The entire story isn't like this, guise ;~; besides i never watched inception
This isn't even the beginning, it starts off talking about how actions have equal reactions and humans are creatures designed to want to know everything But it's all relevant I KNEW THAT WAS COMING
rip her tits off
Faaaaaaaaaanks :B
Well, slightly drunk tired doesn't do much good, as this is a moderately confuzzling passage But I'll go ahead and post it anyway Fanks :B "Imagine, if you will, that it was possible to consider having a thought without ever actually having that thought. What is to be made of that thought that you decided not to have? It does not exist, at least, not in your head; exactly in the sense that it never actually crossed your mind. The only sign of it is in that consideration; in that thought in which you contemplated the thought that you did not think. Such is the nature of dreams; that if you have a dream in which you have a dream, your innermost dream never actually existed. And in this, it is through such dreams that it reaches out into the outermost edges of our existence." Yes
Not long; just a paragraph
Hapi basudai
I know I ask for something of you guys and disappear into the night And it may seem like I'm taking advantage of your existence But that's only because I totally am ANYWAY Not sure about a bit of my story that I just wrote, it seems to me like it might be a bit hard for the average person to follow, so if I posted it would you guys read it? <3
Oh, of course, how silly of me. The people's rights always mean that their opinion is without fault, right? We can totally be trusted with national secrets; I mean, it's not like there's a reason that they exist or anything. I'm so silly.
Any of the anonymous care to answer as to why we're defending wikileaks again?
I'm having issues thinking of names for characters, khv. Shoot names at me. First names, last names, ridiculous names, any name you can think of. Go crazy. Go absolutely nuts. Go.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn?
Just as much as it's okay for Athiests to submerge themselves in such I choose not to but eh whatever floats your boat
All over the place, dude. xD
Life In Four Parts I Life springs forth from the fountain of the earth Freshly sewn and freshly sprouted And with eyes and arms outstretched toward the sky it says; "Hello world I look forward to meeting you" II Innocence sans eyes Able to feel, yet unable to truly see the world And it feeds on lies just as much as it does truth Through the things that people put in its head It feels numb But it feels no different than it ever has And thus it assumes normality It eagerly anticipates responsibility Not for the obligation, but for the power which it brings Joyfully it accepts this responsibility in the form of choice The sun shines warmly on the flourishing life the world has nurtured With arms wide and eager for acceptance it excersizes power It can almost feel itself growing With arms and wings spread wide it proclaims; "I love you, world" III It sits solemnly, still reeling It never could have known It never could have known the consequence that followed choice It never could have prepared for it It stares at its hands They are the hands of something fundamentally flawed They are the organs of its mistakes The instruments with which it adds imperfection to the world Like leaves, they wither They break from its arms and flake to the ground Never again will it use them like this It has learned It has fed its own mind To it, this food is irrevocable truth The chill its actions bring it mount Until it finds a way to move on Only to return to the allure for power that choice brings And in this, it asks; "World, I wished so much to know you, Why will you not know me?" IV Eyes sans innocence It stares at its hands They are the hands of something fundamentally flawed They are the organs of its mistakes The instruments with which it added imperfection to the world But it was life A life that it had lived only through that cycle of imperfection And in this, it is content It feels cold But it knows that it is supposed to Maybe the chill of those mistakes that haunt it have finally become too much And thus, with content in its heart it turns its eyes upward Toward the sky that it had seen so long ago And it says: "Goodbye world I am content to leave here But I wish I could have talked to you more often" "I wish you hadn't been so busy I wish I hadn't been so busy either"
I am not I WILL sue you Because I can totally do that