His head is gone :O Aw the blinking lights don't carry over :(
Lol clearly I ask too many questions and change topics too many times in one post :P
Why is sora's face so white when you change his textures?
Haha is that a heartless emblem on his side? He is so colorful yay rainbow sora :P Is it possible to texture the Kingdom Key into this colour...
Avatar: 8 Yay sideways gun shooting :P Sig: 7 Simple but I like it even though there's no image
Could you then get a code to have marluxia's arm and then weild it? Ok I'll do the thinking lol What about the texture from the big heartless...
Wow it's awesome XD thankyou!
Nah go with something else but you pick something. I dont know what will look good. Do you know the code to weild larxene or marluxia's weapons?...
Ok next texture if you can't do water clone can you do Twilight Xemnes texture or something you might think will look cool. Thanks for all the...
It worked! Omfg I changed the room mod and the texture mod to the same joker and it worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also does it matter if the cornerstone has thorns? Iv been using the room mod otherwise it's got thorns
Oh ok then big room = more codes lol If I don't joker the code won't that not trigger it at all unless I start in the cornerstone?
ok i went into the corner stone hall with the char mod jokered to R1. Iv checked the joker and yes it jokers for just the first line. Then i press...
Actually it's sort of worked. I used my emulator to check the code and it worked on that and only in the cornerstone place. Then when I tried it...
Yes it worked! I like how it makes sora look kinda badass lol. Could you make me another texture mod plz. I want to see what sora looks like with...
im getting this error that the program wont start because MSVCR100.dll is missing. It's suggesting i reinstall the patcher but i keep getting the same message. Any help? Edit: Dont worry found the Visual C++ thing on his blog
Lol it looks like I'll have to keep playing until I finish Disney castle because when I go into the corner stone hall there's only sora and then...
Lol if I could name the save file I'd call it "Save File I Made So That I Could See Cool Texture Mod + Probally Playing As Cloud Since That Might...
Noooooooooooooo! Ok then I'll play through Roxas' story then I'll use a room mod to go to the corner stone and see those textures! Long day...
Otherwise I'm gonna have to make a new save file :(. Man I really don't want to go through roxas's story again it's soooooo boring! And codes...