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  1. Odamadillo
    I created this thread so I can understand what my readers like.
    Please read through my lyric thread and tell me which are your top five and why please. If you do I can use what is said to write more lyrics in the way you like best.
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Apr 18, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  2. Odamadillo
    Hello the purpose of this thread is to introduce yourself to the other fans of me. I hope you enjoy your membership of my fan club as much as I am grateful to your support of my work.
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Apr 17, 2013, 13 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  3. Odamadillo

    Catch phrases

    I have noticed that I seem to say two things all the time so I guess that makes them my catch phrases. The things I say are "mate" and "no worries". Have any of you noticed an increase in the amount of times you say something?
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Apr 16, 2013, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Odamadillo
    I recently began thinking about the full KH series and thought wouldn't it be fun to make a live action movie for each game. So I was wondering if someone made one would you watch?
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Apr 9, 2013, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Odamadillo
    I got to thinking after Starseeker was brought up in another thread. I am sure some of you are aware who I mean since he was quite lively in this section before he left. I thought that now he is gone I kind of miss him which lead me to think who else I would miss if they left.
    For me the list is long so I will just mention the top ten so if I don't say you don't be upset since I had too many people to list.
    I'd Miss Jaden Yuki, Tummer(Now Creature,) Cloud<3, Railos, Greater Bloo, Reinzel, HoT(Even though he doesn't like me that much), Amaury, Ienzo and PaW.
    Although I doubt there is any chance of the last two leaving I still would miss them if they did.
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Mar 17, 2013, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Odamadillo
    It is Judge Sunrose's birthday. So I wish him a great one.
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Mar 11, 2013, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Odamadillo
    It is very easy for someone to make a huge mistake causing them to make a bad first impression. Whether that is by making something stupid or seeming too intrusive. I began to wonder is it normal to give second chances?
    What do you all think? I made this in the Spam zone so more people can see it and comment.
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Mar 9, 2013, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Odamadillo
    Hello readers of my newest creation
    I send out a little recommendation
    Come here to rhyme honest and free
    No matter what the rhymes may be
    There is only one rule you must follow
    And that is what I can show
    All posts must be in rhyme like mine is now
    So rhyme in what ever way you know how
    All styles are welcome in this thread
    So I leave it to you for the word to be spread.
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Mar 4, 2013, 95 replies, in forum: Poetry and Lyrics
  9. Odamadillo


    I have been offline for a few days and I began to wonder who I was. Before I left I was told my constant questions had cost me the chance to befriend someone and that effected me quite a bit. So I decided to stop asking questions completely in both online and real life. Doing that very thing cause total silence for me. I didn't have anything to say to anyone not my mother, my father or my brother. I basically went six days not saying a single word to anyone. It was then I thought "Who am I?" and asking that question to myself in thought made me realize that me asking so many questions is part of who I am. My identity is the quiz master who tries to be there for everyone else. If you don't like my identity then tough! You have no say in who I am. And now I am wondering who are you? So the point of this thread is for you to think about it and tell us who you are.
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Feb 28, 2013, 6 replies, in forum: Discussion
  10. Odamadillo
    I hate that I feel the need to do this but it has come to my attention many people are displaying the signs of hating me but without making the reason why clear. So for that reason I decided to make this thread and call out anyone who has a problem with me to come out and say it here. Then I will know what it is about me you dislike so I can work on fixing it if it is a good enough reason. I know I can't be liked by everyone but I at least want to know why people don't like me. If I disliked someone I would tell them why since I believe being honest is a good thing. So now all of you be honest!
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Feb 18, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Odamadillo
    What advice would you give your younger self?
    I'd go back and say "Don't play WOW you will get addicted if you do"
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Feb 16, 2013, 39 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Odamadillo
    This may be my inner cynic talking but I find Valentines day pointless because it is meant to be the one day to be very romantic with your partner. But really if you care for them for real you would be romantic everyday.
    For that reason I find Valentines day pointless (But that may be because I've never had a date)
    Another pointless holiday is Mothers day and Fathers day because the fact is that my mum didn't become a mother until my brother's birthday so that should really be mothers day for her. So why celebrate a holiday that has no actual point to it?
    So to sum things up Oda's pointless holidays
    Valentines Day
    Father's Day
    Mother's day.
    Thank you for reading.
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Feb 14, 2013, 26 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Odamadillo
    I wasn't sure where to put this but this area seemed the best option I was wondering if someone could help me get the backing track of this song.
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Feb 12, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  14. Odamadillo
    I have only been back here since November and yet I have made so many new insane friends.
    So I can state clearly I love this place!
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Feb 11, 2013, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Odamadillo

    Someone help

    I remember this thing i saw a while back that had some lad with glasses waving his arms around but can't find it anywhere can someone help me out finding it?
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Feb 7, 2013, 58 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Odamadillo
    Today I awoken with a smile
    And I'll announce it in Oda style
    The third day in a row
    And I want you all to know
    I now have to ask all of you
    Ever experienced this too?
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Feb 5, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Odamadillo
    I was inspired to write this after watching the Sword Art Online anime. I hope you enjoy reading it.

    Chapter one: A world to dream about.
    May seventh 2013 a real life version of the game Sword Art Online seen within the anime was released to the first 10000 just like in the anime. The people around the world camped and rushed to get their hands on a copy of the game and the gear needed to play it. Everyone knew that if they didn't act fast they wouldn't get a copy, but still there was one person who wanted the game but didn't want to be caught up in the hassle of getting it. The man waited until three hours after the launch and went to his local game store to see if they had any left, he was quite known there so they would know what he wanted. as he approached the counter the girl behind the counter went onto the store stock database to see if they had any copies of the game left in stock. He stopped at the counter hoping there would be one left but much to his despair the girl nodded her head no. Seeing this he was devastated and punched the wall.

    The girl behind the counter knew this would happen so she said "Calm down there will be more copies made and released before you know it!" but this was little comfort to the man as he turned and began to walk away. At that moment the store manager came out of the back, "HEY! You think you can just come in here and hit my wall then walk away! Get back here and face the music!" said the manager as he reached the counter. The devastated guy turned back and walked towards the counter to face the manager's wrath but he was in for a surprise as the manager's mad face turned to a smile. "Here take it and go it activates in four hours get home and set it up before it is too late" said the manager as he raised a bag that had a copy of the game and gear needed to play and shoved into the hands of his surprised customer.

    In awe the guy looked at the bag then back at the manager no knowing what to say or do, he was frozen in place as if he couldn't process what had just happened. "You don't owe me a thing just get home and set it up. I know what playing that game means to you just get home and play it!" declared the manager. The girl behind the counter was just as surprised at what just happened but she managed to bring a few questions forward. "That is the last copy why are you giving it to him?" asked the girl but she wasn't prepared for the answer. "What else would a big brother do for his little brother?" asked the manager as he turned to the girl then looked back at his brother. "GO NOW! You can pay me back at a later date!" yelled The Manager. His little brother nodded yes and ran out of there heading home to play the game he dreamed of playing.

    "Your the world's best brother, you know that!" said the girl to her boss as she watched the boy leave. "That was my little brother but he is hard to get along with. For him there is no reason to be out in the world unless some new game that interests him comes out. Said the manager as he picked up a bottle of juice and took a swig. He then put the bottle down and continued to say "All his life he has not been able to process things if they made no sense to him, like what you just witnessed. Because he hates moments like that he strives to know and understand his limits here and because of that he shuts himself away from the outside world burring himself in games and the internet."

    "I have already lost him to it so many times I fear I won't get him back next time." Hearing that the girl was shocked "but if you fear that why did you give him that game?" asked the girl confused at her boss's motives. "Because it was after he saw that anime Sword Art Online when I first saw the humanity in his heart. He had just finished watching it when I popped in to talk to him about our mum's birthday when I saw him smile for the first time since he was a toddler. I asked him why he was smiling and he actually spoke to me for the first time but what he said that day stuck with me" said The Manager in response to the girl's question.

    Hearing that the girl began to understand better and stared at the entrance then back at the manager, "What did he say that day?" she asked. "His words were "I just saw a world so full of beauty, mystery, power and wonder. It was like my dream world, where I belong, a place for me to truly exist as who I am. A world of no limitations, a world where things feel so real but are not . The perfect place for me" replied the manger as a tear came to his eyes. "I just hope when he comes back from that world he can see the beauty of reality just as much as he saw it there" said the manager as he returned to the back room to pull himself together.

    The Manager's brother had finally got home and rushed into his room, it was a matter of seconds before he had all the gear set up and was ready to go to his dream world. It was still 45 minutes until the server launch so he decided to tell all his Skype contacts he got the game. Almost every single one replied the same thing "LUCKY!". This didn't seem to effect him in the least he just typed back " I'm not lucky your just unlucky". This went on for 42 minutes when he logged off and prepared himself for the launch. As soon as the clock hit the hour of launch he shouted "LINK START!" and he began his entrance into the world of his dreams.

    In the hall of log in many windows appeared for him to fill in. The first one said "Username, Character name and Gender" he answered them all clicked finish. After that screen many more appeared and he filled all of them in with no hesitation. It took him about five minutes to get through the sign up sequence. At that moment a glowing blue light covered as his data began to change form he slowly was becoming the character he chose to be. But as he changed so did the location he was in.

    It started with the ground turning into a short green grass then the form of a hill and forest. And to his left a town began to form. Within a matter a seconds the message "Server connected enjoy the game" appeared. At that moment he was fully logged in and the light consuming him began to fade. There stood a tall man with long bluish green hair to the middle of his back, he was wearing a classic black basic armor carrying a normal rapier blade attached to his belt. As looked to the right he saw another player battling a boar.

    The player battling the boar has short black hair and is wearing the same kind of armor as his observer only in red. He was wielding a double handed sword and after dealing a few blows of damage was able to finish the boar with one final slash. After the battle ended the double handed blade was put away and the Player in red armor saw his observer and ran up to him. "Hey! You saw me battle what did you think?" asked he asked but got no answer."Say something will you! Don't want to? fine at least tell me your name. I'm Jin" said the player in red. The other player just ignored Jin and began to walk away towards the forest.

    But before he could get very far a pack of Boar came running and surrounded the two of them. "looks like we gotta fight together but I can't heal you if we are not in a party!" said Jin as he sent a party invite. But before he had a chance to ready an attack a pop up appeared saying "Your invitation was declined." "You can't survive alone join my party!"yelled Jin as a boar hit him while off guard. After the attack Jin was left weak and the unknown player was left fighting alone while Jin prepared a healing potion.
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Jan 27, 2013, 30 replies, in forum: Archives
  18. Odamadillo
    This is a battle between myself and Judge Sunrose. The rules are quite simple both of us must write a eight line rhyme about any theme given to us by other members. There can only be one theme at a time and it is up to the one who gave us the theme to decide which of us win once we both have posted our entries. And this is a first come first served setting so if you want to give us a theme be fast. As soon as one theme is completed and a winner of that battle is chosen the next member can give us a theme and so on until February 1st when the war ends and who ever has won the most battles is declared the winner.
    But now I await our first theme given by a fellow member.
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Jan 20, 2013, 15 replies, in forum: The Playground
  19. Odamadillo

    Am I Hated?

    For me it has just been one of those days when the people I try to talk to just don't seem to care and some even seem to hate me. Nothing but bad luck all day so I just gotta know am I hated?
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Jan 6, 2013, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Odamadillo
    Look at all my sweets my mum got me! Oh so that is what they mean by the green eyed monster.
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Dec 25, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone