For the past few days, it's been like Hell to me. Especially the other week before. I've been locking myself in the bathroom away from everyone else crying my eyes out. I attempted suicide too.... >.>and I've also been crying myself to sleep these days. And I'm not enjoying any it at all. So my parents are divorced, alright I'm fine with that. that's actually quite settled. I'd rather have it actually that my father doesn't live with us. he's one of those guys who blames all his problems on others and always complains but does absolutely nothing about it. When we were with him, he'd shout at me for no reason and get mad at us for the slightest things we do. Good or bad. Now it's easier with him not around. but lately, ever since my brother and I visited him cause of his birthday, he's trying to get us back to live a good life. he blames us for the problems he's had when we talk and says it's all our fault. It really hits me, and it makes me feel guilty for the things I didn't do. This is still going on, in fact he could call again at any moment. Then there's my mother. I love her, I love her so much. I'm thankful I live with her. But lately, I'm not so sure anymore. She's got this new guy, well a friend from high school/collage. He's really nice, in fact I having him around. he not only thinks of my mom, but us too. He''s one of the kindest persons I've met. But the thing that disturbs me is that he's my mom's first priority. Not me and my brother anymore. It's always been us as her first priority, but now it's him then my brother and then me. Also, now that he's around. I have to hide so many things from my relatives... on my mother's side! I always have to think before I speak when I'm with my closest cousins. It's because their dad/my mom's brother thinks differently so yeah. I feel so restricted from the world right now. I don't want this super nice guy to jump into our family either. He has 3 daughters and a wife, they also got a divorce I think. I can't imagine someone replacing my father no matter how much I dislike him. I like it the way it is, him simply being my uncle or something like that, but never a new father. I don't want that. Also, I don't like my mom's new group of friends. Alcoholics. It's annoying, every time it's me or my brother's birthdays I invite my friends but then my mom's friends barge in with all these beer bottles and alcohol and stuff. I feel like it isn't my party anymore, not my birthday. They ruin everything these days. I just can't take the things happening anymore... It's just so hard to cope up with... .. help, nano? :[
...but I don't even live in the UK... ._.
post a picture of something [anything~! but no porn or stuffles like that, k? >.>] that reminds you of the person above ya! *looks up* starto~!!!
Was bored >w< and saw this quiz, couldn't resist >w< Yay~! >w< And you guys? Quizzes are fun 8D AG character quiz~!
yeah~! >w< I had fun there :3 *nod* *nod* And it's my 11 days break today~! yay! ;D Anyway... on with the photos~! >w< <-- apple 8D <--- taken in the bus... moving... -.- <--- I had to zoom in... only members are allowed inside.. <--- it's a watering can ;D Cnc?? ;3
Hero~! x3 Another drawing of mine... my DA still isn't working.. DX But yeah, so I used photobucket. ;D It's from the game Trickster Online, a second job cat dressed as a witch :3 I created this for the event being held right now. Only posting the cat here, but in my actual entry all the other characters are there. I'm still doing it right now actually... ._. Uncolored 8D [I missed out on some lines there by the way... X_x CnC??? :3
I was bored just a few minutes ago and while trying to get to 300 I created this ;D So bored 8D My attempt of drawing Xion, I only have a black pen and bond paper, I don't want to have to go to my room to grab a pencil cause I'm going to be tempted to lie on the bed and fall asleep xD So yeah, only have pen.. and I can't erase anything after doodling. I fail 8D Windswept~ >w< Might create another drawing of her... with pencil and other such materials next time~! x3
-----------status report of nailpolish bet is now open------------ I got meh cash!!! >:3 After winning the bet, my mom handed me over my reward.... *dances* Now I can buy a new manga again~! >w< My brother lost to his last time... and said that 'mom always wins' but heck, she never made a bet with me yet... >:3 I pwn my family members!!! >;D [I seriously do ;P-- even if my brother [in real life xD] is 4 years older, I get a lot out of him xD] Whee~ 500 bucks [my country's currency] is mine~! x3
You Are Chocolat Orange Pocky Your attitude: funky and flavorful Rich and deep - yet zingy and zesty You are the perfect partner in crime What Flavor Pocky Are You? ^ l l l whee~!! !>w<
'Whats wrong with the world?' one would ask. Some would start blaming each other and pointing to one another. Or maybe a country's problems would be blamed for. But the right you shouldn't be blaming other for that... rather.. you should be blaming yourself. 'What's wrong with the world?' the correct answer would be: me. The kingdom of Entrelia things are falling apart. All that goes around the kingdom is battle. That's right, a war is going on. But it's complex... the two sides are actually the leaders of the kingdom [king & queen]. Everyone was sucked in by the darkness due to the powerful magics of the king, the queen is a normal human who eventually also gets sucked in. So now the king is taking over the kingdom. The people in the kingdom become more dull, feeling less emotion. But in all the darkness and evil, there are the tralevians. Tralevians are the light in the kingdom. They didn't get consumed by the darkness and remain in the kingdom to try and save it by trying to unlock the secrets of Entrelia's past. But will the kingdom finally meet it's true destiny? Will everyone crawl out of the darkness.... alive? RULES~~~ 1. No godmoding! D< 2. cursing is allowed :3 just use *s 3. Please respect everyone in the RP ;) 4. romance should be flying through the PR~! x3 but keep it PG-13 guys? :3 5. Sorry for the fans out there, but no yaoi or yuri allowed please.. :3 6. Enjoy ne~! ~CHARACTERS~ *characters can be from absolutely any manga/anime/videogame* :3 OC skeleton: Played by: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Side: [Tralevian or nu?] Personality: History: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Taken~ OCs~ Played by: Death Twister Name: Mitsuku Yukari [Miku] Age: 16 Gender: female Appearance: [pic is big -.-] Side: Tralevian Personality: firm and simply lives for the thrill of it all. History: [based on Air Gear <3] A storm rider who rides the Oblivion road. The oblivion road lets you ride in any surface possible. She's usually seen on her ATs [air trecks]. She hates the people she lives with now, even though she's pretty dull herself sometimes she thinks everyone is too dull. Her family died in the kingdom's previous war. She's lonely. Played by: Emika :33 Name: Haruka Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Side: Tralevian Personality: Cheerful yet serious when it comes to battle. Once she decides to do something no one can stop her History: Haruka is an illusionist. Her past was painful but she can conceal all her secrets with her cheerful attitude. Her mom died because of the king so she was raised without a mother's love. Haruka's father was unkind to her because, as it turns out, he only loved her mother. Played by: Starkiller/Arch <---Whatever you want to call meh. Name: Advent Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: (I rarely use pics...<<) (Lulz at teh pic) Side: Tralevian Personality: Has a dark sense of humor and prefers to observe rather than intervene. Although he'll cut in when he feels like it. History: His family died a few years back and he was raised by his older brother. Two years ago he and his brother where out in the streets during midnight, they were both attacked and Advent barely managed to get out alive. He soon found out that he gained his brother's abilities to read minds and manipulate(not create...they're two different things) fire. Advent is very acrobatic and usually prefers to watch events from rooftops instead of cutting in. Played by: Roxas Sora51 Name: Zack Morgon Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: (see attachment) Side: Tralevian Personality: usually very calm and caring, but once pushed over the egde can be short-sighted and destructive History: Both parents died when Zack was 8 years old, so he went to live with his grand parents. Zack loves shooting and the thought of war.
YEsh, now you can say I am totally bored!!! Dx Here's another one :P Hey at least I'm helping to keep this section alive *nod* *nod* :3 Meh two OCs named Miku [girl (duh.. -.-)] and Afra [boy]. :3 I hate the paper I used for this... done in school and only had my sketch pad... the paper isn't those smooth ones.. it's the scrap book like one... and I hate drawing on it Dx
How I understand Otaku is a fangirl for example... that's how the title added up :3 Was bored this afternoon, and pretty lonely too. No school, mom told me to get off the computer and get rest, nothing good in TV, brother's in school and mom's in a meeting... there was nothing else to do Dx I don't like how I colored this... what makes it worse... scanner isn't cooperating with me >.> But bah, here it is: I would attach how the real doll is supposed to look like [made it myself >w<] but my camera broke... ... And my DA still isn't working ;_;
...biting my nails... -.- And my mom bet me that if I don't chip my nail polish off by tomorrow night then I get cash. But if I do.... actually I don't know what will happen if I do :o I get 500 bucks [our country's money] if I don't chip my nail polish off.... So far so good~ No chip >:3
What anime character personality do you prefer? The happy-go-lucky cheerful ones? Serious and mysterious [ It rhymes~! 8D ]? Or probably one of those double-sided characters...? I personally prefer bad-a$$/b*tchy or mysterious characters~ >w< x3 Such as Agito [Air Gear <3], Larxene [Kh (duh...)], Ai Enma [Jigoku Shoujo], and ya know them all x3 :3 Tell me there isn't a thread like this yet and it's in the right section >w< x3
x3 Yeah.. I actually got inspired by SpiderWick o.o but yeah.. It's titled Fairy/Elf cause I really forgot what it was supposed to be, either a fairy or an elf? I dun no! 8D I just drew a brach cause I'm way too lazy to draw the leaves and stuff xD I'll add it some other time... when I have time that is Dx So focus on her and NOT what she's sitting on x33 Thank joo~ BORED 8D
Was bored in school and created this~ Colors were supposed to be: indigo, dark red and black, but I didn't have those colors that time so I came up with this... I was bored x3 didn't bother in using proportion or coloring techniques or anything really x3 Sorry for the size x_x Comment? :3
... My life will never be the same D:
... 8% left for meh laptop's battery! 8D And yes I am too lazy to go plug the charger. Also, the charger is right beside me, just so you know. Yay for laziness!! ;D Hmmm... what to do...? ... dropped to 7%! ;O BORED 8D
~HELLO^^ Well I just check out the 'new posts' part and saw a lot in Traditional Art... so I decided to post as well x3 Yeah, Agito and Akito from Air Gear~ ^^;; Please post your opinions and other such stufflez about the fan art here, thankies~ :3 Sorry 'bout the size though... ._. I'ma back x3 Deviantart's not working.. ;_;
I was bored when the electricity was out so I drew these. And yes, i was using a flashlight too :3 [x][x] Something was wrong with the scanner for the second pic... -___-;; Cnc? :3