yeah why not, im not home at the moment so can you try it yourself then? just a replace donald for a 0000 digit donald sucks anyway ^^
thamks ill have to wait though just sold my ps2 im hoping i can get enough money to buy my ps3 at the end of the month, and i have to buy a new ar max cause it died
sorry to go off topic for a sec, cause i hope someone here knows, does the AR MAX work on a ps3?
the most codes you can just convert from USA AR MAX to PAL raw then just copy the raw code you get and convert that to PAL AR MAX at least thats how i do it my AR MAX is dead btw and i cant use my codes anymore dont think im gonna buy a new one unlesh it can be used on the ps3 aswell since i just sold my ps2 and am gonna buy a ps3 at the end of the moth (i hope ^^)
dont really care about destiny island, cause it would probably F*CK up the game like villians val i just want to go back to the memory sky scraper xemnas fight style so that i can do that boss again, really like that fight but dont feel like playing the game from te beginning again
i agree about that it is annoying but this vid. was just so that we could see that you can get into special rooms with hacks damn i want those room digits and i want sora's cool little crown :P
hej guys any luck on finding the map digits? damn i need them so bad
that wasnt really the point of that movie it was the point that you could acces that map with a map digit and with xemnas (final mix or not) i really need those map digits still the dude from the vid. said he just a map digit to get there why the F*CK dont these guys give us those digits damn them!
no i mean its a magic that was put in the game but taken out later youll have to try it out, slim chance though it works still looking for mp hatega no mp charge? just use unlimited mp code (doesnt work when using entire bar at once)
ooow cloudstrife252 abou twtnw i believe it had something to do with you're items if you have the all item code and i do mean all items go to the alternate twilight town go through betwixt and between the first scene should start, yeah i believe that was a trick about it see you need to have key items to trigger cut-scenes from the game. ive got that digit as well and with my list it only says pumba
that's the deleted magic ability right? why dont you just try making an ability for sora with it
ow that um i did have a trick for that i believe, let me think im getting to that hold on donald - timon 9A4E-ZGVD-VM2U8 WYXY-4JPY-EM1XK donald - pumba 7169-PGA2-BKA7J RK05-4Z16-HP34M goofy - timon KE89-UUD4-UTGPB XRXF-2RD3-KXA4Q goofy - pumba 1523-8WW8-XA70Z 8VJG-FXYC-95GVP i dont have the one with them to getter cant find it at the moment had it once though ill look it up for you
what do you mean exacly? like when starting a new game with all worlds open you cant get to twtnw? cause i could normally i can just land there and i could go trough betwixt and between.
could you give me that one please?
does anyone have a working roxas as team mate code dual wiel or normal doesnt matter, every one i try if i replace him with donald or goofy the game automaticly replaces him with sora
youre right i tried the synch blade ability 4 sora normal form only i couldnt equip it so you cant equip 2 with normal sora do you still need bond of flame? roxas left hand?
i dont think thats really possible you cant shorten codes like those cause allmost every line stands for a few abilities, its just because there are so many abilities that the code is so long
welcome back ive been gone for a few days asswell, what you dont have the 9 bars yet O_o 9 bars WZHB-6PPY-PFR8N RCYB-649Z-5RWPW 4 the others cant help ya with that me also want drive withou team members. i think we got all the best codes anyway think this game hasnt got a lot more
yeah i tried that but it doesnt seem to work with the bond of flame these ar the right digits i believe? 01F2 = Bond of Flame thanks for the save point codes sorry about asking for combinations never saw the hold R2 im sooooo blind sometimes :P
thanks what are the combinations btw? ow btw im having some trouble with roxas his left hand keyblade I can get the ultima and fenrir keyblades but i cant get the bond of flame working