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  1. Scott Pilgrim


    Probably one of the greatest music collabs of all time. DJ Danger Mouse and MF Doom ganged up together and made the duo "DangerDoom" and are fairly well known in this duo for sampling [adult swim] tv shows and clips. They have 2 mixes out that are just flat out amazing wwhich you can check out here and here. Instrumentation is awesome and the sampling is too funny most of the time.

    I know they're kinda old, but I talked to my friends about them and they had no clue. :v Sorry if this seems like an unneeded thread. We needs more hipster hop.
    Thread by: Scott Pilgrim, Jun 1, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Music
  2. Scott Pilgrim
  3. Scott Pilgrim
    Me and my significant other on blogtv:




    Hardcore dancing in my room alone:




    in love:

    Post by: Scott Pilgrim, May 31, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  4. Scott Pilgrim
    Okay, so on ANY live show I am aware that you can stream audio from your microphone to communicate with the people in your show.

    Now I know there's also an option if managed from your "Hardware & Sounds" window to change the output and input so that if I wanted to, I could change the microphone to have whats playing out THE SPEAKERS be whats playing on the LIVE SHOW. Also, at the same time, I would need to be listening to that through headphones at the same time.

    So basically I want headphones plugged in and I want the microphone to be whats coming through the headphones/speakers, but I want to hear the sound from the headphones as well on a Ustream, BlogTV, or some other live show.

    I am aware that you can use the program Soundflower on Macs, but I can't seem to find a PC equivalent. Is there a way to do it manually?
    Thread by: Scott Pilgrim, May 29, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Technology
  5. Scott Pilgrim
    Possibly "Where It's At" by Beck. Listened to it since I was a kid so overall, that my fav.

    Currently (in the past month) "Easy" by Faith No More is probably my favorite.
    Post by: Scott Pilgrim, May 29, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  6. Scott Pilgrim
  7. Scott Pilgrim
  8. Scott Pilgrim
  9. Scott Pilgrim
  10. Scott Pilgrim
  11. Scott Pilgrim
    I'm a white supremacist.
    Profile Post by Scott Pilgrim for #8-Axel, May 29, 2010
  12. Scott Pilgrim
    Heard about it all day. Truly a saddening day. Always got a bad rep from the press so I'm somewhat happy for him knowing that people are starting to appreciate him in his death. I just wish he could have known how much we treasured him as a person. Rest in peace Coleman. (:
    Post by: Scott Pilgrim, May 29, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  13. Scott Pilgrim
    Your birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory.
    Post by: Scott Pilgrim, May 28, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Scott Pilgrim
    Hayley said she got hacked and basically a picture of her topless is flying around the internet like a wildfire. It was posted on her twitter late last night and now everyone is up in arms about it. Not posting that **** here, so if you want a full story, google it.

    Basically, I want to transition to a different side of this story.

    Who the hell cares and why does the media blow stuff up like this? Is it really so necessary to embarrass the celebrity even more than they should be? Why should the media cover stuff like this at all? It's a person's personal life, so why is that we need to gravitate our attention from our personal life to focus some our time into stuff like this? It just happens everyday and tends to irk me.

    Thread by: Scott Pilgrim, May 28, 2010, 8 replies, in forum: Current Events
  15. Scott Pilgrim
    Um...pretty sure that the video has nothing to do with gingers at all. It's all about racial discrimination in general. "Gingers" just seemed like a prime target for said discrimination so she used them. To quote the 12 year old boy who was shot in the head near the middle of the video, it was all about "highlighting violence in order to end violence."

    IN AN SOMEWHAT RELATED STORY, the New York Times posted a 9 page write up for all she's done. Basically she posted on twitter that people could call her for the day to talk about it, and in reality she gave them the author's phone number and people just flooded his answering machine haha. The author is actually "ginger" himself.
    Post by: Scott Pilgrim, May 28, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  16. Scott Pilgrim

    no but seriously, I like the voice Mariqueen has, but over all, the sounds are pretty dry. I gave this a review and all and was very generous in saying a 7/10. Wasn't too impressed but I guess the tracks grow on you. They just feel too boring and then oooooo Trent puts that NIN spin on it with the heavily distorted guitars. I WILL get the EP June 1st tho.
    Post by: Scott Pilgrim, May 28, 2010 in forum: Music
  17. Scott Pilgrim
    Mashed potatoes are just godly. end of story.
    Post by: Scott Pilgrim, May 28, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  18. Scott Pilgrim
    Draw me next
    Post by: Scott Pilgrim, May 27, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Scott Pilgrim
    Witty titles as always.

    Nice pics man. I especially loved Two Player. Very sweet. (:
    Excellent quality for a new camera. What kind is it?
    Post by: Scott Pilgrim, May 27, 2010 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. Scott Pilgrim