Search Results

  1. Slycrg
  2. Slycrg
  3. Slycrg
  4. Slycrg
  5. Slycrg
  6. Slycrg
  7. Slycrg
  8. Slycrg
  9. Slycrg
    Size: Mediumish (lol)
    Bright or Dark: Dark but not too dark
    Type; traditional
    Special request: Text saying "When you're not on edge you're taking up too much space" or some creepy flower things as a border. Whichever works better.
    Post by: Slycrg, Jul 9, 2011 in forum: Art Shop
  10. Slycrg
    It took me ages to complete the final boss even when I had my sister helping me >.<
    I love the level making. At first I thought it was just an advertising thing to say you can create almost anything but once you get the hang of the logic tools it does feel like you can build an entire game within a game XD
    Post by: Slycrg, Jul 9, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  11. Slycrg
  12. Slycrg
  13. Slycrg
  14. Slycrg
  15. Slycrg
  16. Slycrg
  17. Slycrg
  18. Slycrg
    Thank You So Much!
    These codes seem different to the ones iv been using since they only use three lines of code for each arm........ Lol weird
    They use the digits of last two lines for both sets of codes you posted but the third line has the first half of code slightly different and then all zeros
    21cf009c 46495254
    21cf00a0 00004C5F
    21cf00a4 00000000
    21cf00bc 46495254
    21cf00c0 00004C5f
    21cf00c4 00000000
    (Dual Weild Roxas with master hands)
    Post by: Slycrg, Jul 7, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Slycrg
    Dosn't Days also fall under Riku's absence? It did explain what happened to him between KH 1 and 2 and who he was with during that time.
    Post by: Slycrg, Jul 7, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Slycrg
    Does anyone have a complete list of arm mods? Iv only been able to piece together some by scanning the custom form posts but I still lack arm mods for Wisdom, regular sora and Valor (e.g Valor with master arm) and arm digits for Donald, Roxas and riku (e.g so and so's with Donald's arm)

    If someone could post a complete list that would be awesome
    Post by: Slycrg, Jul 7, 2011 in forum: Code Vault