ooow yeah but thats just kh1 outfit btw drop all your abilities cause there are no animations for this sora to use them he cant use magic either 3AQN-RHPZ-JN3QA FBKG-0JKD-5Y2J6 sorry guys but ive got to go now ill be back this evening and im here tomorrow morning as well
limit sora does not exist in kh2 normal game
what do you mean limit sora? limit sora is kh2fm+ this should work QTWW-6D2C-B2ETZ F3U9-50HC-ZZ8B4 73BN-0WXY-66JKD XEMJ-Z8ZB-J6NWK 2X8G-AB2H-2X5YX 5RM0-V1DT-0WEVW VM45-7WVT-5U6NV DPYB-VYJH-B10UJ 9MZ1-XZT1-YB1FP
yeah i know but it is fun fighting him if he cant die especially fighting to of him
sadly no the best thing i can get for ya is the shadow roxas maybe i can get dw roxas as an enemy but theres a slight chance that would work
i know demyx sucks i dont get wants wrong with axel he does everything he has te do when i battle him voor the max abilities yes there are codes 4 only the chance youre game freezes is high, those codes are unstable
btw people if you got the deadly battle code on ones it cant be turned of so dont save like i did, if the code is on dont battle anywhere in twilight town including betwix and between or youre enemys will have unlimited hp
youre welcome its a lot of work
the only code i know is the deadly battle code that makes him invinceble dont know anything about an hp 14 bars code sorry Donald code: Axel: 9B1A-7JZU-9PNCG C9JU-PU19-AGXC4 Demyx: NRDH-9Y7W-HNUFR PBYH-JRJZ-UJ2T0 chance of freeze Xaldin: RVD5-6RY0-ZW61A 3HVC-W1RY-ZKTK5 Xigbar: 1TRG-0GA4-55XZ5 TYZH-324K-8DCHT Saix: UB8T-3DVG-EC7YY 8U2H-E772-AP3Y5 xemnas armor: H7Y6-E3M0-63DR2 AY21-8CTB-0Q190 riku org XIII outfit cant be killed 87G2-ZZT9-246N3 JDZ7-DDVE-Y0N04 goofy codes: Axel: U6Y8-64ZM-6K998 DZQK-3VDY-AH7YT Demyx: 4TM8-GNCW-F8AJ8 FZDV-5UKN-021VD again big chance of freeze Xaldin: 1RC1-KX9Q-NP23A P8VM-7XKM-6X5XJ Xigbar: 0HYB-04HJ-8K60V 5PT2-KME0-P8MR8 Saix: DVBX-RMN0-Q2H4U DE81-0RVG-HHFC1 xemnas armor: 0CDE-9QKE-YC7U0 CVZ9-HVCW-WBKAN riku orgXIII outfit cant be killed FXFY-GDD5-M4GN6 VCMJ-27ZW-ZVBJF i also have codes for xemnas scyscraper battle but with my game when i use them i cant use the reaction command when he teleports away, try your game let me know if you can xemnas - donald QEPZ-HQ70-XBWGG N9DB-JRJM-6MAHP xemnas - goofy FV0Z-YQUJ-Q0UEA 5HHE-PWC2-8KDRE
twilight thorn and dark thorn? note: you can only fight twilight thorn with roxas (normal/dw) or the game will freeze donald - twilight thorn 89Q6-V56E-D5D44 C5PX-CNKF-A8745 goofy - twilight thorn 8AC4-5BH8-06G0N A1FR-QWW8-6R5H3 donald - dark thorn 8CJ7-VJF2-3QVKC RQJK-VV8V-89F79 goofy - dark thorn PV46-WXVP-17CFQ ABX8-8PNV-RD7WQ full part code- its for fighting any enemy with a complete party 30RU-E706-P7C5N 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR TRYP-XTHZ-ATG4N
you maen just to battle axel look 3 pages back or so i posted a lot bosses including axel haha well the battle level code did make it harder O_o he hass infinite hp he cant be killed O_o
to be onest i have no idea i only know the could should make the game harder ill try it myself
i dont know i found this though battle level deadly 4C8V-WFXB-H2X9D U9QR-ZVZP-0A047
ooow the room from final mix+ right? there is a diffuculty cheat dont know what it is if you can find me one give it to me please i know you want the pal version so if you can give me any version ill convert it, for you hp and stuff euhm try this for low HP, havent tried it myself though not sure it will work HE0T-MV80-2XPGJ 5NXQ-KYZA-3H0G3 ill look for the diffuculty cheat myself aswell
so you could actually use the reaction command? and you got final xemnas? can you give me you're codes? about the twilight thorn thing i might know what happened it has the same structure as were you fought him first ( ... of serenity dont know the name) if youve noticed when youve got the kingdom hearts command style on kh2 when youre at serenity room and betwix and between you will automatically get kh1 command icons so the structure is the same this may make the game think youre in the serenity room. cavern of remembrence euhm were is that again, doesnt ring a bell
Donald code: Axel: 9B1A-7JZU-9PNCG C9JU-PU19-AGXC4 Demyx: NRDH-9Y7W-HNUFR PBYH-JRJZ-UJ2T0 chance of freeze Xaldin: RVD5-6RY0-ZW61A 3HVC-W1RY-ZKTK5 Xigbar: 1TRG-0GA4-55XZ5 TYZH-324K-8DCHT Saix: UB8T-3DVG-EC7YY 8U2H-E772-AP3Y5 xemnas armor: H7Y6-E3M0-63DR2 AY21-8CTB-0Q190 riku org XIII outfit cant be killed 87G2-ZZT9-246N3 JDZ7-DDVE-Y0N04 goofy codes: Axel: U6Y8-64ZM-6K998 DZQK-3VDY-AH7YT Demyx: 4TM8-GNCW-F8AJ8 FZDV-5UKN-021VD again big chance of freeze Xaldin: 1RC1-KX9Q-NP23A P8VM-7XKM-6X5XJ Xigbar: 0HYB-04HJ-8K60V 5PT2-KME0-P8MR8 Saix: DVBX-RMN0-Q2H4U DE81-0RVG-HHFC1 xemnas armor: 0CDE-9QKE-YC7U0 CVZ9-HVCW-WBKAN riku orgXIII outfit cant be killed FXFY-GDD5-M4GN6 VCMJ-27ZW-ZVBJF i also have codes for xemnas scyscraper battle but with my game when i use them i cant use the reaction command when he teleports away, try your game let me know if you can xemnas - donald QEPZ-HQ70-XBWGG N9DB-JRJM-6MAHP xemnas - goofy FV0Z-YQUJ-Q0UEA 5HHE-PWC2-8KDRE if some codes dont work let me know ill look it up and test them myself and change them if needed. good luck! normal roxas UEKM-BZKP-GGX4A V04V-E5XH-Y3KE3 magic makes him go to T-stance freezing, drive forms should work if not ill get in to it 4 if the demyx code freezes the game these might work *** well try the first ones first please donald - demyx 7H4N-1UJR-KTR0E YRD5-79AQ-J42R6 goofy - demyx Z4YX-2TG6-0U7EY HCUV-9EGE-TCR3U haven't tried these myself i just made them so try them 4 me okay and let me know which work and which dont
well i can give you some, demyx wont work freezes the game after you walk to far away at leat thats with me and xemnas armor is the only xemnas that works good you could try xigbar in the room next to the ansems computer room but you have to make a save in taht room or else he will use that anoying teleport which scrambles youre game xigbar also works at memory skyscraper and in betwixt and between ill make you some boss codes
try hitting kingdom hearts when using the glitch the game freezes when you do its pretty strang, its not a mirror area btw there are more glitches ansem computer room you can glitch there towards the heartless machine
no prob if you need some more just ask i can give you codes for almost any character