" The bloodshed has spread to here as well?" Suri said with a sad look as she watched from further back on the rail of the ship.
Phisoxa ran down the hallway, using pure instinct to search for the king. She was intent on finding the man even though she had never been in this castle before. " Where is he..." Phisoxa thought as stopped by a pair of double doors that had a puddle of blood seeping out from under it. She cautiously opened the doors and found that she was inside a giant glass sun room. All over the ground lay the bodies of several knights, who were either dead or dying. Her eyes wandered over to the end of middle of the room where a man sat slumped over a table. Phisoxa's eyes widened as she ran forward and stood at the edge of the table." Your majesty !!" Phisoxa shouted as she lifted the man's limp form up and checked his vitals but found none. " No...." Phisoxa said in a hoarse voice as she looked upon the king's corpse.
Yes its a mami avi, Glad you noticed :D
" I will go check on the King, watch yourself alright. Those fiends might still be around." Phisoxa said as she held one of her hands out and a sword with a blade made entirely of diamond. " I wish you luck." Phisoxa said as she skittered off down the hallway, trying to be as stealthy as possible in the shadows. Near the walls of the palace Shero watched from behind a downed pillar, waiting to see if the coast was clear. " I thought I told you its too dangerous to head back to the castle girl...." Dante whispered as he leaned out from behind a tree. " We can't leave Phisoxa alone in the castle with all of this happening..." Shero said.
Suri jumped inside of the carriage and seated herself in the back with her messenger bag on her lap." Sounds like we have a long journey for sure." Suri said with a sigh as she leaned back.
Its fine, you explained it to me on skype so I get the picture :)
" He ran off.... I wonder what he meant by rat.... "Phisoxa thought as she cast her eyes to the ground that was stained claret with drying blood. " I wonder if the king is still alive... and if the other knights are with him. I should go find him...." Phisoxa said looking over at them.
its not my post thats holding you up right? I already posted.
" My name is Phisoxa Mindell... " Phisoxa said as she stood up to her full height and then backed away slightly, standing behind the newcomers and trying to put distance between herself and the cloaked man. " Are you the one who slaughtered all these people?' Phisoxa questioned him.
I edited my last post. Please take a look at it.
Phisoxa gasped for air as her hands gripped onto the man's hands and tried to pry them off. " Leave me alone !!" Phisoxa cried out as suddenly a stranger came into view and helped her out. " Who are you?" " Everyone is leaving... maybe it isn't a good idea to fight now...." Shero said with a depressed looked in her eyes as Dante sighed deeply. " I'd be one of them if I lacked a heart... "
" Are you sure its a smart idea to be taking control of the ship? Not only will we be leaving the battlefield but does anyone know how to drive a battleship ? Let alone a car in this group?" Shero said with a concerned look Phisoxa walked cautiously through the hallway, stepping over the bodies as her body began to shake. Memories of her childhood started to toy with her mind, making it progressively harder for her to continue. " I don't want to do this... " Phisoxa thought shaking a little as she stopped by a door and heard something bump against it. " Who's there?" Phisoxa said as she walked towards the door and hesitated before opening it. She opened it slowly and peered in, seeing nothing but shadow, but in a splint second something came falling out and landed right on top of her. It was a man's lifeless corpse who had swords jutting out of his back. This caused Phisoxa to scream out and jump back as she tripped over a corpse in doing so.
" So how about me? What should I do? My skill is healing not blowing up airships..." Shero said panicking slightly as Dante listened in. He seemed to be totally stoic even with everything going on around them. Phisoxa walked through the hallways, her eyes falling upon the numerous corpses that littered the floor. " What happened.... so much death and darkness..." Phisoxa thought her eyes widening as her anxiety levels seemed to rise through the roof within her. " What do I do? Where do I go?" Phisoxa thought.
" I wonder how far we will get on the road today.... what is your estimation on how long it's going to take for us to get there?" Suri said as she followed Vitan.
Shero staggered back at the sights and sounds of war beginning to rattle the city up. " What do we do? Do we fight or run?" Shero asked as Dante looked up at the skies, surveying the events that took place in the cloud cover. "I'm not sure its safe that we head back to the castle... looks like we are going to have to join up with this boy and fight from here. I hope your friend is alright up at the palace." Dante said as he reached into his coat and pulled out what appeared to be a sword's empty hilt. In a few moments a glowing blade grew out of the empty socket and completed the weapon. Meanwhile. . . Phisoxa's eyes shot open when she hard commotion going on beyond the walls. She found that she had fallen asleep on one of the couches in Sir Rould's study. " That's strange.. I don't remember falling asleep. I must have been pretty tired.... I wonder where Rould is. I remember everything we talked about but I don't remember falling asleep... hmmm .. ." Phisoxa thought as she stood up and pushed the doors opened, stepping out into the hallway as she did.
" Shes busy meeting with a man up at the palace... I don't know when she will be out though. I'm sorry if I can't help you further..." Shero said with a sigh as Dante folded his arms and leaned against the trolley stop.
"Hey its you... how did you end up here? I thought we left you with 'him' ..." Shero said looking surprised as Dante looked the boy over with a stern look.
While walking through the medical district of the city's middle class level Dante came to a stop as if he were listening very closely to something that Shero couldn't hear. " What is it ?" Shero asked, looking concerned as Dante looked around nervously and quickly grabbed Shero by the arm and took off running. " Don't ask... just run !!!' Dante said as he went into a full on sprint. Suddenly from within the crevices of the crowded streets young women came rushing out, screaming and chasing after the two. " Who are those girls?!" Shero asked as she ran as fast as she could. " My fans...." Dante said with a grimace while weaving through the crowds. " You have fans? But you are only a royal adviser are you not? "Shero asked as Dante sighed. " Um... I don't know what nation you are from, but here I'm also a late night talkshow host...." Dante said as he lead Shero over to a magazine stand and quickly hid behind the racks. " You have time to be a talkshow host and advise the king? Wow you must have a hectic schedule..." Shero said as Dante spied from between the magazine racks. " It sounds like a lot of work.. but I enjoy my careers. " Dante said as his eyes drifted over to one of the magazine racks that was in the back and he plucked one off and in looked in it. " Ah so the new issue has come in..." Dante said with a devious chuckle as Shero raised a eyebrow. " Issue ? Aren't we suppose to be hiding Mr. Dante?" Shero asked as Dante seemed to be set on reading the magazine. One of the girls that had been chasing them earlier had spotted them due to the fact that Dante had made the mistake of stepping out into the open to grab one of the magazines off the rack and the girl called out to the others. " There he is !! GET HIM!!" The girl shouted as Dante looked up and quickly slipped the magazine into a hidden pocket in his jacket. " Uh oh , it seems they've spotted us.." Dante said in a sarcastic tone as Shero began to panic. " What do we do now? Where do we run?" Shero asked in desperation as Dante looked off into the distance and then grabbed Shero by the back of her shirt and pulled her onto a incoming trolley where they two hung on as the trolley sped up and the girls tried to keep up but couldn't. After traveling several feet the girls gave up the chase and that's when Dante decided it was safe to get off so he hopped off the trolley and onto the road directly across from where Nny and Claire were conversing. " I should have brought my sunglasses with me as a disguise...oh well... too late for that..." Dante said as Shero hopped off. " Why didn't you say that this would have happened? I could have been trampled by a bunch of lovesick girls..."
After strolling through town a bit Dante came across east middle class district which was a area of high rise apartments and commercial buildings of all sorts. The streets were alive with the bustle of citizens moving to and fro from their jobs and errands. " Stay close or else you are going to get lost in these crowds..." Dante said with a stern look as he walked down a street that ran through many of the medical establishments. Shero kept close, trying to keep up with the dark haired man.
" Yes I think we have everything, it's just... something feels strange and I can't quite put my finger on it whatever it is..." Suri said with a sigh as she swung her bag over her shoulder.