I'm good. Back on holidays Yay :D
Ok will do next time I'm on which will most likely be tomorrow anyway. C ya
Haha coolys. Well iv g2g to bed now. Big day tomorrow. Say hi to Drayke for me XD
Hmmm should look that up later then…...... Lol is your bf an expert on everything furry XD
Really? Iv never EVER heard of any such thing here. Australian furrys must be really quiet or I'm not paying attention lol
:O I envy you. I don't have the means to get anything like that :/
Hey how are you? We havnt spoken in months! I feel kinda bad about it :(
Omg that's so incredibly awesome and cute XD
Omg u have fursuits? Or r they theoretical claws and tail?
XD Can't imagine what that feels like to be snuggled up to someone watching a movie etc. Guess it's one of the pros of being a relationship....
Yep all classes go by year level and with my school our classes also are determined by house. Although our houses aren't anything like your campus...
Nah death match sounds good now XD What's your relationship like? Full of cuddles? XP
Lol if they were flirting with me at the same time I think they might start fighting over me XD Also it would depend on who I'm choosing. Lol I'm...
Lol freshman is such an American term XD Here you don't have your 'click' groups so to speak. It's just the people you hang out with sometimes...
IDK! Everyone keeps pushing me into finding someone but a relationship with anybody just sounds so awkward to me. I mean when someones your friend...
Do I have to? >.< Can't I get chased around by both sides XD
My iPod battery died just before lol now I'm using my iPhone :P Death note is a bit too weird for me, video + audio editing is fun I post reversed...
Well I don't really think about relationships much. I do like girls but I can't say anything about boys since all my gay friends are just friends...
Well I list all the major things since telling you I ate breakfast would get tedious after day 55 XD Birthday-received PS3-met new online people...
Yay more choices XD but then again I don't think i'm ready for a relationship yet so sorry boys and girls I'm not on the market Lol