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  1. DeathKingApocalypse080808
    "I was born ready master" sebastion said as he took off flying. I'm scared but anxiouys, he thought. I hope this ends out ok.


    Jacob saw the cashe and went inside, comming out with a wierd look on his face. "I forgot, My brother turned this into a summjer house after he was banished, so there are no weapons here, except for two pairs of his spairs. Sorry"He said to his men looking at the oasis.


    John had been running for a while now. He saw a mob of people setting up a camp, he went over to investigate, seeing that a war was going on. He could that it was his brothers guild. Well, I was only banished for 100 years, so I suppose it's my guild now, but where is jacob he thought as he started running towards the camp.
    Post by: DeathKingApocalypse080808, Jun 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. DeathKingApocalypse080808
    Profile Post

    yup, i'm here

    yup, i'm here
    Profile Post by DeathKingApocalypse080808 for Pezz, Jun 22, 2009