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  1. Dinny

    I am ill

    that means I can get on here and cyber-spread my illness to get all you loves off of school too

    whats up peeps

    Thread by: Dinny, Oct 3, 2012, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Dinny
    it's that time again.

    Initially I was very against making a thread for this because I just didn't want this to happen but things are getting pretty out of hand (not necessarily in a negative way) and I can barely find time to go online even in weekends u __ u

    So. I''ll be off most of the time again. School has kicked in and it's junior year. JUNIOR YEAR. And, my grades are really important to me (hurrhurr). I'm also in the drama club in my school and it's going to be a very big year this 2012-2013 and we'e got so much to do. It's also prom year (yuck) and I'm part of the prom committee (double yuck) and yeah, that's even more to do! I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but if I were to list it down in detail it would just be too-long-not-reading kind of thing, plus it'd probably be utterly boring.

    I'll try and get on every once in a while - especially since so many cool things are coming up! I'd still love to be part of the KHV Chorus/Duet/Karaoke Night and the KHV Musical is something I definitely want to get into! I'll be closing my art shop and giving the final pieces of those who haven't received theirs yet ( which so sorry it's taking forever u __ u ) on skype or something? Lastly, for the RPs I'm on I'll try my very best to at least post there.

    You can find me on twitter, tumblr, and facebook .
    I'll try and get on skype once in a while .

    miss you lot already ; ;
    Thread by: Dinny, Sep 28, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  3. Dinny

    I've been meaning to return earlier but I've fallen asleep... for the whole day.
    Not like it matteers though x)

    But hey! Exams are FINALLY over.

    What did I miss?
    o u o
    Thread by: Dinny, Sep 15, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Dinny
    I think we're at that level, guys [​IMG]
    Thread by: Dinny, Sep 3, 2012, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Dinny
    Status : OPEN
    Open Slots : 7 / 15
    Credit : Pixel Graphics & Stocks
    GREETINGS MY LOVELIES! I hope you're having a super grand [insert current time of day] right now and
    wishing you a very warm welcome into my little Art Shop! ^ o ^
    I decided to open up a little art shop because I love art so so much! Also, I don't ever want to stop
    drawing but sadly I am more motivated to do school work and I want to find a balance for both. To
    keep me motivated, I thought : why not do some art for people! I have closed commissions on
    deviantart (because they're so scary and demand so much abubububbbu) and turned to KHV! Please
    do not murder me ; ; I plan to do rather simpler pieces for you guys : I will be doing a bonanza piece
    every once in a while but I will be doing portraits, line work, pencil sketches (a lot of them!), Signatures
    or RP banners and Avatars/Icons! I love you all very much and I really hope that I can please you all with my art! n _ n
    • Please do not steal my art! I will be putting my signature or watermark to the pieces I make, I hope you don't mind. With this, if you are going to use it somewhere please also credit my work. It means a lot c:​
    • I will quote and respond to your piece with your finished work (unless I have something to say before that). If I "like" your post then that means I have seen it and is probably working on it.​
    • The difference between a Bonanza piece from a Portrait is that a portrait will be much simpler than a bonanza piece. A bonanza pice (do not ask why I called it that hahaha even I don't know) is something that will be worked on, with all my effort and stuff.​
    • I am willing to do 'themes' for you guys. Just fill out both Avatar and Signature forms completely and I'll be sure to give you the whole set once it is done.​
    • I only offer the things on my list. I have the right to remove them or put them on hold in any point of time. I might also add some more categories/types of work if ever - so keep a look out!​
    • Keep everything PG-13. There are some youngsters around here so please don't go requesting or giving me such absurd things​
    • With that said, I DO DRAW original characters, RP characters, fan art, KHV members (heehee), mild yaoi/yuri (like cutsey-doodle-cuddly things) and chibi. I DO NOT DRAW nudity, suggestive material, texts with curse words in them, major mecha (I will go as far as Iron Man), and overly muscular (I can do Dick Grayson muscles but not Bruce Wayne muscles).​
    • Please don't request when there are no open slots! I will probably ignore it, or not even see it. Sorry :c​
    • When you are describing what you want for your request, be very specific. If you are describing your character's appearance do not forget anything. Mention the eye colour, skin tone, outfit, accessories, expression, etc. Also when you are describing what is happening or whatever - right down to the last detail. This goes for the background and everything really. I do not want to end up drawing something you won't like so yeah ~​
    • Use the specific forms for your request and also, fill everything out unless you don't want something (like the optional text) you can just leave it blank or put 'N/A'.​
    • I have the right to deny a request (I'm probably going to apologize to you nonstop though) because it's against what I do or I don't have time or something. I am very sorry in advance if something like this comes along, but please be mindful that I am currently in school right now and stuff so yeah :c​
    • To view art samples, simply click the little box to open into a larger one! Yay! n _ n​
    • Lastly, I love you. Sorry for all the rules, but please do follow them.​

    • Bonanza Pieces
      { Fullbody, half, bust, 3/4 }
      { Contains background, colours, hard work, detail and love }
      [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    • Line Work
      { May contain background . Full body, bust, 3/4, headshot }
      { Lines may be in different colour but generally does not contain colour }
      [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    • Portraits
      { Full body, half, bust, 3/4, headshot }
      { Contains colour . May contain minimal background }
      [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    • Pencil Sketches
      { May contain background . Full body, bust, 3/4, headshot }
      { Lines may be coloured but generally does not contain colour }
      [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    • Avatars
      { 100 x 100 }
      [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
      { 150 x 150 }
      [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
      [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
      [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
      [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
      { 200 x 200 }
      [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
      [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    • Signatures

    • RP Banners
    [​IMG] Bonanza Pieces
    --- not available ---
    [​IMG] Portraits
    1. Krowley (1/2 characters)
    2. Cherry Berry (2 characters)
    3. Flood of Twilight
    [​IMG] Line Work & Pencil Sketches
    1. Dr_Wigglz
    [​IMG] Avatars
    1. master of keyblades
    2. Flood of Twilight
    [​IMG] Signatures/RP banners
    1. Reinzel
    Krowley x XHeartless x Korosu x Midnight Star x Myst x X Bushy Browx Dark Traitor x Moshi x x x x X X Jay x HoT X X X X X X
    HeartlessOfLight X MoK XX RA X Sebax X

    Thread by: Dinny, Aug 8, 2012, 78 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  6. Dinny
    I can't seem to find myself drawing lately. Hmph.
    So I made some icons. Yes, I'm procrastinating from my school work booo>:c
    Not a lot, I'd like to make more but I've grown quite lazy ho ho ho


    If one were to oddly interest you, you may use it!
    Please just credit me and if you need anything sized down please say ♥

    CnC ?
    Thread by: Dinny, Aug 6, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. Dinny
    So our dearest cluddliest member, Teddy (Tequila) has asked me to send KHV a little message regarding some time off he will be taking:

    "I won't be on KHV for a while.
    People in New York should be on a look-out for a dude with
    a burgundy v-neck and heartless bracelet with heartless shoelaces."

    He will be away for a little over a week... I think ~
    dinny the messenger out *poof*
    Thread by: Dinny, Jul 11, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  8. Dinny
    So, school's back and it's Junior year. It's my first week in so far and gosh, it's just been so much. I guess it is also my fault since I put so much on my plate for this school year, but I just don't think I can take so much of it and it's just ughhh, I feel like I'm running out of time. I just don't think I can go on much longer... it's like, days turn into seconds and it's like bam! I just don't know how I'm going to handle it anymore. And I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm going to be leaving for quite some time. So, I guess this is good-bye, huh?

    Good bye,


    Hello again, New York City !!!
    whoooo~ c: Spoiler tags are my best friends <3
    lol okay, sorry for wasting your time I was just trying to be cool but I'm just failing completely abubububbu

    Anyway, yes! I am returning to New York City in just a couple days (less than a week, wow!). I can't seem to handle how excited I am anymore. I'm really stoked just to get back to New York, one of my favourite places to visit and I am so incredibly happy that I will be in the States when KH3D comes out (definitely going to GameStop mwahah) ; u ; Hehehe <3

    So some details:

    I'll be leaving on the 28th and returning to my country on the 1st of August. I am going to New York because I got a scholarship to an Academic Program (Oxbridge) which will enlighten me on some courses (the ones I will be taking) and I'll also be visitting lots of different colleges there in New York! The program will run from July 1st to the 28th. I'll be arriving in New York earlier to try and get rid of jet lag and I guess chill out a bit? Haha, and spend time with family of course. I'll probably be studying mostly though lol, catching up with all the school work I will be missing.

    In that case, I will probably be online here during the 28th to the 30th of June and then I will rarely and almost never be on after that until the 28th of July. For the RPs I am in, I'm sorry if I am not able to post within the span of those 3 weeks. I hope I don't cause anything to slow down or stop or something but I will definitely try to be online as much as I can (but really, during the duration of the program it is highly unlikely). I will also be away from skype during the duration of the program most definitely, unless I decide to call my parents he he. I guess you can catch me on there as well.

    Then, after the 1st of August I will be returning to school and I expect to be swamped for a couple days - even weeks - with school work I have to catch up on and other things like my drama club and prom lol

    So yeah, I'm going to take quite a long leave.
    Just thought I'd put it out there he he
    Thread by: Dinny, Jun 21, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  9. Dinny
    Happy, happy, joy, joy~

    Happy, happy, joy ~

    Happy, Happy ~

    Happy ~

    Thread by: Dinny, Jun 21, 2012, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Dinny
    And I'm going to be learning a bunch of new things.

    and you guys are having summer

    hanging with your friends

    playing video games

    streaming videos

    and other fun things.

    but I'm going to school and I'm learning the crud out of those new things.

    SUCK IT.

    ; ; -dies-
    Thread by: Dinny, Jun 12, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Dinny
    So hello, hello~
    I finally went back to drawing after much deprivation from my trip - I brought a sketchpad but I really found no time to draw, except in the airport on the way to the States. I've also not been able to do commissions on DA, even though I have four pending and since I am doing such a terrible job at it I have decided tho close commissions on DA after I've completed the four on my list. It's becoming too much of a hassle for me as the people who ask demand so much! xD I know it'll probably be like this in the future but I've decided to gradually make my way there and once my other commissions are done... I'll be opening a little art shop here on KHV! n __ n I hope people will be interested though, I'm not too sure... but I'll do it anyway 8D
    I just wanted to throw it out there, but anyway here are a few pieces I would like to share and ask for some comments, opinions, critique, etc:

    This first one is of a fairy (because I love fairies to death) that I drew in the Philippine Airport while waiting for the plane to arrive and allow us to board. It's just a pencil sketch thing I decided to do to kill time - and luckily, this took quite some time than my usual pencil sketches. I'm not so sure if I'll be colouring this. Part of me wants to but I'm still figuring out which medium would be best. I also don't know if it's worthy of being coloured into a "bigger" piece (being more detailed and improved etc).

    And this is my current work in progress. It's not one of my commissions but I wanted to try and make a successful piece before back to commissions because I fear I will just ruin them ; ; Anyway, these two are my OCs Mint and Drew (further explaination to who they are some time later as I plan to submit this to TAotM). I just wanted to try some fantasy-like thing because I'm not really sure why but I did it anyway. Long story short, yes they are lovers. Yes, Drew is a guy and Mint is the girl - my brother thinks he looks very feminine but I'm sorry I just love eyelashes and inspired him from this singer who has long hair ; n ; Anyway, I plan to colour this with my markers soon - maybe later but I'm still plotting colours. I feel like I got too attached to my Sakura brush pen and used too much black... but I think it also makes contrast but I'm still feeling very paranoid.

    sorry for so much text. heeeelp ; A ;
    Thread by: Dinny, May 23, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  12. Dinny
    I lazily made some avatars today. Featuring one of my favourite mangas... AIR GEAR! Whoooo0o0o~
    I love the art of Air Gear, it's so fine and amazing and gorgeous abwahhhhh.
    And yes, I am in love with the Fang King as well <3

    Anyway, here are 10 Air Gear icons!
    The first I made for Kelly the other day just because I can throw it in here n __ n


    stocks credit to zerochan~
    Thread by: Dinny, May 23, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. Dinny

    Is it wrong that I want to kiss everybody ?
    ; ~ ;
    Thread by: Dinny, May 22, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Dinny
    I hope you're enjoying that goshdarn, mother fluffing, supermegafoxyawesomehot concert.

    while I'm just here .

    weeping .

    ; ;
    Thread by: Dinny, May 20, 2012, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Dinny
    Bro, you're just so amazing and full of awesome and you're so very nice to everyone on the forum!

    I wish we were friends. Really.

    You just seem so cool.

    Thread by: Dinny, May 20, 2012, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Dinny


    I'm trying to go back to sleep and fight my jet lag. pow! pow!

    But it's really dark,
    I'm alone,
    I'm scaring myself with awful thoughts and
    I'm too scared to go back to sleep because of nightmares :c

    Thread by: Dinny, May 19, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Dinny
    And they still haven't found it and my life is in that little notebook
    andithas Peter Pan and Tink's signatures in it and abubububububbu
    Thread by: Dinny, May 13, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Dinny
    'cause like

    we should all totally meet up .
    Thread by: Dinny, May 5, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Dinny
    I am incredibly, blissfully, extremely, excitedly, and completely terrified.

    o A o
    Thread by: Dinny, Apr 30, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Dinny
    guys. um. I kind of want to join in ; ___ ;

    take Ty Lee and I kill you.
    Thread by: Dinny, Apr 22, 2012, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone