Queen. c:
You know what, there's a 99% chance that will happen. The 1% chance is that the entire cast die a painful death.
I still remember his True Self thread for Miele. I'm laughing a little just remembering it.
No, sorry, but that was left out of my post on purpose. D: Opinions vary, though.
Hybrid Theory and Meteora were the only two good albums. Fact.
Hey there again, tootsie. Glad to hear you're doing good. Did you enjoy your icecream? Will you smile at the computer screen just for me please? c:
Hey there Tootsie. I've met a girl I truly believe is my soulmate. Makes me smile. How are you today/at the moment you are reading this question?
Is mayonnaise an instrument?
Aw, that's awesome. I'm happy for you~ <3
Awesome, congrats :3 Who to? I'm great thanks.
Hey there~ How're you?
...Suicide? [:
Hm. This is good, I must say, but your wordiness is quite off-putting. I know that the formal approach is quite your style to take when writing - whether it be in a conversation, a post, or prose - but in this piece, it seems like you have put too much icing on the cake, so to speak. Perhaps this is just my own opinion, because please, don't get me wrong, the concept behind the supposed writing is quite good, as it makes the reader think, and at times, double-read certain sentences. I would just suggest not flaring your sentences and paragraphs up with too many complex terms and wordiness. As I said. Good concept, but slightly better execution. But then again, this is just my personal opinion. [: <3
Phase 11 Shutting windows Just because I claim to be strong, doesn’t mean I don’t cry myself to sleep each night wishing you were here with me. ~ Mom... Let’s make this as painless as possible. See if I can answer as many questions as you may wonder. I know you will be crying when you read this, so I took the liberty of typing it out and printing it off for you, y’know, so the ink doesn’t run with your tears or smudge or anything. I’m sorry. I’ve made a big muck-up of my life, and lord help me, there is nothing I can do to save my mind from splitting further apart. I’ve lost a part of me. A big part of me. I guess you never discovered I was gay in the end? Hah, I’m glad, you’ve always been such a homophobe; I was shocked at how well you took to Uncle Darren being homosexual. Anyways. I’m going off topic, aren’t I? So yes. I lost a part of me. Last month, actually. Do you remember when I found out that she had died? I burst into tears and didn’t stop for three days straight. Her funeral came, and I was just motionless and zombified. Mom, she meant so much to me, you have no idea. Becky was special. She just didn’t realise how special she really was, and in the end, it killed her. That person inside her head killed her before I could tell her to stop. She called me half an hour before she jumped, and to be honest with you, she sounded amazing. She sounded happy, she sounded excited, and you know what, she was even making plans with me for the upcoming summer. We were going to go to the beach. We were going to go swimming. We were going to go to the park. We were going to take tons of pictures and stick them all over our bedroom walls to remember the year we were in love. Things were looking good. Until three hours into the future from that point, when her mom called you, and you walked into my room with that gaunt look on your face. I knew it had happened. Don’t wonder how, because I just DID. They found out about me not eating at school. It made me paranoid. I felt like I was being watched from every angle of my life by this one eye, and all it did was pick faults and laugh. Did the school try to help? Did they attempt to understand what was happening? Did they keep you informed on my weight and activity? Why, of course they did. Everyone did. Everyone cared about that matter. Everyone except you. I didn’t understand it. Did you have any idea how much that hurt? How much I cried? I doubt you do. And you never will, now. I had a friend. She was called Emma. She was my lovely alter-ego, and she told me the truth about the world. I used to be so optimistic, until she came out of her shell and flicked a light on in my head. That’s when I saw clearly. I saw the world so clearly, for what it really was. She didn’t shut up, sometimes. She didn’t leave me alone, sometimes. She told me lies, sometimes. She wanted me dead, sometimes. I stared at the computer screen, highlighted the text, and jammed my finger down forcefully on the ‘delete’ key. Why wasn’t I strong enough to do this? God hates you. He wants to keep you here to torture you. He wants to watch you cry into your pillow each night in bitter irony, and laugh as you scream into the cloth. “I know he does.” I sighed to myself, rubbing my eyes, and the slapdash cosmetics that plastered them. “I just hope he has enough popcorn to last the whole movie, really.” *** Sometimes, when you listen to the silence, it speaks to you. It tells you the terrors of the recent past, and the terrors soon to come. Silence often flows by the name of Misery. Misery loves company, and we are the blind date. We are those who listen. We are those who chose to stay long enough to learn. We learn about the terrors. And soon, we are the terrors. ... Boo.
Hairspray + lighter = dead spider. Works every time, trust me.
Although that one paticular post really was effing hilarious.
I want my Jeffycakes up there. (:
As much as I love you, Jeffers, I must agree with the above.
This is probably the last thing she needed, to be honest. In the future, quit being a prick and actually help, rather than attempting foul humour.
I got that. I thought it was my internet being a prick, though. C: Hey there.