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  1. Emzy ♥
    Dear Mr. BelowPost, take a look at Mr.Above post and understand what my post you previously quoted was about.
    If that makes sense.
    D: /brainsizzle

    Post by: Emzy ♥, Feb 8, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Emzy ♥
    Saving Aimee - Small Talk

    lolMetThem. <3
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Feb 8, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  3. Emzy ♥
    I was just wondering if anyone thought the same as meee. D:

    I just thought i was the only one who randomly thinks 'hm, if I die, who would miss me?'

    ...Now, come on people. Chill.
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Feb 8, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Emzy ♥
    D: Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere just yet.

    I know, right?
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Feb 8, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Emzy ♥
    ...But I have always wondered who would actually MISS ME if I died sooner or later.

    Just me, huh?
    Thought so.
    Thread by: Emzy ♥, Feb 8, 2010, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Emzy ♥


    This, when contemplated too greatly, may become faaaaaar too much of a problem than it needs to be!
    You aren't tired, Forsaken, but the homework is telling you that you are. Don't listen to it! It's wrong. It doesn't know you!
    We all know homework is evil, and their inferiority complex is far too great for them to handle. So, as a result, they attempt to bring us down with them.
    Now what you have to do is walk up to that ****ing homework, and scream "YOU KNOW WHAT HOMEWORK, **** YOU. I'M NOT TIRED. YOU'RE TIRED. YOU'RE ****ING TIRED."
    And then set it on fire.
    Problem solved.
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Emzy ♥


    Don't you ****ing spam in my thread.

    I'LL EAT YOU. >:C
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Emzy ♥


    Mel Gibson can go suck a willy >:C
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Emzy ♥
    He might like it.
    Doesn't have to be really strong to be nice, sillybilly.
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Emzy ♥


    ...your social studies was wrong :3

    Ah, ignore them !
    Focus on the positives, girl ;]

    Post by: Emzy ♥, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Emzy ♥


    If his accent was fake I won't be happy :B|:
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Emzy ♥
    I'm glad I made such an impact !
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Emzy ♥

    Oh shush, let him get shitfaced and learn ;D
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Emzy ♥


    No problem ! <33

    You probably didn't drink. That's why is sucked.
    Which reminds me.
    I was out with Lucy, Jo, and others last night.
    I didn't drink even though everyone was.

    Yeyyy, accents.

    A bundle of twigs...
    Why so twig-ish? D:


    Actually, I'm doing fabulous at the moment, thanks. [:
    Better than ever.

    Hm.. As long as you'll get on msn so we can talk?
    I'll be happy.

    But be happy at uni <3 !

    Urgh, I can't stand faults like that in movies. Boooooooo.

    <3 ! c:
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Emzy ♥


    I'm asking because everyone needs to feel cared for sometimes.
    And I like getting involved in situations <3
    I'm glad you're good!
    I, good sir, am amazing right now, thank you for asking.

    Post by: Emzy ♥, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Emzy ♥


    I'm free next tuesday.

    D: What movies?
    I'm fabulous, thanks ;D

    I just exploded for you, darling.
    I'm happy for ya!
    Now to just get into his trousers, amirite? :lolface:

    Keep on smilin' <3
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Emzy ♥
    Are you english or american?

    If english, try some WKD blue or red. They're lovely if you like a sweet drink.
    If you're not into sweet stuff, try Carling, Fosters, or Guiness lager.
    Lambrella, Lambrusco, and Lambrini are nice cheap wines to get, then again, they are sweet.
    Stay away from cheap cider. That crap kills your stomach. If you're gonna drink cider, have Bulmers Irish Apple cider, or Magners. They're good. Pear cider, in my opinion is a load of ****ing bull.
    Vodka. Mix vodka with any soft drink. Try not to over-power the drink with the alcohol, so only add the vodka to about an 8th of the way up the glass. The more sugar in the soft drink - not the diet versions of the originals, may I add - such as pepsi, coke, lemonade, etcetc the sweeter.

    Whiskey, Rum, Brandy, I'm not too good with.

    ...Wow, I'm only 15 and I sound like such an alcoholic.
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Emzy ♥
    Well done on getting question time~
    Okay, here we go...

    Although you don't know me much, please do your best to answer the standard impressions questions? Thanks.

    What colour are your eyes?
    How tall are you?
    What's your build?

    How long is your...
    Right hand?
    Right pointing finger?

    How are you today?
    Any plans for summer?
    How is question time going for you?

    That's all for now. Ciao~ <3
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  19. Emzy ♥


    You're probably tired from the work-out we did last night ;]
    Y'know with our gym classes an' shizz..


    Score. :3


    Any particular reason why?

    Anything you need to rant/vent about? D:

    I most certainly am the same, thank you. [:
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Feb 6, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Emzy ♥


    Phone 911.
    When they pick up,
    Gargle water near the reciever,
    Proceed to scream.

    That'll get their attention. :3

    Same here. 8D

    Let's make children.
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Feb 6, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone