why do problems exist?
false true im bored
ohh nasty kick
true actually false trees <3 aliens
true the chara sora or the person cat<3sora? i like light
true, only if you looked close false my head hurts
probably true i had a shave for the first time in my life this morning
fair enough
Is it normal that where i have shaved is slightly stinging? (it is not down below, i shaved my tash)
So there was this murderer loose in the north of England over the past week, and last night, this guy shot himself after being surrounded by police. anyway, what do you think of this guy and why he went on a killing spree?
does anyone else on khv have mario kart wii, and if so, do you have WFC, and whats your friend code? i really wanna race some new people my friend code is: 2923-1712-1023 my mii name is: lαvα βεαςτ Please... I'm getting bored
the ability to repair any electrical appliance, but doing so at the same time, increasing the current of the appliance so the fuse blows and keeps blowing
ep 2 is out, where is the english sub version
it was true true (why?) i wanna watch monoshitsuji ep 2 but no one has done english subs yet
seems to like star trek
likes to copy me
i love the game sorta
so do i, whaddya gonna do bout it?
likes to state the obvious
WHAT?!? is the only true person to own my heart (ooh poetry)