Holy crud I'm dying. The hong kong air port is huuuuge. We saw gate 80, we had to get to gate 4. Asdfgghjkllahfhgjd but I think I got thinner so I'm good c:
about my boobs. jigglypuffs HA! MY MUM JUST PULLED THE ELECTRICAL POWER OFF OF HIS BATHROOM WHILE HE WAS SHOWERING. karmaaaaaaaaaaaaa sorry i'm hyper ; ;
So I'm just waiting for my mum and did some avatars. I haven't made any in a while so this was fun. Stock is credited to zerochan and characters to their respective franchise c: It's kind of morbid, not really, but maybe for some. So watch out! Spoiler
I did a little quick sketch while I was packing during a break I took. The sketch itself took about 10 minutes, and I wish I had scanned the sketch cause I liked it better. But then, I decided to colour it using markers instead of water colour so I don't deprive my time for packing and other important things. Inspired by my current avatar, this is my OC Mint all dolled up as a skeleton ~ Critique, Opinions, etc are all appreciated ! Spoiler bigger version found here . And yes, I'm finished with packing 8D
So my friends got me into Avatar a couple weeks ago and we began marathoning to educate me beginning with Book Water. We just finished Book Fire. I'm crying just remembering it. Too many feels ; A ; Someone hold me.
Or at least most of you, I just thought I'd show this off Spoiler wand custom made by my friend Larry (Razgriz Thirteen) whooo0oo~
Ok. I'm sorry. Lame title is lame. Anywow, Next week I will be leaving the Philippines and taking a plane (hence the title. I'm a dork. Thanks C. Starship) and then I will be arriving April 20th, Friday in..... THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Whoooo0o0o0o ~ I'll be hanging around in the United States on vaycay with my family for abour 3 weeks. I'm very excited. I'm going to be staying in LA California, Glandale I think but I'll be on the road a lot and visiting other places like New York, Boston, San Fransisco, Cambria, San Diego, etc. I'm going to also go to some camps, concerts, historical landmarks and parks (like ohgosh, Disneyland, Six Flags and Universal AHH). I actually asked my mum if I could meet up with some people (which is why I made this thread rather early) on the days where we don't have much planned and she said yes and I'm actually planning to meet some people from KHV (Moshi, darlin' that's youuuu), I'm just afraid and embarrassed to ask xD It would be really cool to hang out and stuff and yeah, I'm just going to stop before I start blabbling. I'm also excited that I'm finally going to have a decent time-zone difference with most of you guys haha. However with this, I will be less active for those three weeks (on most days, maybe even not!) and even starting now I'll be busy because I must start packing and getting things ready, etc. My mum has told me not to bring my lappy-top since my brother will be bringing his though I really won't know when I can snatch that away from him during the trip. Haha. Of course, I'm going to try and go online every now and then hopefully everyday lol i'm so lame. I think I can use my brother's iPad to get on Skype and Twitter more often though ~ So this is just a little precaution/announcment, so you guys know I haven't left or died or anything. And if you see me, don't be afraid to say hi c: That would be lovely <3
AERIAL CEREALS !! Welcome to the Aerial Cereals: The epic alliance sworn to protect and love everything cereal.The stereotyped breakfast food may be in danger from the filthy criminals of the cereal world. So, cereal lovers must unite! Let us bring justice to the world and lives of one of the most loved food in the world. Let us always be epic and stay forever loyal. ◎ ♡ ◎ ♡ ◎ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rules / Notes 1. ABSOLUTELY ANYONE can come join the Aerial Cereals, just fill out the form below. 2. Please refrain from excessive swearing, there are younger members in the forum. Try out and practice some friendly words! 3. This is a place where we not only spread our love with our cereals but with each other so please keep a very nice and almost family-oriented atmosphere with the other members of the Aerial Cereal Alliance. Warnings will be sent if ever complaints rise, but we hope none of this will occur. 4. KHV forum rules apply. 5. We have a pet companion named Hizzle Chars (the cousin of a loved Nyan Cat) who brings terror but also happiness to all that encounter him. You can see Hizzle Chars here : http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh164/night_demon418/hizzle.jpg 6. For further inquiries, please contact either myself or moshimoshi!! (creators of this alliance) via PM, VM, or a simple post in the thread. Join us ! As mentioned, absolutely anyone can join the alliance with a completed form below. Just post it here and you will be added to The List shortly. If I fail to see your post in the thread or haven't added you onto the list, please contact me immediately! Code: [*color=#4169E1]▦ Username:[/color] [*color=#4169E1] Cereal:[/color] [*color=#4169E1] Facts:[/color](Tell us about yourself! what do you have to contribute to the alliance?) The List The list of current members of the Alliance who work hard each day to protect the cereal world. ▦ Username: moshimoshi!!! Cereal: Rice Chex Facts: Decedent of the legendary Chex family that has sworn to use her combat and sword fighting skills to protect all that is cereal ▦ Username : Dinny Grayson Cereal: Honey Stars Facts: The Ninja from Space with astronomical powers granted by the stars above. However, not quite as ninja as she believes she is. ▦ Username: Scruffy Cereal: Froot Loops Facts: I'm a burd, yo. My vibrant, beautiful colors will brighten up your day. ▦ Username: Daxa Cereal: Crunchy Nut Feast Facts: Using the power of honey,nuts and pure,lovely sugar,I can activate my super stalking skills,discovering the weaknesses of those who try to hurt the cereals,and destroying them. I also make tea <3~ ▦ Username: Llave de Espada Cereal: Cap'n Crunch Facts: A benevolent Captain of many skills, generally focused of friendship. However, when needed, can be rather merciless, especially towards "cereal killers." Bacon is my greatest ally. ▦ Username: Loxare Cereal: Rice Crispies Facts: A simple girl who is wonderful either alone or with other ingredients, and can be any shape she chooses. ▦ Username: Lilith (LARiA) Cereal: Puffins Facts: I am not a penguin. ▦ Username: Spike Cereal: Reese Puffs Facts: A wise (and not-so) old hermit with many years of experience in the breakfast world to share with the younglings. My goal is to maintain spiritual balance in the universe as I do with the forces of Chocolate and Peanut Butter. ▦ Username: Jⱥy Cereal: Cookie Crisps Facts: A dude with an axe sworn to protect the different types of cereal in this world from the evil cereal eating wolf. ▦ Username: Agent.T Cereal: Cocopops! Facts: I very much enjoy cereal, it helps us and I wish to return that favour by protecting against all cereal killers~! Also I'm cute and fluffy and make a gret pet >.> ▦ Username: . : tale_wind Cereal: Waffle Crisp! Facts: YEAH WE LIKE WAFFLES~ Sugary cereal is delicious and needs to be saved from the epidemic of "this nutritious breakfast." o3o ▦ Username: Firekeyblade Cereal: Lucky Charms Facts: Uh....I like Lucky Charms? And...I guess...I can do stuff with the charms? Sort of like Lucky....I guess. I've also been here for a while. ▦ Username: AndrewTemari101 Cereal: Frosted Flakes Facts: Using my frosted sugar cereal, I will defend the cereal universe from those filthy... monsters called humans with those... *shivers*... spoons! o:
[*color=#4169E1]▦ Username:[/color] [*color=#4169E1] Cereal:[/color] [*color=#4169E1] Facts:[/color](Tell us about yourself! what do you have to contribute to the alliance?)
Fear the wrath of Hizzle Chars and the Aerial Cereals. Or join us.
the day was going so well ! D<
But I do and they're having a concert this weekend . I'm missing out on the sexy of Pioneer tour . 'Cause that album was just unffff .
Commissions never done . cry cry cry cry .
I'm crying .
My Hufflepuff finding powers lead me to this. Spoiler Who made these again? xD
These are the results of taking breaks as I studied. Mostly sketches and stuff. Actually. All sketches and stuff. Not a lot of doodles since I was studying aderpderp. Spoiler: oops a bit of gore not really Spoiler: chibi? Spoiler: original character Drew Spoiler: elf thing Just tried a couple of things out. Like chibi and gore and cartoons and portraits. Opinions / critique are much appreciated n___n <3
Yes, I really wanted to use that title. It popped in my head today and I found it fun D: ANYWHO. My final examinations are coming up! Which means I'm going to be away for a week and a half or so. I'll probably still be online for a couple of hours tonight though, just so I can spend sometime on here before the KHV-deprivation D: I don't really know why I'm stating it here, I guess it's cause I've joined some families, joined the Tea Party and been actually, quite active so I don't want to leave anyone hanging D: (plus I have a horrible history of leaving suddenly for quite the long period of time ;___; but I'm not here to do that. Not anymore.) So yeah, my exams start in about 5 days so I'm just going to lock myself up and study everything since all my tests are comprehensive. Sadly, our schedule this year is terrible. The exams run from Wednesday - Friday, then we have a weekend, and the last exam on Monday. It's absolutely cray :c And I'll be gone maybe longer cause I'm lame and I really want to do better since my grades have been going very well lately to my surprise and I like studying anyway. LOL, in a way I really enjoy it. So yeah, gone for the next 2 weekends (including tomorrow's). That's about it. Just so you know I haven't left without mention and appear again after a year AHH. OH AND IF YOU SEE ME ONLINE THAT MEANS ONE THING: I'M PROBS PROCRASTINATING WITH KHV (which is awesome, but I'm really telling myself not to). EVEN IF I SAY I'M JUST HERE TO GET MY BRAIN WORKING AND NOT PROCRASTINATE TELL ME TO GET OUT. I SHOULD BE STUDYING. ALL CAPS FOR ALL SERIOUSNESS.
School is eating me up slowly hence inactivity =u= But anyway, yeah, no superman here. I was just, explaining school. I guess. I just wanted some critique and opinions on some of my works again. I need to improve ;__; So here we go! Spoiler ---------------------------------------------------------------- I love spoiler tags man. Here's an old sketch (LIKE SO OLD MAN. Okay not really, back in November of 2011) and everything looks wrong. Tiny, tiny itty bitty hands, awkward body structure and the like. So many weirdness in the sketch itself but I made this for my friend who shares a passion with everything Peter Pan so this was a Christmas present for her. Mainly what I did here, was practice light source. I'm not sure if I got that entirely right so I would like to ask about that. And yes, this was so rushed. I didn't bother cleaning up lines and whatever. Haha. Spoiler I'm sure no one recalls that last sketch of this bunny thing I posted some months ago I think but I decided to colour it and this is how it turned out c: Spoiler And lastly, MY FIRST EVER COMMISSION HOLY CRUD (over DeviantArt). This was really fun. I used LetraSet Pro and Tria Markers (I want Copcs so bad) and I just used photoshop to adjust lighting and remove most of the background. I'm so happy that the comic store I went at saw this and asked it to be displayed there, which I'm checking out in about an hour actually n__n But personally I don't know about the actual drawing itself I'm just, kind of odd about it at one point :r Spoiler ---------------------------------------------------------------- Muchas gracias for even having the time to look at this n__n Share to me whatever opinions and critique you have, it would be much appreciated c: <3
So hi again c: School's back which means less activity on here ;_; But I'll go on regularly unless stated. /likeitmatters ANYWAY. I have been drawing a lot, mostly sketching. And I decided to share it here as always and ask for some CnC n__n SO HERE IT GOES Spoiler These two are from my sketch book, just really quick in class while waiting for my teacher and stuff. I don't really know what to think about them, I might use them as possible character designs for projects in the future though! But I really don't know. erp. The bunny-girl's eyes are weird. I know D: Spoiler This is a sketch of Marceline and Bonnibel I did during Science Laboratory. It was free period since we just got to talk to our teacher about our grades all one by one and stuff so that was a lot of time to waste. I plan on colouring this maybe c: Spoiler Lastly, I drew this about 2 months ago but only got to colouring it the day before yesterday /shot. It's my friend, Rib, drawn as Damian Wayne of Batman and Robin (design based before the reboot, which is not much different from the new 52 but--- nevermind). I realize it's really non-proportional which sucks and I was really lazy with the background... but I'm kind of satisfied with how this turned out. Kind of. I should have added more shadows and highlights to the face though but I kind of went to bed = u = Spoiler I abused the spoiler tags. Derp. Opinions, Comments and, Critiques are AWESOME and makes YOU awesome /shot Thanks for viewing or giving time to go through this, if you have n__n
Non-creative title is non-creative 8D So while waiting for the four walls of my room I have done some avatars and also tried a couple tags. Yes, couple is 2. Erp, haven't done avatars in a while and I usually don't do signatures so CnC would be appreciated n__n Stocks credit to zerochan and their respective contributors c: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here was my go at signatures D: The first one I did the moment I got back to KHV, in a rush, because I was desperate to have something festive HAHA I don't really like how that turned out... and the second was just for fun and tried out a couple things~ And boom! I plan on doing more avatars if I have spare time but here are a few c: HERPDERP.