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  1. Odamadillo
    It is Christmas day now for all UK residents like myself Clawtooth and PaW.
    So Merry Christmas KHV!
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Dec 24, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Odamadillo
    I am not sure how but somehow I have lost my reasons for coming here. I find myself bored out of my mind here. I have many friends here yet I have nothing to say to them at all. It is like there isn't anything to draw me back here anymore. I was wondering if this is normal for the members here or if it actually means something. So can anyone tell me if they have ever felt this way and how they overcame it. Because I like it here and I have many many friends here but have no reason to actually come here. So help me please anyone.
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Dec 21, 2012, 53 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Odamadillo
    I was going over some of my old drawings from when I was younger and I found an attempt at Mushrambo from Shinzo and I remembered that show. I was wondering if anyone else has ever seen it. I do know it went by another name in Japan but I don't know what it is.
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Dec 13, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  4. Odamadillo
    I am not sure if this game has been done before but I thought why not post it anyway
    The title pretty much says it all.
    But as an example say Amaury was the poster above me. I would have to pick a song I think would suit him in which case I'd pick All Hail Shadow by Crush 40 You can give a reason if you want to but do not need to.
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Dec 10, 2012, 96 replies, in forum: The Playground
  5. Odamadillo
    I wasn't sure where to put this thread so I just put in the spam zone thinking if I put it in the wrong place the staff could move it. But onto the actual subject. I am pure Sonic fan and I collect the comics and many other things. And I need someone to discuss it with so I'm looking for someone who reads the comics too is anyone out there?
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Dec 2, 2012, 9 replies, in forum: Literature
  6. Odamadillo
    I may have a topic called this already but I no longer need that topic. So if a staff member sees this could you delete the old topic for me please.
    Anyway now onto the actual story.

    Chapter one: Roxas' loss(Please note that I started writing this fanfic before the events of 3Ds)
    Two years after the events of Kingdom hearts two, Roxas sat on top of Twilight Town's Central station tower along with Hayner, Pence and Olette. They were just smiling while eating sea salt Ice cream when suddenly Hayner came out and said "Roxas you have been with us again for a year now yet I still feel like I just met you". "But we have known him a lot longer than that we didn't remember until we saw him again" said Olette. "Yeah you'd think we would remember a friend we have had all our lives wouldn't you" replied Hayner in a annoyed tone of voice. "Come on guys forget all that, we are together now and having fun so I am happy are you?" asked Roxas. Hayner laughed and said "Of course I'm happy you bonehead". "Yeah so am I"Replied Olette, "Me too" replied Pence.

    As a response to his friends words Roxas grabbed his Blue crystal from his pocket and held it towards the setting sun. Hayner, Pence and Olette did the same with their crystals with a smile. Roxas smiled back and then stared at the sunset when Axel's words suddenly came back to him "Wonder why the sunset's red? Out of all the colors Red is the one that travels the farthest" Once the sunset ended the four of them put their crystals away and began to head down when Roxas suddenly noticed heartless were gathered below. "You three stay up here till I come and get you I have some things I need to take care of" said Roxas as The Kingdom key appeared in his hand.

    Down at the Central Station entrance Roxas arrived and began slicing through the Shadows one after another releasing heart after heart which all faded into darkness. When a Neo Shadow appeared from behind and went to attack Roxas who was unprepared. Much to Roxas's surprise one of the other heartless came to his aid blocking the attack while Roxas turned around and struck down the Neo Shadow. Once the Neoshadow had fallen all but one shadow left the area. The Shadow that remained was the one who had helped Roxas, it just simply stood still staring at Roxas with a ice cream stick in it's hand. Roxas walked towards the Shadow when it reached out to hand over the stick to him.

    Once Roxas had the stick he noticed it had the word Winner written on it.The sight of that stick reminded Roxas of the one he gave Axel, Roxas then believed it was Axel's heartless that stood before him. Upon this realization Roxas put away his keyblade and began to talk to the heartless. "Axel I know it is you in there, listen to my voice and follow it let it be your guide back to the light. I know your not far from the light because you defended me, no normal heartless would do that. Come back to me Axel, Come back to your friend Roxas!" Once Roxas had shouted his name the Shadow began to glow white, seeing this Roxas smiled knowing it meant Axel had come back to the light.

    "Axel welcome back to the light" Said Roxas in a happy tone of voice, "Actually Roxas my name is Lea" Replied Lea once he had emerged from the light. Roxas was stunned to hear that "But I have always known you as Axel, how can your name be Lea?" asked Roxas. "Simple I was a nobody then so I added the x to my name making it Axel, but my true name has always been Lea like Sora is your true name" Replied Lea. "That is where your wrong I'm not Sora's nobody anymore" said Roxas. "What do you mean Roxas?" asked Lea " On the Destiny Islands a..." Said Roxas until he was interrupted by hearing Olette scream.

    "OLETTE!" yelled Roxas as he stared up at the tower. While Roxas was staring at the tower three items fell from it, Olette's money pouch, Pence's Bandana and Hayner's Vest. "Those belong to my friends what happened up there?" asked Roxas in shock. "I think I know Roxas look over there" said Lea as he pointed at a Giant Red Dusk that had three small white Dusks and Three Shadow heartless around it. "What that can't be can it? Are those my friends?" Asked Roxas in a confused tone of voice. But before Lea could say anything The Dusks and Shadows disappeared but left behind the three crystals that Roxas gave his friends. "Those are the crystal I gave to my friends, it really was them" said Roxas is a sad tone of voice.

    Lea saw how sad Roxas was and became quite depressed himself when he remembered it was not the first time he had seen that giant Red dusk. "Roxas that dusk I've seen it before, it was there when me and Isa became Heartless" said Lea. Roxas was shocked to hear that and asked "Who is Isa Lea?". Lea laughed, "Isa was my best friend before we became nobodies but you would know him better as Saix" said Lea. "SAIX!, you knew him before you became nobodies?" Asked Roxas in shock. "Yeah me and Isa grew up together in Radiant garden, he was always by my side always having my back" said Lea when his face went from happy to sad.

    "That is until he lost his heart, he became distant and cold, he no longer saw me as a friend only as an ally" said Lea in a sad voice. "Wow I never thought Saix could even have a heart what happened?" asked Roxas. Lea pulled himself together and said "That is a story for another time come on we have an old man to see" said Lea as he walked towards the entrance to the train station. "Lea wait up" said Roxas as he began to chase Lea. Lea came to a sudden stop and bent down to pick something up. "Roxas why not hold on to these as things to remember your friends by" said Lea as he held The three crystals, Hayner's Vest, Pence's Bandana and Olette's Money Pouch in his hands.
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Nov 28, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. Odamadillo
    I am a somewhat average video maker and here are some of my creations

    This is Vexen Ain't got Rhythm

    This is Zexion is Fabulous( my best yet)

    Just the two for now since they are my newest ones I'll post more when I make more enjoy
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Sep 6, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  8. Odamadillo
    Here are some of the videos I make enjoy yhem I'll start with three

    This one was a random Idea I got
    This one is the first part of a seris I'm doing
    This is the second part of a seris and they sound like they are on drugs lol
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Jan 12, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  9. Odamadillo

    Oda's Songs

    I write alot of songs here is a few of my current pieces Any Crits are welcome

    A Darkened Spirit

    This world is full of sorrow
    Endlessly calling out for tomorrow
    Everyone forced to suffer each day
    Pain is here to perminatly stay
    Why must the darkness spread?
    Every soul ends up dead

    This world has a shadowed side
    This is a fact no one can hide
    We all have a blind goal
    And an eternal soul
    Acting as we see fit
    Recieving a Darkened spirit

    Many souls are beyond hope
    How can we cope?
    An unwanted reality
    How can this be?
    When will the light arrive?
    Why must we survive?

    This world has a shadowed side
    This is a fact no one can hide
    We all have a blind goal
    And an eternal soul
    Acting as we see fit
    Recieving a darkened spirit

    Why is this world so dark?
    Endlessy fearing it like a shark
    Will the door open wide?
    And stop hiding the dark inside
    Give us some light to go on in life
    Waiting for death's syythe
    Acting like time has split
    With a darkened spirit

    Emotionaly blind

    In this world everyone feels pain
    Some live, some die its easy to explain
    Time passes by faster than you know
    And there are people who want to go
    But many suffer in silent ways
    And this thought always stays

    This world has shown me
    Things I don't want to see
    Seeing the worst of mankind
    Its making me emotionally blind
    Never let sorrow get the best of you
    Focus on whats good and true

    When you see someone in need
    You walk away with your own greed
    What would you do?
    If it was you?
    So don't turn away form the poor
    Or you will feel a sorrow you can't ignore

    This world has shown me
    Things I don't want to see
    Seeing the worst of mankind
    Its making me emotionally blind
    Never let sorrow get the best of you
    Focus on whats good and true

    When you have seen what I've been forced to see
    You will end up like me
    In this world you never know what you can find
    Anything can turn you emotionly blind
    so do something to help those in need
    And throw away your greed
    Use your heart not your mind
    Don't become emotionally blind

    Eternal regret

    I remember those days we spent together
    Back when I acted clever
    When we smiled everyday
    There is still so much I want to say
    My heart became so weak
    To me you were unique

    Until that day you said enough of this
    On the day one year after our first kiss
    My heart was broken worse than ever before
    I thought our love was to pure
    You walked away leaving me soaking wet
    With an eternal regret

    I have never cried since that day
    But my love for you never went away
    So why can't you see?
    without you there is no me
    I was dazled by your beutiful smile
    I wanted to take you up the aile

    Until that day you said enough of this
    On the day one year after our first kiss
    My heart was broken worse than ever before
    I thought our love was to pure
    You walked away leaving me soaking wet
    With an eternal regret

    Come back to me please my dear
    Since you left I haven't shed a tear
    you have made me so weak hearted
    I've felt like this since you parted
    My love for you keeps my heart beating
    My heart was never this weak before our meeting
    As time goes on my heart grows weaker yet
    Letting you go is my eternal regret


    We all start with our emotions out clear
    But for some they are buried by fear
    One day yours could be free
    But the future is what you can't see
    All it takes is a dark plan
    To cause what anyone can

    People start of as friends
    But thats not always how it ends
    Emotions get buried away
    To a place they must stay
    Why throw that unwanted soil?
    Is anyone really loyal?

    If you are told a secret by a friend
    And spread it around before the days end
    That starts burying your friend's emtions away
    Emotions could be gone in a day
    But for some they can think of the good things past
    To try and make their emotions last

    People start of as friends
    But thats not always how it ends
    Emotions get buried away
    To a place they must stay
    Why throw that unwanted soil?
    Is anyone really loyal?

    They hide them in things they make
    Acting like a emotionless fake
    But each creation shows a feeling deep within
    Until thrown away into a bin
    To the truth you could be blind
    Or just don't want to know deep within your mind
    A life is easy to foil
    Is anyone really loyal?

    Weak hearted

    I have a long story to tell
    A story where the strong fell
    Why did this happen to me
    This is the start of my story
    They took me down like a fool
    They used me like a tool

    The way I have been treated in the past
    My strength left me so fast
    It made me so weak hearted
    Where my strength parted
    How did I cope?
    Losing all my hope

    I began to defend harshly to all
    Even those who chose to call
    I got at everyone near
    And created my own fear
    Why did I turn this way?
    I hate myself thats what I say

    The way I have been treated in the past
    My strength left me so fast
    It made me so weak hearted
    Where my strength parted
    How did I cope?
    Losing all my hope

    They all played their hand
    And my sorrow was their demand
    I was turned into a guy with no cares
    Where everyone stares
    Time made it worse
    A scene I can't Reverse
    I got weak hearted
    My strength parted
    This is what you started
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Dec 20, 2008, 90 replies, in forum: Poetry and Lyrics
  10. Odamadillo
    Hey I doubt that anyone here knows me I joined ages ago before chaos hit me but now I'm back so hello
    I'm on Youtube my youtube is Odamadillo why not go look up my videos they are Kingdom hearts
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Dec 20, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Odamadillo
    Hello I am Odamadillo I have a youtube account and I have already made some kingdom hearts videos already but after seeing some of other videos I found a link here and thought I would join so hey everyone
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Jun 9, 2008, 18 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures