hadn't perished.. she would have known what to do." The man said as the woman with long brown hair who stood by him sighed. " Matthias don't imply that another god war will take place... even if there has been reports of the Fallen Ones rearing their meddlesome heads again we still have the upper hand. We Gods need to learn how to rule as a group, that way we can take care of things in the King's place..."
    Post by: Love, Apr 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Love
    Once the transport had landed in a vacant within the forest on the edge of the Janinan Capital city Phisoxa strolled out, helping Shero out of the ship before walking through the trees. Phisoxa's long white hair sprawled out in the wind that blew between the trunks of the old oak forest. Off in the distance a couple deer watched them from afar before skittering off. Phisoxa walked down the stone path towards the city. Phisoxa could spot the white stone walls of the temple of Aia that sat on the border between the forest and the bustle of the city. Far off the castle of Janina stood near the ocean that was on the farthest end of the city from where they stood.

    Meanwhile in the Divine Level . . .

    The palace of the gods was alive with chatter. It was noisy especially in the throne room where the God King's chair sat empty and it looked like it had been that way for a while now. A man with long dark burgundy hair and green eyes stood near a indoor pond,dressed in a suit of platinum armor. He wore a helmet that had a valkyriesque look to it since it had black feathers incorporated into the helmet. The man was staring into the pond who's waves were black and dotted with stars like the night sky. In the pond there were several small statues made of crystal and one had it's facial features now broken off but it was clear by the body of the statue that it meant to be feminine. Another statue, this time of a male seemed to be full of cracks. " So Alicia passes on..." The man said with a emotionless look as the other who were gathered around the pond seemed to be busy chattering. A woman came up next to the man dressed in a midnight blue linen dress. She hand extremely long dark brown hair and midnight blue eyes. The woman was pretty but it was in a inhuman way and it was hard to tell exactly what age she was. " It seems the Shepherd of Peace has fallen.. could it be possible that our race is finally seeing a age of decay?"
    Post by: Love, Apr 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Love
    If you want you can start out in Janina Kingdom now.. we just landed there c:
    Post by: Love, Apr 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Love
    " So this is it... Janina.. I've actually only been here once thats when I was really young." Phisoxa said as Shero rose a brow as they followed the other students. " You are a citizen of Janina yet you've hardly been there?" Shero asked as Phsoxa smiled. " Correct."
    Post by: Love, Apr 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Love
    " Alright... once well rested our mines will be less troubled ..." Suri said with a sigh as she walked over to her bed and sat down on it, she then laid down and pulled the blankets over herself. Surprisingly it didn't take long for Suri to drift into a deep slumber.
    Post by: Love, Apr 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Love
    " Of course I will help... even if my master taught me to be neutral . . . I have to do something about it. If the one who's been like a father to me all my life died as a result of this I have no choice but to fight in his memory..." Suri said with a sigh.
    Post by: Love, Apr 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Love
    Phisoxa began eating when the food was brought to her but she really didn't eat as much as she should have, her mind was alive with so many worries that were now distracting her from doing anything properly." I wonder what I'm going to do when I first get to Janina..."
    Post by: Love, Apr 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Love
    Sure she can be a wanderer. But just to clarify a few things, right now there are two sides to the story happening the rp currently. The main plotline is happening on earth with my characters and a few others. Your characters should be starting out on earth. There is a slide plot going on on another planet but soon its going to merge with the main one so I suggest when you do post make sure you are on the earth plotline... when you do decide to post I can help you decide where to start. Also don't worry about reading up on the rp, I mean you can catch up if you want but, I will be writing up a recap of what has happened so far and it will be up by tomorrow.
    Post by: Love, Apr 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Love
    Your characters are approved, but I need to talk to you about one thing. The school was recently destroyed.. so there will be no more school related posts. I apologize for forgetting to take the school thing down. But anyways you have two choices, you can have your girl character be one of the survivors of the school after it was destroyed or you can change her occupation to something else. And if you want her to be a survivor, you need to talk to me about it before you can start posting.
    Post by: Love, Apr 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Love

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    Thread by: Love, Apr 20, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  11. Love
    Post pictures of suspicious emus. You can also chat about whatever you want.
    Or post pictures of funny emus. . .
    Thread by: Love, Apr 20, 2013, 1 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  12. Love
    Phisoxa seated herself down at a chair in middle of the table on the left side of it and Shero followed suit and sat down next to her. Phisoxa then placed her bag down next to the legs of her chair. " I wonder what they will be serving..." Shero wondered aloud as sat down.
    Post by: Love, Apr 20, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Love
    Shero was surprised by the sudden interference from the guard. " Oh I'm so sorry for holding everyone up with my useless bickering.." Shero said apologetically as Phisoxa called out Shero's name. " I'm coming Phisoxa..." Shero called back to her as she then hurried off to Phisoxa's side. " I wonder do we seat ourselves or is custom that we be shown to our seats?" Phisoxa said stopping in front of the large dining room table. " Why would you wonder that Phisoxa? " Shero asked as Phisoxa chuckled. " I don't know... manners have always been nagging at me eversince I was a child.... when I was young my mother would tie me to chair to make sure I sat and dined properly and if I got it wrong she'd whack my hand with a ruler..." Phisoxa said with a chuckle as Shero's eyes widened." Yikes..."
    Post by: Love, Apr 20, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Love
    " They are rescuing us and feeding us... I feel sort of iffy about this whole thing.." Phisoxa said a little hesitant to step into the dining hall as she followed Traken, carrying the book in tow.

    Shero blushed madly unsure on what to say. " Well I don't know.... I barely know you and I..."
    Post by: Love, Apr 20, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Love
    " Well currently everything is unfamiliar to me but I'm getting the hang of it... " Phisoxa said with a smile as she stared into the journal, glowing at it's glowing pages, but to him it would appear to be a normal book with strange runes in it instead of text.

    " Well its hard to decide how I feel about it after all it caught me off guard .." Shero said with a sigh.
    Post by: Love, Apr 20, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Love
    Shero's eyes widened , feeling slightly embarrassed that she had spoken about the wrong library. " Oh that library.... Uh yes I remember what happened..." Shero said blushing when she remembered what had happened then.

    Phisoxa opened the journal up and began to flip through the pages. " oh uh... its my Master's journal, he gave it to me a little while before he was killed.."
    Post by: Love, Apr 20, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Love
    " Oh uh you are not going to believe this but the strange man we met made us part of this time he had picked to maintain the balance of light and dark... after that he told us a little about himself about being a Libra or something..." Shero said eagerly trying to tell him as many details as she could possibly remember.

    " He dwells in the powers of darkness and because of it hes hardly a man anymore... the darkness has warped him and hes become a bloodthirsty monster... I just didn't know that he knew Master Westus... I thought my brother had run off and disappeared for seven long years... i didn't expect to see him again..." Phisoxa said with a soft sigh as she reached into her bag and pulled out the journal, letting it rest on her lap as she thought.
    Post by: Love, Apr 19, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Love
    Once inside of the ship Shero turned to Nny and seemed a little hesitant to answer his question. " Well I'm not really sure how to put this but during the invasion a man came forth and took Phisoxa, another student, and I to a strange place... it looked like a library ..." Shero said.
    " How could he have survived that....? He broke his neck, I heard and saw it happen... yet he got away... His powers are far worse then I remember..." Phisoxa said with a sad sigh as she entered the transport ship and found some parts of it to be similar to a airplane's interior. She sat herself down in one of the passenger chairs next to a window while Shero sat in one of the front rows separate from Phisoxa
    Post by: Love, Apr 19, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Love
    " I will trust your word, Doctor... " Phisoxa said with a sigh as she walked towards the ship and boarded it. " Can I ask you a question . . . Is the man who tried to murder me earlier... is he really dead?" Phisoxa said to Traken.

    " Ohh... sorry, I will be right there !!" Shero called out as she picked up her bag and ran towards the ship.
    Post by: Love, Apr 19, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Love
    Phisoxa deemed the Eclipscion troops to be on a level of untrustworthiness in her eyes and hesitated to board the ship. She turned to Dr. Traken, the only one here she thought would be worth trusting. " Are you sure it's wise to board a enemy ship? Especially after what has just happened to the school...?" Phisoxa whispered to Traken
    Post by: Love, Apr 19, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home