You need a job :P Unless you're just being lazy and there's plenty to do XD
Hello :D . Now that your not at school what do you do all day?
Yeh it's not like I'm totally ruling it out. I'm thinking about it. Well iv g2g now. Need my sleep lol catch ya tomoz :)
Well my first fear is rejection for who I want 2 b. Secondly iv never done something lik that b4. It's different to joining a community like...
Hmm no I get the subculture thing I just couldn't think of anything other way to describe what being a furry is lol. But it's still something that...
That would b awesome if u could draw my fursona 4 me :D But I don't think I'm ready for a furry community yet. It's something I'll have to scratch...
Well I would lik a commission done but I don't hav paypal >.< and I don't think I'll fit well in a furry community anyway
Nah every fur uses a nickname online so it would b impossible to find any1 I know or near me. Also I'v never heard of a furmeet anywhere in...
Unfortunatley I couldn't draw to save my life so my fursona just swims inside my daydreams, never put down on paper.
Yay hello kaidron the happy white dragon XD well at least u 2 hav a common interest :) I don't know any furrys in my school/not-online-friend...
Ah yes No. 3. ;) the benefits of which only furrys can truly understand and enjoy :P I don't think you ever told me ur fursona........ Lol is ur...
My fursonna is still in internal development but he's an Otter named Seth. Loves dancing and music, especially DDR lol. He's Brown in colour with...
Well 4 in terms of awesomeness, I'm becoming a very good L Driver despite having broken 3 road rules in my first few lessons months back :P Still...
Furmeets? Lol what's that? Is that a furry thing? I did recently find my inner furry persona XD Wow 4 months together........ U 2 must be really...
You ended school early? Well at least you've got Internet at home lik a normal person now XD So tell me, what's been going on in ur life lately?...
Man I thought u had left 4 good :( What happened?
Yeh sortof XD
Yeh about 30C on "hot days" although warm is usually 20-25. The coldest iv experienced is about 0/-1. But only in winter
Are you kidding! Here it would take like -10 before it snowed. We don't get that temperature!!!!!!!
Yeh.......... MUCH LOWER :P