ohhhh gotcha Why do women have periods? they deserve them How do you know a women's about to say something intelligent? When her first words are: "A man once told me...." Why hasnt a woman been to the moon? it doesnt need cleaning yet Why cant you trust a woman? how can you trust something that bleeds for five days and doesnt die?
wtf is a muff monkey? beastiality?
well go fishing motha fukaaaaa
forget her bro, u dont need her a$$. you got a whole ocean of sexy muff muffin babes out there for the takin! ha plus u dont want sisters they blow hard sometimes :/
i mean is it migraines or just headaches? and i dunno bro...any scan that involves radiation aint good for your body. make sure you really need it.
im pumped i just hope i have the money for the system(s?) when they release. it's gonna be hard choosing:/ but the WiiU just might get me this time. plus...Zelda in H mothafrickin D!?! blows my mind...and ME3 wont be bad either, considering ive already played it twice :/
haha well it makes sense. i wish i could go back and play the games ive loved (and some i got halfway thru and never finished) but sadly i just cant :/ that's why the WiiU excited me! awesome controller, HD , crazy wicked design, and it's frickin Nintendo!
haha true there bud.
haha me niether bro. also ive got two sisters soooooo yeah, definitely love me some women. :p
hahaha hellz yea! and Adam West is my favorite person.
well, see that's why i get frustrated. a lot of people can say it doesnt bother them but for me it just gives me a headache looking at a regular picture and it not being HD now that ive 'adjusted' to it. i wish it didnt but i definitely agree with you. there are more games i enjoyed on the PS2 than i do on my 360 :/ but like i said, i tried playing all through ffx a few days ago and my eyes just started hurting lol literally, so i stopped. i definitely see your point though!
...seriously though that blows. people have no damn respect for each other anymore and other peoples' stuff :/
howdy :) :p
well ive always liked nintendo. nobody has ever made games quite like theres. its' just got that certain magic to it ha like the old disney movies for me. i didnt like my wii (just being honest) actually regretted buying it. it was more of the fact, i guess, that i had been playing HD games before i bought my Wii. then when i finally saw the non- HDness of the Wii it was just an eyesore. that's just my opinion. im just glad they finally made the leap to HD and their console looks really creative. actually thinking about getting one after this.
holy crap! :O i dont even get that many hrs from a lot of console games :/ haha and thanks for the explanation! ive been wanting to get this so i think im finally gonna check it out. plus it's probably very cheap by now.
i mean from a consumer point of view hell no i dont want to pay more for that controller lol but just thinking about it it seems like it should be worth more than that. considering that you pay that (or more) for a REGULAR controller. then again considering how cheap labor is in some countries im sure they're still making profit. >_>
any kevin hart fans out there? that guys hilarious!
was TWEWY really that good? ive read all the reviews but like what did you like about it? jw because ive always been tempted to pick this game up! ha and seriously im surprised they've waited this long to release a new game considering how much everyone loved it.