sorry about your loss man that really sucks :/ i know especially since she grew up right alongside you. i have a cat and dog that were with me through the roughest years of my life and they are getting on up in age now. i couldn't imagine not having them to come home too. Get to feelin better bud! :)
the thing about being nervous is that it's a completely natural thing. that's what you've got to realize first. plus, stress isn't a bad thing either. instead of fighting the stress just roll with it if that makes sense? and as for the guys that hate you...they're probably just ******'s and just hang around some of the other guys on the team. Good luck with kicking lacrosse ass bro! -SWAG
it is sad to see Nintendo Power to cease publication but at the same time im not surprised. everythings just going digital nowadays and why pay for a printed anything if you can just find the info online - newspapers included. kinda missing having the good 'ole newspaper though. :/
saw this movie, it was pretty good. WAY overhyped though from all the critics in my opinion lol.
well we had a super nintendo buttttt i dont remember it that i will go with N64. first game ever was oscarina of time. screw my parents for buying me that game! it hooked me on games for life!...even though i never beat it:/
hahaha ill show ya my little son too half squat! indian stuff >_>
hahaha we'll rain dance later!
whoa..screw the white man for taking our land im native american too! 1/10ths cherokee my native american bretheren!
ohhh haha i thought when you said you dont pay attention to the debt you were from a different country or something. 'MERICA!
hey...if the U.S. can get out of trillions dollars of debt i dont see why this cant be accomplished! :)...oh wait
Finn + Human - the + the - the + da = stfu!!!! hahahahaha im gonna make this happen. im going to....the KHvids leader to discuss it!
uh oh, somebodies speaking my language over here ;)lololololol
thats all i gotta say...dammit i want this to happen so bad!
pleaassseeee...just thinking about all the posts i put in here and all the possibilities gives me a postBONER. just for like a minute! i could go APE SHITT with a minute!
wtf!!!! quit doing that haha fine ill just say i dont have any sisters lol its a one man show...
damn right! da fuk?
haha nah... corrected statement: "I have two sisters. Having sisters really sucks a lot of the time."
hahaha i see what u did there