dont believe there is one yet ill help you look for it, btw why? is everybody calling me wolfcloud? its wolfclouds ^^ oow yeah btw if you think its to much time you're wrong cause leveling them goes pretty fast^^
here's the anti form in drive menu code 6H5J-8YW4-N6X4G XWT1-W0M8-NEGQM CFJ0-EGAC-X1K0Y EYNW-CB13-WV2JZ RB4C-2QBQ-BUAU8 MH83-U22G-814X9 ER8P-1H2N-UY0W5 but you have to have 9 drive bars, still i dont know if it works for sure cause ive got it to work, but with me it only works with saves where i havent beat sephiroth, really strange....
here try this its from keyblade master axel, havent tried it myself though All Abilities Sora/Roxas: GFJ9-C4FV-E6V1V 1GA3-YJG0-HB5GW QPFA-NCEF-B9V03 XC7D-E3YU-KE30Q H8V2-RRU3-PMUP3 JZMJ-2A2Y-0WWBM BPHC-5YNF-XXGMA GRCM-87XV-J15XX 3BU5-HR60-9U91H VQ9N-9E61-R8TW6 9P32-DBPK-3GYNQ BK46-3K7Z-Q7DZB NCU0-FT7G-JXK1T 7VB2-YBCB-TQKAE R4VY-1HRU-K8RFG C542-50DQ-9A9NA 0QVF-HFUY-T3ECN 53QB-7TPZ-B0Z02 DBTX-312A-8MGYZ PGPY-1KEV-921UB VHH7-9313-281UQ CQ06-7NZC-R1QYV B1X3-9RJP-ZU7VX 54VY-RZZU-Q11G4 1TUE-X8FR-WG8HX 0RYQ-0AAK-EU69W VH7E-4EGH-NJ3WB QVGZ-4CA2-Q79V7 GBJT-KK2X-TYTK4 6JQR-M4QZ-YKRQU
ill look it up for you, and there are more ability codes than the all ability code no we already had it equiped but it didnt do anything to the game cant seem to find it musi rulz didnt you have the code for all ability's? or was that keyblade master axel?
no i really beat 2 using reflega 2 of them died at the same time, you where the one who fought xaldin cloud and sephiroth i thought that battle was really cool, man how do you do it not hitting cloud for so long, and yes its true that it really sucks that cloud has only 1 hp bar (less then 1) btw read better before judging i said i won by using reflega
see thats what i thought, me and cloudstrife252 did have a code that did work, you have the w2d equiped only when in the game when swinging your weopon it still looks like the blade you had on but in the menu it says you wielding w2d. what kind of ability codes do you need?
i dont think it will work cause the only ending digit i know is 49, and im not gonna try anyway cause the possibility that there's a code where sora actually wields it is smaller than 1% try it yourself though same idea here, i thought of that also but i haven't found the reaction facedown aswell
what master code are you using?
yeah i know ill try some more, 1 i want to play as riku and 2 i want xemnas to be fightable
wel the really strange thing is that i almost always use that save game and start there but it was the first time it happened to me that i saw him. if been experementing a lot with xemnas codes, also all the reaction command (i believe not sure of course) have digets so you can change a party member for an reaction command if i can find the one that you need to use at memory skyscraper i can make a working xemnas(first) code somebody else know something about the anti form mistery? why does it disapear when i defeat sephiroth???
I fought 3 sephiroths myself and won (using reflega) only thing i hated that i didnt really beat them all I killed 2 but the second was the real one so the battle ended, that really sucked cause i wanted to defeat all 3 of them.
sora - sora donald - riku goofy - roxas yeah this is my dream team to bad when i try this the game freezes, and i cant play as sora, must be played by roxas automaticly (sorry 4 my bad english :P )
cloud do you (maybe?) know the digits for the one winged angel song?
hej guys ive got a problem with the anti form in drive menu code, ive got about euhm 10 saves a few of them i have were i can still fight sephiroth (real boss) with all these saves the codes work, but when choosing a save game where sephiroth has been beaten the codes dont seem to work cause no anti form in my drive menu, btw with the xemnas (final) code i got a glitched xemnas when i started in the alley of between(or something like that) he was about 2 seconds in the wall behind me, this has never happened before most of the time he's not there but this time he was there but really really short than he dissapeared.... strange huh ow yeah another quistion is it possible to get donald and goofy in your team while your still roxas in station of serenity cause i cant seem to get it to work (i want to mod a team mate in a save point with world map acces)
hi guys, ive got a quostion about sora (normal) replacing valor form, ive seen a lot movies about it but i cant seem to get it to work with the pal version, every time i make one and use it (playing as roxas) he just goes to valor form, btw does anyone else have the problem with anti form in drive menu that the code doesnt work anymore once you defeat sephroth? you're idea is perfect however there the code you used for xemnas (final) is it the one from the UCM? cause that code results into nothing (at least with my game) so that may be the problem, cause the game seems to freeze, according to mikael110 youre right there is a music code only i cant seem to find the number needed for the one winged angel melodie music code (unconverted!) 10354E9C 000000?? 10354EAC 000000?? 31 and below= no music 32- Station of Serenity. 33- Station of Serenity Battle 34- Twilight Town (Sora's story) 35- Twilight Town Battles (Sora's story) 36- TWTNW 37- TWTNW battle music 38- Port Royal. 39- Port Royal Battles. 3A- Freeze 3B- Freeze 3C- Freeze 3E- Freeze 3F-51= Nothing 52- Mini-Game 53- Nothing? 54- Agrabah Battle (super fast) 55- Space Paranoids Battle 56- Freeze 57- Xemnas Battle (the one in front of the skyscraper)(hangs the game sometimes) 58- Music when Sora awakens 59- Reunion (one when Sora, Riku, and Kairi reunite) 5A- Music when Riku removes blindfold (i THINK) 5B- Kairi's Theme 5C- New Journey 5D- Evil Music (when the Villians plot) 5E- Solemn Music (when Sora finds out what happens when he uses the keyblade) 5F- No Hope 60- Happy March (when Maleficent and Pete die in TWTNW) 61- Silly music (like when Sora visits Santa) 62- Bad Omen 63- Longing (when Kairi is taken from her home) 64- Underworld Music 65- Beast Castle Music 66- Underworld Battle Music 67- Olympus Coliseum Theme 68- Beast Castle Battle Music 69- Nothing 6A- Under the Sea (sometimes hangs the game) 6B- Ursula's Revenge (background music) (sometimes hangs the game) 6C- Ariel's Song (background to the one she sings in the cave) 6D- Conclusion Song to Atlantica (background music) 6E- Large Boss Battle (like against the MCP or Jafar) 6F- Chaotic Battle (used in 1000 Heartless event) 70- Land of Dragon Battle 71- Swim this way (background music to "swim this way" in Atlantica) 72- Nobodies attack 73- Special Boss Battle (like against against the Experiment in Halloween Town) 74- Land of Dragon Town 75- Annoying Battle (like against Pete or the Hyenas) 76- Twilight Town (Roxas story) 77- Twilight Town Battles (Roxas story) 78- Arena Battles 79- Mini Boss Battles (like in Beast's Castle during first visit) 7A- Atlantica Tutorial 7B- Atlantica Tutorial (when you do something right) 7C- Same as 7B 7D- Conclusion to Atlantica Tutorial 7E- Nothing 7F- Agrabah Town 80- Agrabah Battle 81- Atlantica Town 82- Neverland Clock Tower (KH1 never sounds in KH2) 83- Ambush (battle music for most scripted battles) 84- Ending to Beast's Castle (when belle and beast dance together) 85- Yen Sid Tower 86- Twilight Town battle (Sora's story) 87- Space Paranoids 88- Space Paranoids Battle 89- Gummi´s World Map. 8A- Gummi Menu 8B- Gummi Construction 8C- Under the Sea (this one doesn't hang the game) 8D- 100 Acre Wood 8E- Gummi Victory 8F- Disney Castle. 90- Halloween Town 91- Struggle in Hollow Bastion 92- Roxas' Theme 93- Atlantica Battle (KH1 never sounds in KH2) 94- Gummi Launch 95- Halloween Town Battles. 96- Disney Boss Battle (KH1 never sounds in KH2) 97- The 13th Struggle (Organization XIII battles) 98- Hollow Bastion. 99- Hollow Bastion Battles. 9A- Port Royal 9B- Port Royal battles (hangs the game) 9C- Ansem Final Battle (KH1 never sounds in KH2) 9D- Nothing 9E- 100 Acre Minigame 9F- 100 Acre Minigame (when riding the broom thing) A0- A1- Nothing A2- Evil Music (when Villians plot) A3- Bad Omen A4- Olympus Coliseum Mini-game A5- Nothing A6- Bad Omen A7- Bad Omen (this one can be used in worlds as well) A8- Bad Omen A9- Bad Omen AA- AB- AC- AD- AE- AF- B0- Nothing
yeah most of them work, but you have to save with codes on and then restart your ps2 without the codes to equip them or something like that, then they should work this one should work Q4CF-XY9P-91JE6 RB4C-2QBQ-BUAU8 GAPZ-DGFB-M61TA
nice ava btw
potion is nothing just invicible cant attack ability i think the same btw cloud dont you have a ps2 or something cause you dont even seem to know if youre codes work
game is loading wait for it haha that wasnt valor form its a potion but now i do have an invicible keyblade haha and to make it better i cant hit my enemys haha
rofl haahahahahahahahahahahahahah do you even thought that this was gonna work okay ill try it for fun wait for it fake????? wtf! not even game freeze???? using drive form! game freeze!!!! haha