I mean yeah, Makoto is top tier.
Why aren't you watching sub jfc
Can't be less dead than KHV
CAAAAAAALLLLLED ITTTTTT I loved Pokken so I'm glad it's getting a second chance.
I got a lot of good customer surveys shrug?
Oh, I get it- you're roleplaying Starfire because 61 mentioned the Teen Titans
Are you fucking spam? Uhhh.... Sh-shooters? Fighting games? I'mma be honest, I'm not quite sure I should participate in this thread
Silly question, you have a license right?
For a grand, you can generally expect to get a car with 150,000 - 200,000 miles. This is because at this point you're buying their weight in scrap plus functionality
I fought my car for $3,000ish out of someone's driveway so
Hi, if this doesn't have a end date I will donate in a month. Thank you.
Also, uhhh, hey man- if you need to, you know I'm here for you. Remember, you got my back, I got yours.
I +1 this feature. I think this would be fun for former members as much as active members. My only concern is I'm worried it would embarrass some people, bring up somethings that should be left not brought up, and mainly encompass spamzone memories when the other areas of KHV were just as important.
Boy Wonder left the forum....
Describe the life nad kicking in emojis
when you coming back
What's fascinating here is how little I agree with my past self. I musta realized the benefits and positive of a likes system. Also, the reason that wasn't implemented wasn't because of lack of interest: that feature just straight up wouldn't work. Not metaphorically, but actually wouldn't work. Sidenote here, I do like the add of different kind of likes. I feel like what we need to do is expand upon the current system with counters for each stat and pins rewarding mass amounts of each type of like, rather than trying to bring back rep.