I like 'em =D Anywho, yeah my new love~ >w< So I decided to draw something with it! Plus, I felt like a new ID for DA x3 so yeah..... ^w^ NOTE: I do not harm myself [or anyone else in that matter >~>] using Razorblades :] My scanner is still being gay -____-;; Cnc? ;]
Happy New Year~!! 8D Yeah, been working on this today :3 I'm bored =D Darn scanner made it brighter ;~; The colors should have gone out better ;^; That's Ume on the top left with her Gogon plushie thing, and Agito/Akito [as usual xD] in the middle, all four from Air Gear :] And that's like a little chibi me on the bottom right >w< My greeting to ya'll =3 http://xatdeath-s-gate.deviantart.com/art/New-Year-2009-107968063 ^w^
Just a quick sketch of Belphegor/Bel from Katekyo Hitman reborn. Also, this was just practice before I go for a "real" drawing of Bel-sama. Used a pencil for shading and pen for everything else. I'm actually glad this turned out pretty okay, considering that it's straight with pen :] Anyway, Cnc?
It's NEVER too late to join! We will help you out in getting started so don't worry <3 We all know how this race goes against another, and then a whole war begins. Well, that's usually the case. And well, in the kingdom of Margal a family decides to let their dreams take off. For the kingdom to finally have peace in it's land. And that's where this starts off. The family decides to put up a camp where different races colide. But the people seem restless, they just won't get along... Could this camp actually be a bad idea? Will chaos just devour the persevering people who started this? Yes I'm bored 8D Supposed to be an academy but I'm tired of school :/ RULES~ 1. No killing anyone please :/ 2. No extreme gore since it should be chaotic :P 3. Please do use * when you swear, this are younger members around 4. No Godmoding. Please. 5. No controlling other characters either. 6. Keep it P -13 please. Nice and clean, got it? 7. If other rules come up, I will inform you guys. 8. I expect you to follow the rules x] You'll get warnings if ya don't. Push it too far and you'll be sorry. 9. Please say 'Chocolate Orange Pocky' if you have read the rules [yes this is needed] 10.Enjoy =D Character form: Username/Played by: Name: Age: Gender: Race: Appearance: [please give links if the pic is too big] Power: [only 2-3 allowed] Weapon: [optional, not really needed actually xD] Bio: Personality: Other: Characters: Username/Played by: Death Twister Name: Karie Malbeur Age: 17 Gender: female Race: hybrid; elf/angel Appearance: Power: Earth powers - mostly thorns, and flight Weapon: in the pic =D [yes I dunno what it is xD] Bio: Her parents go with the idea of the camp, even though she doesn't at all. She was sent here, but none of her other siblings were, cause she's the 'rebel' in the family. Not only was she the only girl and the only hybrid, but was the only one who gets blamed for everything. And she got a bad reputation for it. The reason behind all of Karie's rebelliousness, it was because her family treated her like dirt. When she was younger, she'd always act like a sweet little angel to everyone - but her family never respected her. Her family was never supportive to her and when she couldn't handle that any longer she just flipped with a total change in personality. All she ever wanted was her family to be proud of her, but she gave up on that. Personality: Sarcastic, punk/rebellious, but still has a soft side for others [mostly those of her kind - hybrids] Other: ~ Username/Played by: Xioayugoth Name: Zachary ("Zack") White Age: 16 Gender: Male Race: Hybrid; human/black fox Appearance: Only with little ears and a tail. XD Power: Pretty agile, can teleport at will. Weapon: Um, knows martial arts... but not particularly well. Bio: He was picked on and discriminated against because everyone thought he wasn't a "proper" human. Eventually, to avoid trouble, since many students at his school were starting to get aggressive, he was moved to the camp in an attempt to keep the peace. Like it or not, he knows he's stuck there until he turns eighteen, because of his parents, so he's decided to give living there a fair try. Personality: Although he's grown to resent the "proper" humans, he still shows compassion for anyone like him... (Basically, outcasts and other hybrids). Cheeky, naiive, and sometimes a tiny bit flirtacious, he's best taken in small doses, or you might end up wanting to tape his mouth shut. x] Other: ... Username/Played by: Xioayugoth Name: Will Parry. Age: 14. Gender: Male. Race: Human. Appearance: Power: Has command over the weather; storms, sun, anything he wants to cause, he can cause it. Weapon: Relies on his powers, rather than using one. Bio: He was outcasted because he was different, and sent to Peace camp in an attempt to fix his anger issues and problem with being any way different to other humans. Personality: Grouchy, with a short temper. Holds grudges easily, and never foregts them. Other: Ended up stuck in a cabin with Zack, of all people. Username/Played by: godsgirl Name: Mika Age: 16 Gender: female Race: Angel Appearance: Power: Mind tricks, fire, psychic abilities Weapon: A long staff with a point on the end Bio: She was born the perfect angel, but after having spurts of evil, her wings turned black. Her parents were appalled and sent her to the camp so she could be perfect again. Personality: She's sweet and feisty. Other: She enjoys playing tricks on people, but is really nice. Username/Played by:#8 Axel Name:Claire Age:16 Gender:Female Race:half Cat demon Appearance: Power:Can Turn in to a cat(only in emergencies), and controls water Weapon: A sword she calls MoonLight Bio: Losing her parents when she was 6 she wondered around until a group picked her up and took care of her.When she was 10 there was another fight and it ended up with her and another from the group they made to a camp to try to start a new life hoping there will be no more fighting. Personality: has a fighting spirit,can be abit cocky, Suprisingly she can keep a cheerful aura when sadness is around. Other: can Cook,spends her practicing with her sword Username/Played by:#8 Axel Name:Saito Age:17 Gender:male Race:Wolf Demon Appearance: Power: controls lightning Weapon: Spear Bio:He really doesn't remember much of his past only bits and pieces.All he mainly remembers is the group he was with and then a girl named claire joined them and they took care of her. Within a few years on a stormy night some demons surrounded them and killed of everyone besides him and claire.Together they went to the camp.He had always taken care of claire when she needed it. Personality:has a fighting spirit,doesn't talk to anyone besides claire. Other:he like claire will not fight unless there is no other choice. Username/Played by: Catfish Name: Melissa Tidmarsh Age: 16 Gender: Female Race: mermaid Appearance: Power: control water, able to walk on land, but changes to mermaid when wet Weapon: n/a Bio: Raised by her uncle, [as her parents were to busy] she wasn't given the best advice whe growing up. Being picked on and bullied, she was repeatedly being sprayed with water so she couldn't go where she needed to, failing school and fired from jobs. Personality: queit, withdrawn Other: likes cats.. coz they like to be dry.. and they're cuddly Username/Played by:Catfish Name: Joe Mitchells Age: 17 Gender: Ladeh Boi.... lol Male Race: Human/Spider Hybrid Appearance: Power: he can make web like items, (nets, ropes, etc), he can also conjure up a paralyzing venom. Weapon: N/A Bio: Joe was raised in a very rich and powerful family, thus so thinking he was better than everyone else. He signed up for the camp himself, believing that peace wasn't the answer, that everyone should bow to him, he had to start somewhere Personality: reckless, aggresive, likes things going his way Other: He has been watchig everyone from the start, he is very intellectual, taking i every piece of evidence so he can use that against them Played by: Dexnail Name: Kevin Foxfang Age: 17 Gender: male Race: humen (half fox but its not noticable) Appearance: He has green eyes and shaggy silver hair. He wears jeans and a grey hoodie. Also he wears an silver chain that has an fox pendent on it. Power: He is able to turn into a silver fox and he can make clones of himself Weapon: claws and fangs when he is in his fox form Bio: both of his parents died and his uncle sent him to the camp to get rid of him. A lot of people dont like his kind. He was born with a gift but yet viewed by the people of his society as a curse. Personality: He is very laid back and he likes to hang out with people. He does not like to fight but will if he has to. He loves to play tricks on people Other: He likes to be in his fox form a lot Username/Played by: Dexnail Name:Lilly Age:17 Gender:female Race: human(half fox but not noticable) Appearance: http://zerodj.deviantart.com/art/Anime-Girl-15699220 Power: able to turn into a red fox and she can controll flowers Weapon: none Bio: she was an child hood friend of kevin. She always hung out with him and one day she accidently turned into an fox infront of her parents and they sent her here. But when kevin turned into a fox he was locked up into a cage and they havnt seen each other since then. She been at the camp but too scared and nervouse to talk. Personality: nice,playfull,relaxed,hates to fight Other: she had an crush on kevin since they was kids Username/Played by: Momo Name: Thalia Age: 15 Gender: Female :] Race: Witch [ specializes in illusions] Appearance: Power: Illusion, speed and strength Weapon: Whip Bio: She was born poor and has been fending for herself all this time. Once, she barely even ate, so in order to keep herself healthy and lively she steals food from the marketplace. Thalia loves Greek Mythology. Personality: Somewhat cheerful but sometimes arrogant. She is hot- headed but is willing to sacrifice herself for the good of her friends. Other: When Thalia doesn't want to talk about the topic, she says something totally random. Username/Played by: Silver The Hedgehog/Entity/Crescent Angel Name: Veril Lyshall Age: 18 Gender: Male Race: Lycan(Human Language: Werewolf) Appearance(s): Lycan form: http://images.epilogue.net/users/mckenna/HowlOfTheWerewolf.jpg Human form: Power: Strength, Speed. Weapon: Lycan Form: Claws; Human Form: Double Handguns. Bio: Unknown to him, even me(ME, Silver/Entity/Crescent, doi!). Personality: Dark as others with an evil heart but kind with light in his heart, powerful and strong, perfect in most ways, except some. Other: N/A Username/Played by: Lonely Breeze Name: Hailey Age: 16 1/2 Gender: Female Race: Half human and half fairy Appearance: Power: Mind Reading and Healing Weapon: A black rose which is bewitched to turn into a gun when in need of one. Bio: Ever since Hailey and her family moved to that musty old farmhouse which had never been painted, they were isolated from society. Hailey somehow managed to escape the silence of that house by walking for days through a dense forest. Now, she had mastered the art of traveling and just goes wherever the wind takes her. Personality: Hailey is a shy and meek creature. She has a hard time opening up to others because she had only known very few people in her life. Other: Hailey is horrible in hand to hand combat and lacks strength and determination. Username/Played by: Naruto Uzumaki Name: Shiko Age: 15 Gender: Female Race: Four-Tailed fox demon Appearance: http://i718.photobucket.com/albums/ww188/Monster_child531/Fox3rd.jpg Power: Telepathy and Telekinesis Bio: Shiko had been fending for herself since she was little. She has no memory of her parents but she hopes to find them one day in hope of finding out more about her bizzare background. She's been solitary most of her life so she hasn't gotten used to the idea of 'friends' yet. Personality:Quiet, shy, tends to daydream. Other: almost forgot this: Chocolate Orange Pocky Username/Played by: Random Angel Name: Kyra Age: Looks 16 Gender: Female Race: Half Demon/Angel Appearance: Power: Darkness, light, transformation. Weapon: None Bio: She's an outcast in her family since her demon mother had an affair with an angel. She was recently sent to the peace camp for trouble making as an exucse to get rid of her. Personality: Reblious Other: Her wings can grow Username/Played by: Random Angel Name: Terri Age: Looks 14ish but lived for least a 100 years Gender: Female Race: Day Walker (since we have none) Appearance: The girl in this pic: Power: Can turn into mist and the normal vampire stuff, only doesn't burn in the light Weapon: Bio: Her and her brother are own their own and stopped by the peace camp to have somewhere to sleep and 'gathering information' Personality: Cheerful but not social Other: Would kill for her 'brother' Username/Played by: Random Angel Name: Ty Age: Looks 16ish but is older then his sister Gender: Male Race: Blood Stalker Appearance: The boy in above pic Power: Same as his sister's Weapon: Bio: Same as sis (cause I'm lazy today) Personality: Protactive of his sister and a loner Other: Blood Stalker: Few of this kind exist in the world these days, but there was a time where they were just as common as the Morbid kind. But some unknown factor accord and afterwards there weren't as many Blood Stalkers around. These type of vampires is where some of the myths came from. They have pale skin, bright eye colors, transformation powers, and inhuman strength and speed. Unlike other vampires, Blood Stalkers are born vampire. Though, in rare cases, one can become a Blood Stalker if their blood is 'pure' enough when bitten. Also they rare ever have to feed and are able to eat normal human food, expect they might thirst for blood on an odd night. These tend to be born loners.
Gah! I hate my NEW markers D: They have failed me on this drawing :[ I knew I should have just left it black and white ;~; Here it is: *hides in shame* Yep. that's my new OC. Her character sketch was already posted here, just dunno if you guys have seen it or not, meh. ._. No, she doesn't have a name yet either. If you want info about her just ask, but like I've mentioned no name yet. Also, I'm not so sure with the colors :/ I'm keeping the raven black hair and brownish red eyes [thanks Vexen~! =D] and her, supposed to be, pale skin so yeah. Color's of her clothing and accessories aren't final. Any suggestions would help :] Thank you, Cnc? **Character sketch: clicky~ <3**
Couldn't think of another title... so just so you know that's not final xD Anyway... here's a story I wrote. Just showing you chapter one, as mentioned in title: A Happy Boys Fan Fic~ Happy Boys is a J-drama that I got addicted on xD It's kind of like Ouran High School Host Club acutally. I'm not sure if it was originally an anime or manga but yeah. I watched the drama xD So yeah here you go~ I'm just not sure if I should continue this or not =P Also, A preview of chapter two! [which I am not finished with yet xD] Chapter 1 My friend walked back and forth at the center of my room in a single line. She seemed restless at the moment. “Why is this happening? I mean after 16 interviews this is the time you get adopted?†Ayumi asks shocked after I’ve told her about what happened. “I don’t know.†I simply said as I concentrated on the game I was playing. “And correction, that’s 18 interviews.†“That won’t matter you dork.†She says and sighs. “How far will you be going?†“Tokyo.†I replied, eyes still glued on my PSP. “Tokyo?!†Ayumi exclaimed unbelievably. She stomped up to me and grabbed my game console. “I hate you so much right now!†she said enviously. “Sure you do.†I said sarcastically and got up to my feet. “Besides, they’ll get tired of my rebellious acts and I’ll be back in no time.†“Well yeah, I suppose.†She said and walked around again. I stared at her and she stared back. “What?†she asked me. I said nothing but shifted my eyes to my PSP that was in her hands then back at her. “Tell me first that you’ll promise you’ll be back as soon as possible.†She followed, placing her hands on her hips as she turned to me. “Yeah, of course – I promise.†I reassured her, eager to get my PSP back. “Good. Well, I’d better be going now. See you in school tomorrow.†Ayumi said, handing me the PSP before she exited out of the door. “Alright, I’ll try and come in early tomorrow. Bye.†I said as I closed the door for her. ‘wonder why she left earlier than usual…’ I leaned on the closest wall and sighed as I looked at my crossed fingers. “Not all promises are meant to be kept.†I muttered then hurried back up to my room. Once there, I opened my laptop and surfed the net for a moment. I decided to do a little research on Tokyo. Hearing stuff from the J-pop, Anime, Tokyo fan Ayumi Asakura won’t be enough. So I typed in ‘Tokyo’ in the search box of Yahoo. I clicked the first link that was on the list of search results, so I started reading. But after a few minutes I got tired of it. It was just so long. It’s not that I don’t like reading this much, I mean one could say I’m kind of a book worm, but this just doesn’t interest me that much. I mean, yeah Tokyo seems like such an amazing place to live in, compared to what I have here in Okinawa, but I’m not the kind of girl that reads all these info and stuff. I like fiction books, especially the ones in the horror/suspense genre. But like mentioned, articles like these aren’t for a girl like me. I closed the window for that and created a new one. This time, I just went through cool places of Tokyo. The stuff that I know will be able to interest me in Tokyo. As I searched, I suddenly thought it was too quiet and with that, I opened up ITunes and started listening to some songs. As I came across my so-called research I found a link to some girl’s blog on her trip to Tokyo. Her name was Miyaka Kagami, I skipped all the stuff she’s written and scrolled down to all the pictures she took. That trip of hers was spent with her whole family. Everyone had smiling faces and seemed like they had a blast. I sighed as I read the last line. ‘I loved this trip with my family, I’m so glad I got to live up to this day~! ^-^’ I closed the window again and lay down on my bed staring up at the ceiling, the music continued to play. It’s annoying, Life’s always been difficult for me at least I that’s what I think. I miss those good old days when I wasn’t so lonely. I come from a broken family that I can barely remember. My biological father left the family when I was born, so I never met or cared for him. My mother had always taken care of me and I love her very much. Except, my brother hated me he says I’m the reason why our Father has left. When I thought everything was finally going well, my worst nightmare struck the family. My mother died 8 years ago, due to an illness that stuck her and that’s when I became rebellious. Things didn’t stop there, once we were accepted in an orphanage my brother ran away just three nights after. He said he didn’t want to be left with me, though I never knew he’d do something like that. Even after years of searching, we still haven’t found him – dead or alive. And after 18 interviews with 2 families accepting and returning me back to the orphanage, here I am now with another family willing to accept me. For once, I’m not going to try and escape this. I’ll try moving forward in life, and hell I’m moving to Tokyo. Who wouldn’t want that? I’m tired of Okinawa, it’s so boring here. Plus I’ve heard that--- A buzz coming from the computer interrupted my thoughts. I forgot that I was still logged on in Yahoo Messenger. The person who buzzed me was my other close friend Yuki. Yuki_344: You’re really moving to Tokyo? xAtDeath-s-Gate: Yeah : Man, Ayumi has such a big mouth. Yuki_344: You told her recently? xAtDeath-s-Gate: Like 2 hours ago. Yuki_344: Typical, nothing new here then. xAtDeath-s-Gate: Yeah… well at least now I know the reason of her leaving early. Yuki_344: Ha-ha, yeah. So… when are you leaving? xAtDeath-s-Gate: I have 2 weeks before moving, for the house’s renovation to be complete. Yuki_344: Ahh… so we’ll still be seeing you tomorrow then, In school? xAtDeath-s-Gate: Yeah. “Miku! Off of the computer! The family that wants you is here.†Calls my Care-taker from downstairs. xAtDeath-s-Gate: Got to go Yuki-kun. : See you tomorrow. Yuki_344: Yeah, see ya then. I typed in a big grin smiley before I logged off. When I did I headed downstairs. I stopped at the flight of the stairs and took a deep breath. ‘Make a good first impression for this one Miku, Just this once.’ I muttered to myself. Then, I walked down and stopped as I stood beside my Care-taker. I smiled at the family of four standing in front of me. “This is Mitsuku Sohou Yukari, but everyone refers to her as Miku.’†Says my care-taker, Emily. “It’s nice to meet you all.†I said as I bowed to them a bit as a sign of respect. The parents smiled back as a reply. Emily walked and stopped between the family and I. “This is Mrs. Hikari Saito.†She said as she pointed out to the beautiful woman with the blonde gentle curls. She looked rather young though, but I could still tell that she was at least in her mid twenties. She reminded me of one of those popular J-pop singers. “And this is Mr. Mamoru Saito.†Emily continued now pointing out to Hikari’s husband who was a tall man with dark brown hair and thick rimmed glasses. As the two stood beside each other they looked more and more like a famous singer and guitarist. “These are their sons, Africa Saito.†She said pointing to the older brother. “And Takuma Saito.†She said now pointing to the younger one. “That’s Afra.†Africa corrects Emily, in a rather direct and careless voice. He had brownish blonde hair that covered one of his eyes and he wore a black and red striped shirt along with black pants and a jacket with lots of gothic accessories. “And please refer to me as Taku.†Takuma said, he looked like a younger version of Afra, but his hair was kept away from his eyes. One could say he was cute, in those cuddly teddy-bear ways. He seemed like he was following in the steps of his older brother, except Taku seems more well-mannered and attentive about other’s feelings. “Right, I’m sorry for my mistake Afra and Taku.†Emily said emphasizing in their names now. I felt rather plain at the moment, I never knew that my new family would be this cool. So much for my first impression, I should have just been myself today. I simply wore a light colored plain shirt and jeans with a pair of sandals, none of my gothic accessories or extras what so ever. It felt so unlike me having to wear this all day. “You’re going to love it here with us. It’ll be so much fun.†Mrs. Saito told me. “I’m sure of that.†I said with a smile. “Just get into the wild side a bit.†Afra suddenly said as he walked up to me. “You look rather boring than what I expected out of the profile I read about you.†He continued and messed with my hair. I shoved him off, but a little more gently than I usually do and fixed my hair a bit. “I’m not feeling like myself that much today, I assure you.†I said. “Be nice Afra.†His mother told him. “I’m sorry; we’ll accept you no matter how you’re like, Hun. Don’t you worry.†She said with a smile. “Thanks, you’re all so nice.†I said, I felt really good now. “We’ll come back to get you in about 2 weeks. We have a few things to sort out and that’ll include the renovation of the new house. So have a nice last two weeks here in Okinawa, but we’ll be taking some of your stuff now alright?†Says Mamoru. “Yes, all her stuff are ready she just left the things she needs for her last 2 weeks.†Emily informs them. “Ah, that’s great I’ll have Afra and Taku bring them down.†Mamoru said, turning to his two sons. Afra sighed and rolled his eyes but started walking up the stairs, Taku followed silently. “Miku, why don’t you go over there and help them. You’ll get things done faster that way.†Emily told me. It was pretty obvious already that she wanted me out of the room so that she can discuss things with my going to be parents. “Yes.†I said obediently and headed up stairs too. ‘Emily you’re too obvious…’ I thought. When I entered my room, Afra and Taku were already there they weren’t minding the boxes with my stuff on the floor but they just looked around my room. “You have a small room.†Afra commented as he sensed that I entered the room. “Thanks.†I said in a sarcastic manner. “Yeah it is, but it’s kind of cool, all these posters hanging around and your dark sky as your ceiling. I especially like your wall of CDs.†Taku says pointing to the wall of CDs I placed as another mirror. “Really? Well, thanks.†I said, surprised slightly that I actually received a comment. “Judging by how your room looks now… I think you’re the sister I’ve finally been looking for.†Afra said as he looked outside my dark tinted window. “Is that a compliment?†I asked after thinking a bit. “That depends on how you see it. In my world, yes it truly is.†He replied. “Yup, I agree. “ Taku says. “Then once again, thanks.†I said. “Hey let’s get your stuff down already. Mom and dad will be wondering why we’re taking so long in bringing these down.†Taku said on his small childlike voice. “You’re right.†I said and grabbed the nearest box next to me and started heading for the door. I heard Afra sigh as I exited my room. “Boring.†He said, but saw him follow after me holding two boxes already in each hand. When Afra and I walked back up, we could see Taku busy trying to lift the biggest box in the room. “You idiot.†Afra says pushing him off roughly and carrying the box himself, even if he was able to lift it he looked like he was having a hard time. I walked over to carry the other side of the box, and only then did we get to lift the whole thing. “What do you have in here anyway, rocks?†Afra asks, the box was pretty heavy. “No, mind you. It’s my CDs and books along with my song sheets and some DVDs and guitar.†I replied as we started walking out of the door. “You play guitar?†Afra asks. “Yeah, surprises you?†“No.†“Then good,†“So how well do you play, a rating from 1 to 10 and what kind of music?†“Probably 7, but I don’t know. I prefer playing rock or pop.†“Do you sing?†“One could say that. Why all of these questions though?†“Nothing in particular.†We placed the heavy box down and went up to get the last, but as we headed up Taku was already walking down the stairs carrying it. “Too slow†he said in his small voice as he walked past us. We turned to each other and sighed, then followed Taku down. “Is that the last of it?†Hikari asked when we met back up with everyone. “Yeah, that’s the last one.†I said with a smile. “Well Alright then, we’ll be bringing you stuff to Tokyo now.†Mamoru said and when he did, 3 men in black came in to get my stuff and place it in their trailer. “We’ll come back for you in 2 weeks, Hun. Have a fun time here for now.†Hikari said giving me a kiss on the forehead and a good-bye hug. “Yes, see you all soon. Bye Mrs. And Mr. Sait-- I mean, bye mom and dad.†I said. The parents smiled as they walked out after then men in black. Afra waved slightly as he walked out and Taku followed his older brother silently with a small smile on his face. Emily closed the door and stared at me for a moment. There was an awkward atmosphere in the room now as she stared down at me. “What?!†I asked breaking the silence. She sighed, but had a smile on her face. “I think this will be the last time I’ll be seeing you.†She said. I paused for a moment. “Emily, I’ve still got two weeks. And how sure can you be that they won’t return me again?†I said. “I can feel it, I’ve known you for so long now. I know the people that can and will be able to take care of you. You’re a pain in the neck but you’re still a lovely girl, and truthfully I am going to miss you very much, Miku.†She said as her eyes started tearing up. I felt weird all of the sudden, “Emily save it for when I leave.†She nodded, “Right, of course.†She said wiping off the tears in her eyes. She took a deep breath, “Well, your other orphan mates should know about your departure, right?†“Yeah, you go and tell them. I have to get ready for school tomorrow.†I said and stared walking towards my room. No way was I telling them. I heard her laugh slightly, “That’s a first.†She said. Now in my room I looked around. It was so empty… I myself felt so empty. I flopped down on my bed and sighed as I stared at my school stuff. I wondered what kind of chaos I would get into tomorrow. Ring~ Ring~ Ring~ My eyes immediately shifted to my phone that was ringing on my side table. I reached for it as I though, who could be calling me at this time? I flipped it open and checked at who was calling. Unknown, it said so I placed it beside my ear “…Hello?†“… … … … … … …†“Um… Hello?†I repeated as I heard no reply. Still complete silence, part of me felt frightened all of the sudden. “Look, if this is just some prank you’ll be sorry.†I said in a serious tone but also in a slightly troubled manner. I heard slight laughter from the background, and I immediately recognized the voices. “Prank calling again, little Asakura sisters?†The laughter died like a broken record and it became silent again. “I told you she’d recognize it!†I heard Kisa hiss at the background. “Shh! You’re just breaking our cover!†Ayumi hissed back at her. “Whose are the names of which you speak of?†she said returning back to the phone. “Try someone else you guys, someone gullible at least.†I told them and hung up. Ayumi and Kisa Asakura…another failure committed. Are they really that jealous of me? So jealous that they’ve gone blind? They should know well not to mess with me, in fact I now they do. Envy, what it can do to you sometimes I thought with a sigh. I got up from my bed and walked over to my school bag. I started packing up my stuff for tomorrow. From my drawers I got all the stuff I used for school. “Alright, all notebooks check. Books are here as well, and so is my other stuff. Good, now complete for tomorrow.†I said smiling to myself; I turned to the mirror that was across the room and the smile soon faded. I stared at myself for a moment, and then looked around at my room. I stood up and walked around it just staring at everything. My door suddenly swung open and children invaded my room. Emily… you had to tell them now… I thought as I stood up and placed my phone on my bed. “M-Miku!!!†one of them cried as she tackle hugged me. I almost fell backward as another one came. “You’re leaving this place again?!†a boy said punching me on the arm. “You don’t want me to this time, eh?†I exclaimed and punched him back, but even harder. “Hey move out of the way, you kids.†Says Nakano, who stays next to my room. The children moved out, not one dared to fight or even talk back to him. He walked in and some other boys my age invaded the room too. Some of them were part of the orphanage but like 2 of them were probably his friends. I felt kind of out of place… I was the only girl after all. “Oh Miku, these are my friends Kei and Ichigo.†Nakano said pointing to them. “Ah, I thought so, nice to meet you then.†I said. “So how long will it be ‘till you’re going to come back?†Hotaru asked, he’s one of the other boys who live in this orphanage. “I’m not coming back.†I told them. They started laughing, except for the two whom I’ve only met now they seemed pretty clueless. “I’m pretty damn serious.†I informed them in a serious manner. Their laughter died out. “Miku, come on, pranks by this time isn’t like you.†Hideki said [another boy from the orphanage], and I had to admit he was right. For me saying this stuff, it isn’t like me at all. “Once again, I am seriously not coming back. Emily had said it herself a while ago, this will probably be the last time I’ll ever be here.†I told them, quite annoyed. “Miku, Miku, Miku.†Nakano said, putting his arm around my shoulders. “Lying is a sin you know.†He said I gritted my teeth together. “I’m not telling a damn lie!†I exclaimed at him and shoved him off harshly. He fell backwards and had an angry expression on his face. I might have just pushed him a little too hard and must have pissed him off a bit too. He does get agitated easily. “Get her.†He ordered his posse to do so. I started backing away from the boys, “Here we go again.†I said with a sigh. Nakano suddenly got up, grabbed my phone and hurried out of the room. The others were simply a distraction. I reacted to that immediately and tried to chase after him but the others were blocking my way. I needed to get that fast. My phone kept so many memories of my past that I just love looking back at. “Give it back!†I yelled as I tried getting through Hotaru who was holding my arms. Hideki tried to grab my feet and plant them on the ground but I kicked him hard on the stomach and stepped on Hotaru’s feet causing him to let go of my arms. Nakano’s friends were the last obstacles that were in my way. Ichigo blocked the exit so I ended up having to injure him too. I grabbed him by the wrist when he lunged forward at me and I pushed him to the wall adding a final kick to his stomach too. I chased after Kei and Nakano, “Give my damned phone!†I screamed at them as they started running down the stairs. I skipped steps and managed to catch up with them as we were still on the stairs. Kei stopped and tried to trip me over, but I saw it coming and he ended up getting hurt. I got to kick him in the shin but I started hearing the others come back chasing me. I picked up some more speed and actually got up to Nakano once we reach the ground level. I grabbed his arm and tried to pull it down to grab my phone, but he just wouldn’t give and switched the phone to his other arm and I tried grabbing that too. He faced me and tried to kick me away but I punched him before that could have happened. My phone dropped to the phone as Nakano covered up his face that I punched into. He groaned at the pain of it all. I quickly grabbed my phone and held it close to me as I was on the floor and the others tried grabbing it back, kicking and punching me at any area they could. Luckily, Emily came in and broke the whole fight before things could have gotten worse. “Hey! Hey! Stop it! Stop it!†She yelled at us grabbing the boys away from me. “Miku started it! She pushed me back!†Nakano said revealing that he had a black eye now. “But Emily, they took my phone away from me!†I exclaimed, Emily knew how important it was to me. “It’s just a phone! You didn’t have to get all serious about it!†Hideki said. “But you’re the ones who—“ “Shut your mouths! All of you!†Emily exclaimed breaking our argument. We all fell silent immediately and wore guilty expressions on our faces. She took a deep breath of relief, “Look, let’s all apologize for one another and promise that we won’t ever have something like this ever again. Then we will all go to bed and have a good night’s rest.†We nodded, “Yes, Emily.†We all said in unison then looked at one another. “Sorry for pushing you back…†I said as I looked at Nakano. “And I guess… we’re sorry for the trouble and stealing your phone.†He replied. “Right, well good night you guys.†I said and nodded at Emily mouthing ‘thank you’ to her then rushed up the stairs wanting to get away from those freaks. “That’s right you wimpy *******s.†I muttered when I reached my door and closed it. I sighed and lay down on my bed, some parts of my body still ached but I tried to set aside the pain. My phone was still clutched in my hand. I flipped open my mobile phone, staring at my wallpaper. It was a picture of an old childhood friend of mine and me. Those were the good old days, ever since I had taken that picture with him it never got replaced by another picture. It was never replaced no matter how many new phones I would get. And I never dared to replace it because I didn’t want to take the chance of forgetting about that boy, he truly was a blessing in my life that I’ll never forget. I won’t forget him, not even in the dreams I have. I closed my eyes, ready to start my slumber after this long day and held the phone close to my heart. His name was Kokoro, and I have to admit that he was my first love. He lived right next to me, and he was the best friend I ever I had. I remember the first day we met; it was when we were really young. I was only 3 back then and so was he. I bet we could have only understood what we were saying at that time. We were so young that we didn’t care how people viewed us. We felt so free. But, the time things did bloom was when my mother was in the hospital for ages. My brother couldn’t care less for me so Kokoro was the one who did. He was the first person ever to have come up to me and care for me. Every time I was with him I felt happier in the thorns of sorrow that my life was tangled up in. He was my knight and shining armor, the only person that actually and fully understood me. He was always there to comfort me when I was sad, missing my mother. Unfortunately, he had to leave one day. After all the years of me being with him, after all the times he was there for me and untangled the thorns that limited me from the world, he had to go. I watched him leave in the family car in the day of the move. I could have sworn that I cried my eyes out and begged for you not to leave but I knew it was useless. I felt so alone after that, it was like I was trapped back into my cage again and was never given a chance to see him. You’re always in my mind Kokoro no matter where you are and forever will you be in my heart… will I ever be in yours one day? And A preview of Chapter 2~! 8D Chapter 2 “Ayumi…†I said in an agitated tone as I stared down at the bouquet of flowers on my table. She skhappily towards my table, “It’s from Keiichi, Keiichi Yuko, and yes you can thank me later.†She said happily as if it were a good thing. “You’re lucky I’m not in the mood for ass kicking.†I told her. Keiichi was, said from all the other girls, the most handsome of the boys in our batch. He didn’t just give flowers to anyone, by the way. And it’s especially rare for a girl to actually receive a bouquet of flowers from him. He’s got dark brown hair and deep blue eyes. He’s not pure Japanese though, he’s actually half French. Not only was he handsome, but he was an A student and the leader of our school’s host club. The only thing I didn’t like about him was that gentleman nature of his disgusted me. “Keiichi!!!†I heard girls from outside and by our door squeal. “Damn! Hide me Ayumi!†I said grabbing her shoulders. She shook her head with a smile one her face, “Nu-uh. The prince wants her princess, so I will obediently give her over to him as my gift to you.†She says and goes off. “Ayumi!†I screamed and got out of my chair and went to chase after her. Failure. Keiichi grabbed my hand from behind before I could run away and get Ayumi. :O x] the names are familiar? Well yeah... sometimes I just can't think of names so I get them from here <3 Hehe... I'm cheap on names 8D Should I continue?
http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh164/night_demon418/OCnocolor.jpg it's big, didn't bother to resize it :/ Do not mind all the stufflez I wrote xD and the brown paint on the left portion of the drawing... I was doing my art project >.< and yes, my scanner is as cr*ppy as always :] Okay, this is a character sketch of my OC. Just a short sketch on how she will look like. Yes, this is an Air Gear OC In case your wondering~ :> ... Didn't put detail in the character just yet because... ... I don't have color for her! D: I can't decide on the color >.< I've got nothing, not the hair or eyes or anything! Well... I think she'll be on the pale-ish side for her skin and her eyes might either be brown to brownish red. Can't decide on hair and clothing :[ CnC? Color suggestions? :]
Cupcakes~!! O: ... or murder >;]
I tried MS Paint. No I don't have a tablet... yet x] I don't use the mouse either, I use a laptop. So yush, I know: Failure. :]
Which do you prefer? I know, sometimes it would depend on the anime/manga you are watching/reading but in general which appeals you more? I honestly prefer manga to anime. Sure, it's fun watching the anime, how it won't get you tired of reading and you can just watch it. It is more fun after all. But I think most manga's have more detail, and heck, I like reading anyway xD So yeah, manga gets my vote.
Story All over each world there is, wars could come up at any moment. Wars against two races, two kingdoms, even simply two towns. In the kingdom of Ganaria, there is too a war that is taking place. Ganaria has had a reputation of being a peaceful kingdom. Except, this war isn't much like any other. The races here work together to fight against the new species that entered, but still try to maintain a normal life. This war is a war between the living and the dead. There are some souls that has been resurrected, to have a final chance of living life. They come back to the world in the age they died in. Most souls that were resurrected are back for a mission, who knows what it can be. But some are just insanely lucky to have been given a second chance in life. But as soon as information of the living dead leaks out, the kingdom falls apart. The living disagree of the luck the dead has been given, and are trying to shoo them away from the kingdom. But the undead fights for their right to stay. And the living fights for them to leave. Who knows what chaos will happen now? Will peace ever be present in Ganaria? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RULES~ 1. No god modding 2. No killing others characters without permission 3. Use asterisk [*] when cursing/swearing example: F***! 4. Romance is acceptable but please, PG-13 5. You can have up to 4 characters max 6. Enjoy~! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character skeleton: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHARACTERS~ Name: Miku Age: died as an 14 year old Gender: female Race: undead, half-cat Side: undead Power: Earth - thorns Weapon: none Appearance: Bio: She was one of the lucky ones who was given a second life. She was the only one who died in her family 6 years ago. She fights for the undead because she was murdered by others. She's been living on Ganaria for a few moths now. Personality: She seems like she doesn't care much for others, and she is kind of stubborn and rebellious. Others: She can also fly, has good balance and speed Played by: Death Twister Name: Yuki Age: 15 Gender: Female Race: Undead, mindreader Side: Neutral Power: Ice Weapon: A large shuriken with curved edges. It's really sharp and lethal Appearance: Bio: She died when she got hit by a car in an accident. Though, she thought she would only have 1 life she appreciates her having a 2nd chance. This time, she's all alone. Sadly, her parents did not get a 2nd chance.... Personality: An avid music fan so she always has her earphones with her. This tends to make her too quiet Others: She loves cookies, shhhh! Played by: Momo Name: Kumo. Age: 13. Gender: Female. Race: [please state if living or undead] Living. Side: [neutral, living, undead] Undead. Power: Wind. Air. Whatever you want to call it. XD Weapon: Quill-like shuriken, which she can throw, or keep hold of if it boils down to hand to hand. Appearance: Bio: She's one of the only living people fighting for the undead; she owes her life to, and therefore always takes the side of, her best friend. He's only one of the undead because she pushed her out of the way of an oncoming car, and was killed instantly. She's very grateful he came back, and will do anything to protect him... even standing up against her people. Personality: Easy to get along with; she's often optimistic about even the direst of situations. Seems quite happy-go-lucky, apart from when people she cares about are in danger... Under the bright surface, though, she's extremely sensitive, no matter how hard she tries to toughen up. Others: The thought of being alone terrifies her; as does flying of any sort, as she knows she gets airsick easily. Played by: Xioayugoth. Name: Xen Age: 16 Gender: Male Race: Living Side: Neutral Power: Lighting Weapon: Black Crystal-Like Sword Appearance: (No Pic) A younger Zexion Bio: Fights for which side he actually feels like. He isn't too fond of the Living nor the Dead. His parents left him to live alone on his request but no civilian comes into range of him. He detest the living but hates the dead because he figures the dead need to remain resting. Personality: At times cold but easy to befriend, He thinks everyone around him has a problem including himself. Others: Utter Weakness is his head; Enough force applied to his head will knock him out for 24 hours. Played by: Zeonark Name: Kin Age: 16 Gender: Male Race: Undead, Wolf. Side: Neutral Power: Ice: Shards, Fire: Magma, Water: Torrent. Weapon: Masamune, 13'6". Appearance: http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q210/aku00sbff/anime%20boys/Punk_guy.jpg Bio: Unknown, forgotten to him when he died. Personality: Soldier-like. Others: Can jump far, twenty to fifty feet. Can balance perfectly. And can juggle for some odd reason when he's bored. Also, his hands turn cold, real cold, he doesn't like it. Played by: XarenTheTwilitAngel/XTTA/Entity(Whenever my name gets changed. :/) Name: Afra Age: 23 Gender: Male Race: [Undead/Were-wolf/Alpha-wolf(Dog)] Side: [Neutral, yet, works for the living] Power: Twilight, Light, and Darkness. Weapon: Javelin. Appearance: http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/m...ys/jack_-1.jpg Bio: (We should know it, but I'll let you, D_T, take care of it, my mind is not much on bios. ._.) Personality: Dark, Cruel, Evil, Manipulative. Others: A devilish Mastermind. (>D) Played by: Entity
My Internet is back~!!! ;D x3 Requested by my classmate's older sister. Her OC's Ice and Vierre :] Sh**ty scanner -.-
Yes it did. Well... in my religion classes. We are now taking on the 10 commandments. And it's says in the 4th commandment is to honor your mother and father, and on the 5th commandment Thou shall not kill. I also learned that God is omniscient, He knows everything. Then... if God knows that the parents will kill the baby.. then why did God give them one??? I mean, life is our most precious gift, everyone's is. But why would God do that? ... 12 year-old's curiosity :]
Whats your favorite Jdrama? If any of you watch that is... :sweatdrop: :3 Mine's Happy Boys, It's a comedy drama about a butler Cafe. Kinda like Ouran come to think of it x3
nyaha~ More baby dragons ^-^ It's addicting xD Done in class, with my blue pen :3 and in my notebook x3 Yes I wasn't caught 8D And no RA, he doesn't have a name yet X~X Cnc? :3
Rawr. Damned Scanner... X~X Cnc? :3
New art >8D .... ish x3 It's not that new :P Just felt like sharing <3 ***** avatars I made :3 Matt and Mello x3 Not a yaoi pic unless ya think it is, whatever ya want~ >w< http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh164/night_demon418/scan0007.jpg random gothicness <3 [big size X~X] ***** CnC? ^w^
Theater Club. Director. Damn this. x_x
Alright, I finished this moments ago actually... xD But yeah It's the colored version of the trickster cat that I posted before: [link should be here xD - please wait a moment :''>] It's not in a sexual manner for all of you that asked >.> 8D Clicky~ The scanner made it really bright.... ._. I don't like how the characters at the back ended, but I was in a rush. The event [yes it was for an event] ended the next day and I had to finish them. I wish I never added the ones at the back actually... and should have made a back ground instead... but meh, I'm no good in those anyway X_X cnc? :3