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  1. DeathKingApocalypse080808
  2. DeathKingApocalypse080808
    the laser collection 3
    Post by: DeathKingApocalypse080808, Aug 26, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. DeathKingApocalypse080808
  4. DeathKingApocalypse080808
    thanks ramen, i thought it might be that, but i wasn't sure
    Post by: DeathKingApocalypse080808, Aug 26, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. DeathKingApocalypse080808
    Why does kairi have namine, she was never turned into a heartless, was she?
    Thread by: DeathKingApocalypse080808, Aug 26, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. DeathKingApocalypse080808
  7. DeathKingApocalypse080808
  8. DeathKingApocalypse080808
  9. DeathKingApocalypse080808
    OOC: edited my post, and i did not get what you said after the mix up with the names
    Post by: DeathKingApocalypse080808, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. DeathKingApocalypse080808
    Jacob felt like he was being placed down, he could see the person and the jolt of being placed down woke him up. He got up slowly, for he felt woozy and his head hurt.

    "I wouldn't get up if I were you, you are lucky to be alive, most people would have died from that attack." Katelyn said as she stood up and walked 3 feet looking away from him.

    "Attack, what attack" he said as his memory came rushing back," My men where are they, and who are."

    "Your men are over there looking for you,a dn I am Katelyn, your faithful Summon." she said

    Max noticed Katelyn standing 200 feet from them, and said" I think Jacob is over there hurry" he said as he and his men started running towards Jacob's position.


    John started funning faster, and used air to make him jump higher and whille over Zuiden, sent a 10 foot wide wall of air at him, and when he landed he was ready to collapse.

    Sebastion saw John avoid the lizards and Zuiden, so he figured he was on their side. He'll be okayHe thought looking at Gregory. He then warped over to John and said" Need some help?"
    Post by: DeathKingApocalypse080808, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. DeathKingApocalypse080808
    Jack said to John" You want proof, heres proof" as he snapped in Johns direction, bending the sound into one fixed point and increased it strength, colloiding with john sending him backward 1 foot falling down.

    "Ok, your my brother" said John standing up groaning"ohhhhhhhhhhhhh"
    Post by: DeathKingApocalypse080808, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. DeathKingApocalypse080808
  13. DeathKingApocalypse080808
  14. DeathKingApocalypse080808
    Is it just me, or was rikus deck useless at some points
    Thread by: DeathKingApocalypse080808, Aug 15, 2009, 21 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  15. DeathKingApocalypse080808
    thanks i'll try that, i'm only level 41, but i alaways get soo cloce, like one bar of health left
    Post by: DeathKingApocalypse080808, Aug 15, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  16. DeathKingApocalypse080808
    In re:com, in rikus story, i am stuck on ansem. help please
    Thread by: DeathKingApocalypse080808, Aug 15, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  17. DeathKingApocalypse080808
    I noticed it, i wasn't that big to me
    Post by: DeathKingApocalypse080808, Aug 15, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  18. DeathKingApocalypse080808
    I say yes, because they were trying to kill him, and using him and his friends
    Post by: DeathKingApocalypse080808, Aug 15, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. DeathKingApocalypse080808
    you know the part next to each section where the newest post and thread name is shown, where the name of the person that posted is, there is no showing of if they are premium, an admin, or coder or something, so is is possible to show the color there or not
    Thread by: DeathKingApocalypse080808, Aug 15, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  20. DeathKingApocalypse080808
    re: com because it had better graphics, better scenes, better gameplay, and it's on the ps2, nuff said
    Post by: DeathKingApocalypse080808, Aug 15, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX