The giant doors of the main entrance swung open with a loud metallic ring, their mirror like appearance reflecting the gray of the clouds above. Phisoxa came walking in followed by Shero and the knight Nathaniel who had saved them from the mess involving palace patrol earlier. Upon entering Shero and Phisoxa's eyes fell upon the magnificent interior of the castle. The castle wasn't as old world as they had come to expect, the floors were polished white and the walls were a dark bluish gray color with massive paintings and other wall hangings that seemed to be the only objects in the room that looked to be from the era of castles. On the walls back iron pyres held crystal orbs in their prongs that had light glowing within them. The ceiling bore a moving painting that showed a morning sky with a golden sun shining over the misty clouds. " This is magnificent .." Shero said as she marveled at the spectacle before her with Phisoxa who did just the same but wasn't as vocal about it as Shero was. "Indeed, it may look modern but it still has some of it's old glamour." Nathaniel said as a dark haired man came forward wearing glasses and holding a clipboard in his palms. " Welcome back Sir Volker, the King wishes to discuss security plans with you... he's currently in the glass room and askes that you head there immediately..." The man said as he straightened his black sophisticated looking glasses that had silver engraved into them. " I will go now... but Dante I ask a favor of you. Can you see what these girls want and can you also get the pale haired one into some new clothes, her clothing is blood stained." Nathaniel whispered to the man as Phisoxa and Shero watched with confused looks. " No problem...." Dante said with a smirk as Nathaniel smiled and walked off to go attend to his duty. Dante stepped forward and held his hand out to them." Greetings, I'm Dante Fable.. may I ask what is it that you seek from your visit to this castle?" The man said, looking down upon them with midnight blue eyes that had silver flecks within them. For some reason his eyes had the stern stare of someone much older yet he looked to be only in his late twenties. " I've come to speak with the knight Rould Naminas, could you please take me to see him? It's very urgent ..." Phisoxa said as Dante sighed and rested the hand holding the clipboard at his side. " I will take you to him, but before you can see him we have to get you a new change of clothes. So... how about your friend? Whats her purpose here?" Dante asked with a emotionless stare. " She's just here to accompany me... she has no real reason to want to visit the castle." Phisoxa said as Shero nodded along with Phisoxa's statement." Very well then... but your friend is going to have to wait with me outside. Lord Naminas isn't seeing visitors today but since you say it's urgent then I might as well try and get only you inside. Now come along" The man said as he turned away and started to walk down a hallway to the left. Phisoxa and Shero looked at each other before they followed after the strange man. Dante lead them through a maze of hallways stopping halfway to let Phisoxa get dressed in a man's grey button up shirt and a long black skirt so she didn't have to wear a bloody uniform anymore. Once finished Dante lead them to their final destination which sat behind a pair of silver doors. " Alright this is it... go inside but make sure you mind yourself pale one. . ." Dante said as Phisoxa pouted slightly. "Hey my name is not pale one, it's Phisoxa... I thought I told you beforehand.." Phisoxa said as Dante rolled his eyes and pushed Phisoxa through the doors, stopping a bit to clear his throat. " Sir Naminas, a woman by the name of Phisoxa requests your presence. I know you requested that there will be no visitors in to see you today but this is urgent my lord.." Dante said before leaving Phisoxa alone in the room and heading out into the hallway with Shero. " It might take a while so I suggest we do something else during it. Its almost my lunch break but I'm not hungry so I think I will go out into town and take a nice stroll,feel free to visit the cafeteria if you are hungry though..." Dante said as he began to walk off. " Wait Mr. Dante Sir !! I don't know this castle well enough... I might get lost. Can I come with you till your break ends? Phisoxa will probably be finished by then..." Shero shouted as she ran after the man, desperate to catch up with him. She really didn't want to be left alone in this castle, especially after what had taken place near the main gates earlier. " Fine come along if you wish..." Dante said with a annoyed sigh as he took door that opened up into a secret chamber. Shero was hesitant to follow but she continued anyways, closely following the man in the dim lit chamber. It took several moments before the entrance opened up into the palace gardens which were amazingly beautiful but Dante did not stop once to admire all the exotic types of flowers or to see if Shero was even keeping up . Dante took a small path which lead to the front gates of the palace where Dante finally stopped and waited for Shero to catch up. " You walk fast for a adviser Mr. Dante..." Shero said, breathing heavily since it was a workout trying to keep up with the quick footed man. " I was? I thought I was walking normal speed..." Dante said looking unamused as the gates opened up and Dante walked through. Shero made a dash to stay in close vicinity of the man so that the patrolmen wouldn't try to seek revenge for what had happened earlier. Shero walked behind Dante, using him as a human shield when some of the patrolmen came into view. The patrolmen went silent when they saw Shero, the patrolman who now bore a black eye gave Shero an even nastier look. " That's strange... they are usually very chatty around lunch time.." Dante said as Shero strained a gulp in her throat and chuckled nervously."Strange isn't it?" Shero said as the the two got far enough from the gates that now it was safe for Shero to come out from behind Dante. " Can you not use me as a walking shield please? It's very unpleasant to have someone clinging to my back like a baby monkey."Dante said as Shero developed a embarrassed look on her face as she distanced herself some more from Dante." Oh... sorry about that.. It's just those guards are scary..." Shero said nervously. ( Now that Dante and Shero are back in town, I can get involved more.)
Once she had a pack filled with non perishable food items Suri decided to head back to Vitan's side. But before she could do that her eye was caught by a flicker of a orange that seemed to emanate from a shadowy and deserted alleyway. Suri came to a stop in a intersection of the main road and the alleyway, peering down the cobblestone path that lead almost into complete darkness. " How can a place be so dark during the day...?" Suri thought as a eerie feeling seemed to flood her body.
The sky had begun to grow cloudy and with that it brought the calming pitter patter of rain followed by a surging bolt of lightning. The paved streets were now dotted with the foot prints of the first several sprinkles of rain and the smell brought on by the droplets sinking into the cement and tar hung on the wind. Phisoxa was dashing through the streets with her hands over her head, trying to keep from getting soaked as Shero followed in pursuit. The girls managed to get under the roofing of the palace walls and there they stood, trying to catch a breather after having to run so fast. " Alright Shero, stick close to me and mind yourself, hopefully the patrol guards will let us in... I'm going try and use Westus' old belt will get us through... " Phisoxa said reaching into her back and pulling out a belt that had a elaborate insignia on the buckle. " Are you sure a rusty old belt is going to get us in? What if they think that we are the enemy? Your uniform is covered in blood after all..." Shero said with a worrisome look as Phisoxa sighed and looked up at the sky, watching a lightning bolt rip through the dark clouds. " Trust me it will work... " Phisoxa said as she slung her bag back over her shoulder and rushed out from under the roofing towards the front gates where several patrolmen were talking among themselves. The men stopped talking when Shero and Phisoxa came into view. The youngest of the patrol unit stepped forward, looking slightly uneasy at the sight of Phisoxa's blood stained clothing. " Can I help you ladies?" The young man said as Phisoxa stepped forward and held out the belt buckle. " Can you please let me in to see Sir Rould? It's a emergency, I'm Westus' squire." The man was hesitant if he should let them in or not and he stood there thinking it over as the other men snickered in the background. It was then a smirk appeared on his face and he held his hand out towards Phisoxa. "Sure I will let you through just follow us back to the patrol tower so we can run your records through and determine if you are clear enough to enter the castle." The man said as Shero's face lit up, oblivious to the strange feeling in the air. " Yay, come on Phisoxa lets go !!" Shero said as Phisoxa stared at the man with a sneer on her face. She wasn't buying this guy's statement, not one bit. " Why would you need to check our records? Don't they have a detector installed up front?" Phisoxa said as the man rolled his eyes. " It's standard procedure... after all you look to be in pretty rough shape for a trustworthy person so we will have to search you. Now come here..." The man said as he reached his hand out towards Phisoxa. Phisoxa's first response was to throw a punch straight at the man's face and then she kneed him in the groin. " Don't you dare touch me !!" Phisoxa shouted as Shero backed up in fear. The other men cursed under their breath and drew their weapons, running at the girls as suddenly there was a gunshot in the air everyone froze at the sound and turned to look in the direction that they had heard the gunshot. " That's enough gentlemen, lower your weapons or I will have you locked up for treason !!" said the deep voice of a man who stood off to the right and who was holding a rifle in his hand that was pointed up into the air.The man appeared to be in his late twenties and rather handsome;he was wearing a leather jacket that had armor that had been fastened into the coat itself. He had short dark mink colored hair and eye color that was similar to that of a black pearl's opalescent sheen. " General !!" One of the men muttered before dropping his sword and saluting the man quickly. " I apologize a thousand times for this mess, I'm assure you it won't happen again." The lead patrolman said as he reached down and pulled the downed patrolman up to his feet and scurried back with the rest of gate patrol to the patrol tower. " Who, who are you?" Shero asked their savior, that question alone caused Phisoxa to panic slightly because it would look good if they were in this city and didn't know who this man was. Phisoxa of course knew who he was but Shero who was from a small town in a land outside of Janina knew little. " You must be a foreigner ... I am General Nathaniel Volker. Leader of his Majesty's special council of knights." ( I still have much more write down, but I didn't want to take up a whole page so please let me finish before responding to me or starting anything with me xD)
Both of your characters have been approved !! Good luck !!!
Sure !! Your character is accepted !! Good luck
Accepted !! you can start using the character as soon as you wish.
" I will see if I can get us something that will last for a while just in case this journey turns out to be a long one. ." Suri said as she walked over to stand and started to look around.
" Even though I haven't been to Janina before I know one significant person who lives here... hopefully he still remembers me though... I haven't seen him since I was eleven. Hes stationed up at the palace currently.." Phisoxa said as she began to take a different route, this time heading towards the palace.
" So any idea on what we should buy first?" Suri asked as she followed him.
" Im going to have to take a train ride back home to my hometown, but I'm not sure if it's safe to go now." Shero said with a sigh as Phisoxa turned to her. " I guess we can rent a apartment for now... I still have that money my master gave me for my birthday ...But before we can do that I need to go visit the palace." Phisoxa said.
Suri came down stairs wearing a dark blue dress and a black vest that went over it. " Ready to go?" She said as slung her bag over her shoulder.
" So what do you suppose we do now? I have no place to go to... after all Westus was like a father to me... and I may be a Mindell but I swore to myself that I'd never go back to them..." Phisoxa said with a sigh as Shero frowned while following them.
" Sure I guess. I need to stretch my legs a bit anyways..." Suri said with a yawn as she gave him a strange look. " Uh can leave the room for a moment I need to change out of my jumper..."
" Yes when I was young I lived with a family of peasants... they found me when I was only a orphan in the forest... I don't remember anything else before that though..." Suri said.
Phisoxa wandered off towards the edge of the city where she was met by a couple of guards watching one of the smaller entrances to the capital city. " Where is your traveling pass?" The guard said staring down Phisoxa. He was dressed in a dark blue suit of armor that had a glossy sheen to it. " I'm a member of the Mindell family !! I demand you let me in !!" Phisoxa said taking a small pin out of her pocket that had a symbol of a nightingale that held a bluebell in it's mouth. The guards looked to eachother and shrugged as they stepped out of the way." Apologies mistress..." The guard said as Phisoxa walked through along with Shero,
" Its just nothing... probably just another nightmare..." Suri said as she rubbed her forehead and sat up. She did not appear to be in the best of shape. " I haven't had that dream since I was living with that peasant family."
If you ever fear that you might be prevented from posting because of real life stuff feel free to leave a message here and let the others know that you might be a little slow when it comes to posting okay.
Suri seemed to be lost in some sort of dream, a dream full of bloodshed and the scream of a woman but Suri couldn't quite figure out who it belonged to. She began to stir when she felt someone shaking her and she shot up. " W-what.. what's going on?"
Let me know if you have any further questions alright.