Search Results

  1. Scott Pilgrim
    I found a better quality version of both those video. Used them instead.

    For 1, I messed around with that "fade to black" thing you were looking for to make it more dramatic.

    Theyre bad quality because I had to size em down a lot to make em 500KB or less (size limits here)

    Post by: Scott Pilgrim, May 27, 2010 in forum: Art Shop
  2. Scott Pilgrim
    Gif Shop Of Horrors

    Send me the ol' request on here and Ill give you a .gif of your choosing. lol lets see how long we can keep this going before I get bored with this.

    Use this template for producing gif requests:
    Send em in. Ill take as many as you want, just dont be a dick and abuse that freedom.
    Thread by: Scott Pilgrim, May 26, 2010, 33 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  3. Scott Pilgrim
  4. Scott Pilgrim
    Profile Post

    No but she is: [IMG]

    No but she is: [IMG]
    Profile Post by Scott Pilgrim for The Fuk?, May 26, 2010
  5. Scott Pilgrim
    I figured. I wasn't sure though. Ill edit em now. thanks (:
    Post by: Scott Pilgrim, May 26, 2010 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. Scott Pilgrim
  7. Scott Pilgrim
  8. Scott Pilgrim
    Gracias. It's all yours if you want (:
    Post by: Scott Pilgrim, May 26, 2010 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. Scott Pilgrim
    Jay-Z "On To The Next One" music video:

    How to Destroy Angels "The Space In Between" music video:

    check the sizes. some are actually over the permitted limit, though are here to use on other websites via my permission

    also, Im not sure wtf Im supposed to do for these like if theyre taking up too much space on here so staff, if Im ****ing up some controversial rule, please fix the problem WHILE AT THE SAME TIME having these available for use. (: thanks

    <3 love you all
    Thread by: Scott Pilgrim, May 26, 2010, 8 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Scott Pilgrim
    It's funny because my phone does hook into my printer.
    Post by: Scott Pilgrim, May 26, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Scott Pilgrim
    2 on avy
    5 on sig
    Post by: Scott Pilgrim, May 26, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  12. Scott Pilgrim
  13. Scott Pilgrim
    Oh? The Slip and Year Zero?
    Profile Post by Scott Pilgrim for The Fuk?, May 25, 2010
  14. Scott Pilgrim
  15. Scott Pilgrim
    *Searches for Renegade*

    Post by: Scott Pilgrim, May 25, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Scott Pilgrim
  17. Scott Pilgrim
  18. Scott Pilgrim
  19. Scott Pilgrim
  20. Scott Pilgrim