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  1. Slycrg
  2. Slycrg
  3. Slycrg
  4. Slycrg
  5. Slycrg
  6. Slycrg
  7. Slycrg
    Profile Post

    Hello :) How are you?

    Hello :) How are you?
    Profile Post by Slycrg for Wheel of Time, Jul 20, 2011
  8. Slycrg
  9. Slycrg
  10. Slycrg
  11. Slycrg
  12. Slycrg
  13. Slycrg
  14. Slycrg
  15. Slycrg
  16. Slycrg
  17. Slycrg
  18. Slycrg
  19. Slycrg
    Actually BBS Final Mix does explain the heartless entering the world in it's secret episode although maybe not in much detail. If you've seen the vids of it then you may know what I'm referring to. However a game that fills that gap would be nice but I'd rather have KH 3 instead of more filler nonsense.
    Post by: Slycrg, Jul 14, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Slycrg