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Yea just because you hang around youtube or the internet doesnt mean when you pass 500,000 subscribers or get one of your videos to viral that you become famous or become a star. Yes youtube fame has its benefits at times, however that doesnt make you famous in the slightest and many avid youtubers have pointed this out and would agree with me. I find youtube a very powerful place and has the potential to become very great. As a person who lives there essentially, I find myself often entranced by quite a few videos. The majority of it is either bs or comedic stuff, but I have often seen people giving news to the masses, some people giving reviews on products or music, and even those giving tutorials on how to accomplish certain tasks. For now, youtube seems to be limited to that sort of thing aside from people setting up organized events for youtube in real life and people setting up charities here and there. People tend to see youtube as selling out, but in my opinion I think that they are just progressing to give partners on youtube such as Fred and Nigahiga or even some that arent even too well known, the money they deserve. Yes its a wonderful place and has plenty of potential. I see it being a highly influential place in the future.
Crankin up Heaven and Hell as we speak.
Spoiler quick salute to all yalll out thar Spoiler aaaaaand heres austin sporting his leather jacket Spoiler my dog pretending to be a bunny rabbit
Cuz you dont keep connections with anyone haha
Your lame B|
durhurhur u c wat i did thar Yea I noticed that too. Gracias for the help. <3
Aw! Why not! You guys were like bffs. (:
mhm. Almost forgot about ya but not quite. :3 Are you the one that moved or is that Kingdom girl? xD
I'm aware I dont come here often, but can any of you kind gents inform me on how to accomplish smudging as shown below. Im not even sure if it is or not, but if it looks farmiliar to any of you, hit me up. :\
Eh. Okay. Its been a while. Always figured we wouldve stayed in touch some how haha.
why are you so goddamn adorable your name IS pretty ironic. comments? who would win in a fight? me you or a bear and me teamed up against you? impressions etc fav movie
nbd <3 Im glad youre feeling better :3
It's all like OHEY JERRY YOU GOT PRETTY DAMN CUTE <333 oh btw my name's austin WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?
Is it wrong I remembered you used toc all me that like JUST today?
I <3 u forever (: best birthday present ever. thnx
I support equal rights for homosexuals in any case. They've been waiting about 30 years for that and think its high time they deserve it. This mainly applies to jobs and financial issues that companies may have with homosexuals. You can't really hope for everyone to change. Obviously we were raised in a different time than say 30 years ago. It was looked down on and horrid to say "Yeah I'm cool with gay people. Doesn't matter to me" whereas now tolerance has become stronger for them. As a resident of Florida, a state that not only bans same-sex marriage, but all other kinds of same-sex unions, I can stand behind the fact that we are all entitled to the same basic human rights. We're evolving so all we can hope for now is that protest groups and unions can wait for some of the politicians to warm up to the idea or wait for replacements of said politicians.
Is your avatar a square condom?
I smashed a head on my easter egg. Fuck yeah.
I changed my mind. I like Shiki now hurp de durp.