FRESHMEAT!!!! ^lolololololololololololololol the REaL aDvice is To joIn ThE fOotBalL tEam And BeAt up the toughest guy in the whole schOoL!
213 right now and ongoing bro! u watch one piece?
haha gotcha preciate it bro!
allright, thanks for the help bro! im gonna try it out. edit: i tried the website but it was hard finding stuff :/ i found the episodes but they only had up to like 200 from what i could find and i couldnt even click on the episodes lol :( aiight, ive been using animefreak and some site called watchop for one piece episodes. although while comparing it looked like watchop definitely had the better sub since their translating in certain moments seemed to make more sense. thanks for the help!
is it weird that i mistook the gundam head holding the water bottle as a vibrator? :/
does anybody know a site that has accurate subs for one piece? ive been watching one piece for like 200 episodes now on the same site and finally compared it with another site's subbed episodes and they're translations for japanese are completely different. def bummed me out :/ it makes me afraid somebody is bullcrapping their subs! sooo anybody know a good subbing, one piece website to watch episodes? (if referring to other websites isnt allowed im sry!)
dang...i would really like to see this 4K then :o
ohhh gotcha, thanks for the clarification bro! btw since i know he's dead for sure in his universe it is sad :'(
holy butthole im glad i dont read comics so much complicated shiznit going down!...soooo which version of spider-man is dying in this video? the 616 or the 1610?
same here! might be dumb but is it like hyper speed frames per second like the new Hobbit movies? >_>
so women could suck us dry! lolololololololol
probably a dumb question but are they gonna keep spider-man dead now? honestly, i didnt even feel sad from watching this because i feel like they are just gonna bring him back. just like how they bring everyone back in DBZ.
damn nickelback....
^this about sums it all up.
yes? haha
i mean out of the final fantasy games ive played it's the worst (ffxii and x) but it's definitely not a terrible RPG. actually pretty good in that sense. i just hated how linear it was where everything was a set path and the game didnt really get good until WAY down the line. i didnt even finish it:/ the mechanics are good, story is aiight, and the graphics are really good!
agree ^ not that final fantasy xiii was the worst game ever. combat isnt bad and the setting is pretty neat. just too many dang sequels for one final fantasy!