ive beaten him at lvl 47 yeeeeeey it was hard but now i can see the fight between sora and roxas with the fenrir. EDIT: it looked coowl hehe
V2VY-Q730-CNGE1 ME6Y-CC6F-WT3GC PH1M-V076-VQQJ1 KMMQ-TPVE-2726Z 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A 7MCB-E9UM-MC8DQ test this please its having aurons weapon, im trying to get a visible one
O_o never new kh1 sora could drive thats cool :P
me got a question about a roxas code, I just rethought that haha lol, euhm has anyone got it working that roxas is a team member instead of becomming the main player, like when i tried to switch donald or goofy with roxas, sora was automaticly switched with roxas O_o little bit off topic: I thought (without codes) when you get the final form you couldt tranform into anti sora anymore how come (its my first time, my third real start over game never had this before) now that even that i have the final form i can still transform into anti sora???
there maybe but everything that is new in kh2fm+ cant be used in the regular kh2
why dont you test the idea?
he can be easy lets leave it at that okay, since i started a new game (again haha lol) im now at the sephi fight on proud mode level 47 3 elixers and its tough as **** lol i beated him easily when i first did it on normal level 70 and then proud mode level 54 but now its my lowest level yet and i want to beet him on this level
so to make a long story short... sephiroth rules all!!!
would it work to use more negative combo so sora only uses gaurd break and explosion will the keyblade be there or dissapear?
aaaw yes that might be it so probably it would work best without any combo abilities or finishers right?
at least now there isnt right? cause the code might just be incomplete or something like that right?
evil!!!! you rock!!!! (is your new code movie ready yet?) maybe he cant use the anti-form in drive menu code, because i couldnt any more when i defeated sephiroth. the code worked before sephiroth but once i defeated him the anti-form dissapeared from the drive menu did you defeat sephiroth? yes or no? cause with my game and I believe mighty matt had the same problem if you use a save where you beaten sephiroth the code wont work anymore
nope i only know where the way of how to use the code is around 660
look some pages back its a lot of codes actually EDIT: get in touch with red sonic he can give u the set completely and tell you what to do, I dont know for sure but my brother might 've screwed up
yeah it is a fun fight but now its just though ( i do like a chalange) and i never use cure i use a few reflegas and sometimes limit break trinity it does a good amount of damage. also at this level he can kill me with one good combo so its tough. and i am at just lvl 47 on proud without the form abilities
oooow so thats how it works, thanx im gonna try next week when im visiting my brother again :)
yeah its supposed to be so, only he should be invisible or something i dont get it either but my bro does
oops i replied on the wrong thing haha^^, my bro is testing the riku thing^^ EDIT: black screen of death O_o
thanx!!!! i geuss? where is the part that says its mickeys blade? O_o
beaten him several times in kh1, 3 times in kh2, all on proud mode :) lowest level in kh2 was 52 with all forms max so i could use abilities and 5 elixers, now im at him again lvl 47 no form abilities and only 3 elixers, almost killed him twice with half a bar left, tough as **** (and yes again on proud mode) i want to use the fenrir in the movie were sora fights roxas so i have to beat him :) EDIT: I first had an AR max and a ps2, now i don't, me got ps3 now, but with ar max i fought 2 of them and won and a battle of three sephiroths and i won lvl 99 and all forms max (and yes i needed a lot of practise and reflega^^)