Search Results

  1. Emzy ♥


    Minor Changes;
    I'm sneaking on more than I should. So you guys haven't gotten rid of me that easily.

    I suppose the main purpose of the thread still stands, but I'll just be flitting in and out when I can. Same goes for MSN. Sorry. xx
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Jan 10, 2010 in forum: Departure Hall
  2. Emzy ♥
    I'm sure you look fine when you get there. >: We are all too self-concious.
    Your top is awesome. Very awesome.
    You look awesome. Very awesome.

    Wear that pretty little tiara permanently, and I will go straight for you.
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Jan 10, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  3. Emzy ♥


    Lots of them.
    They're trying to take my laptop away from me, and say they won't give it back until I 'clean my act up.'
    Seriously sick of this.

    Talk later guys?
    Thread by: Emzy ♥, Jan 8, 2010, 7 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  4. Emzy ♥
    No, mine.
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Jan 8, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone