thank you so much Jayn! :) it's frickin awesomeee!!!
this is just a point and click game right? is it worth a buy? like...what's so great about it? (jw, interested in it)
Kingdom Hearts II PROUD MODE > Dark Souls
depends...what day is it?
so true, which is exactly what sucks the most about these situations.
i think it's a good idea. i mean, i dont EVER play mobile games whatsoever. heck if they can make good mobile games though from their fun franchises i say more power to 'em!
^this guy. seriously, after graduating high school it doesn't even matter how many friends you did/didn't have in high school. mostly the only times you ever see them again is that awkward run in with them at wal-mart or something.
does anyone else feel like the Legend of Korra writers are phenomenal with everything except the romance? i swear in my opinion those scenes are awful.
libregk definitely called this! haha the only thing that gets me though is why make a 'countdown' website and get all this hype built up for an IOS version of this game? i mean, seriously >_>
absolutely terrible that this happened. what's the world coming too? :/
haha awesome! swear i didnt believe all the hype around this show but once i got to watching it's frickin awesome!
suck it^ ^...suck it? SUCK IT ROYALLY AND PAINFULLY SUCK IT!!!! sry i disappointed :'(
^Heath Ledger ^Joseph Gordon Levitt ....They look exactly alike. holy shiznit has anyone else not ever noticed this?!?! no homo on all the pics of the dudes btw lol
yea, they named that knife after him!
hahaha you da man Claw! but forreal bro keep up on them studies! you gotta make the big bucks $$$ in the future bud! lol real talk
lololololol had to read it twice