Dear Shawn, Sup ! :3 Love, Emzy
With a tongue piercing, the swelling lasts for 3 days tops when ice is applied to the pierced point. According to my friends - and a lot of them have piercings - say that lip piercings are easier to handle because of the ability to remove the lip ring without it closing within the first 24 hours, unlike the tongue piercing which cannot be removed. When it comes to stretchers in your ears, such as tapers and plugs, you can only go to a certain point where your ear lobes will return to normal diameter. I think it's beyond 6mm and it won't go back? I can't be sure. But as a personal preference, I do like them a lot. I'm getting my tongue pierced soon, so obviously I'm fond of that piercing. But if I was going to be sexist - and no offence to those who might take it - I do see tongue piercings as a more feminine piercing. Both ears are okay, in my opinion. It all depends on the earring. ...Okay, that's me done. I think. (:
Mod takes on a Mod which takes on a Super Mod. Only on khv. Why must you always take such large poops on my posts? :B|:
If you're happy and you know it, get naked clap your hands!
^_^zexion's real wife^_^ must actually make the best, most drama-filled threads at this moment in time. I didn't think I would ever type this, but I really like her. ._.
Congratulations on getting question time, love. (: Okie dokie, here we go~ Impressions, please? Overall view on the widely known novel 'Great Expectations' by Charles Dickens? Would you care to elaborate just how you hold the willpower to keep your user-name the same, despite the ongoing fads? Speaking of which, please state your favourite and least favourite fads? Let's explore your head; Perfect grammar, or perfect spelling? Messy floor, or messy bed? Messy clothes, or messy hair? Burning building, or burning vehicle? Five biggest pet-peeves? Five biggest attractions in the same/opposite sex? (Whatever floats your boat.) Dance under the stars, or dance under the sunlight? Phone call or text? And now for Music; Preferred song/artist/genre of music right now? In the romantic era of musical development, would you say that Chopin's Prelude mastered in 1923 named "Raindrop" was an admirable piece of music? If so, please elaborate on the decoration and techniques used. Please express your opinion on the piece 'Rondo Alla Turca', composed and performed by the ever-popular virtuoso, Mozart? The same applies to the following pieces: Beethoven - Fur Elise Beethoven - Mondscheinsonate Bach - Air Dvorak - Walzer Let's talk about school, now; Favourite lesson? Favourite teacher? Least favourite lesson? Least favourite teacher? Hm, I'd say I'm kind of done for now. Enjoy. x
Thanks for getting my hopes up. :B|:
Dear Shawn, I'm quite good. Looking forward to the weekend. I get a week away from studies after that. *phew* Love, Emzy
Yeah, he's weird like that. Last night, he was inside my pillowcase.
It seems we have quite a situation, here. I suggest you get naked. No, in fact, I suggest we all get naked. Raw nudity solves even the biggest of problems.
Dear Shawn, Heeeey, how's it going? Love, Emzy.
See, irl and internet kind of mould into one for me. Why are people different in either situations? Kind of shows how some people are slightly fake? idk.
Didn't Disney take over marvel? If so, Effron seems a favourite to get the role as Spider Man. Urgh.
Whore. c:
****. :') @The Fuk?: Oh god, lol. <3
I was totally expecting that piccha to crop up soon ;D
You thought I was another lame member. Lame. im 1 of da kl kidz.
._. Don't apologise, you total arse. :lolface: Share the love. <3
You're so cruel. You make me sad. D:
timexhasxgone Oh, how lovely my name was. <3