I wondered why your breath was so bad. I just didn't want to ask. Didn't say that when you were feelin' it last night >:C Shhhhhh... >>
I'm not ****ing a bot, thankyouverymuch. >:C
Shut up. I do. I just eat it. As I once said. You know you want my tight black ass~
Call is sixth-bot-sense. Spoiler This. I believe in this so strongly. No, we need an admin and a deep-fat fryer. No questions.
I have this overwhelming feeling that there is a bot here. Oh, and a duck is watching me. Give me your opinions on these matters.
In your humble opinion.... Your best features? Your friends best features? My best features? Favourite place to eat? Least favourite place to eat? Your funniest moment? My funniest moment? Are you evil? Are your friends evil? Is fast-food evil? Is the duck perched on your window watching you evil? Did you know there was a phobia that you can have, where you are always paranoid of ducks watching you? Do you have that phobia? Cake? Anyone? I've been denied all the best ultra sex. Mindless Self Indulgence. Opinion? Favourite song of theirs? kdone. <3
To echo what harriet said; you really are looming towards purple prose. There's something about the wording that seems forced, and I dislike that side of it - the side of which I only picked up through close examination, of course. It isn't too obvious. You really need to use commas more. I got halfway through the second - maybe third - paragraph, and I had already confirmed a distinct lack of comma use. It is, in general, a decent piece. Just be careful; continuity of punctuation deprivation, and excess use of adjectives really does have a knock-on effect to all pieces in regard to quality. Keep it up <3
Don't mind me, I just sit here failing at sarcasm detection. :D Sorry, jeffycakes. I'll give you your head back later.
Oh hey there. Look at this smashing display of ******ry Avatarness and siggery. [: Avvy: 9/10 Siggy: LOL/10 Oh, I do love bias-ness.
Apologies for coming in at a seemingly random time here, but I witnessed this statement and had to throw in a piece of my mind. So, are you saying that they still have human rights? For example, if a man brutally murders his family, not showing a mere flicker of remorse, you're implying he still should hold his human rights? Do tell me, please, a few good reasons why someone who has commited such a crime that he has been sentenced to death row, deserves human rights.
Spoiler This thread is so amusing.
@The Fuk?: Yeah. Do that. @Misty: On my chest? Haha.. yeah it kind of did. My eyeliner pencil was wearing down.
You look great everywhere <33 It did. Kind of.
mmmkay whores. You all look lovely. Now move over. It's call-out time. Caution: Big pictures My whores<333 Spoiler Spoiler My Pervert in his favourite place<3 Spoiler The Guy Who Makes Me Laugh Hysterically Every Day<3 (aka, The Fuk?) Spoiler
(lol, jake I love you at times.) You get raw sexiness. And Emzy love. *inserts my bra* Hm.
Thank you very much. As these are only the second batch I've done, I'm not as good as I'd wish to be in this line of 'Graphic Art.' Your opinion is appreciated, and I will apply more alterations in the future.
DO YOU LUUUUUUUURVE ME? 8D youknowyoudo.<3 Sounds like a plan. Okayokayokay. More qweschunz. Do you play an instrument? Favourite song at the moment? Put your iTunes/media player of sorts on shuffle, and tell me the first 5 songs that come up. No links. Just the names. Name 5 things within arms reach. Give me a piggyback? Let me put makeup and play dress-up with you? 8D Sleepover. 5 members of khv. Go. Holiday for 2 weeks. 8 members of khv. Where? When? Who? Favourite place to eat? You tryin' to be all english, innit bludd? s'not jammin, on yer bike mate. Try and pull off that in a london accent. See how british you can be then. Loves and hugs<3
Thanks, hun. And fine. See if I care. B| *sniffs*
CnC is like, so appreciated <3 I got bored, had a rummage through the interwebz, and came across a few decent stocks. Permission for use is given, but please inform me/give me credit if you wanna use one. Thanksssss ♥
Grab your effing tiara, you whore, 'cause Emzy has arrived >| WELL DONE ON GETTING QUESTION TIME JEFFYCAKES :=D: mmkay. Moment over. Impressions? How much would you pay me to go straight for you? One day to spend together at any place in the world, at any time, with unlimited money - what do we do, where do we do it, and when? One song that reminds you of me? Same as the above, but for an artist/band. We should watch a movie together. What movie? That's all for now, Jeffycakes. I'm tired. Ciao~ <333