That was a test you passed
It's fun and all, I like editing, but Days is least favourite KH game Anyways, the real purpose of this topic is a question. There's some empty space I don't like and I'm trying to think of any other information that might be useful or interesting to put on. I'm thinking I'll put the name of each day on the topmost part of the overlay, and besides that I was thinking of finding a way to put relevant status info about Roxas on, particularly the names of the different keyblades because unlike previous KH games those are hidden away on a menu and you're unlikely to actually see the name of whatever blade the panel gives you. So yeah, ideas? Feedback? Changes?
it's supposed to remind you that there will be a test
They wouldn't take that excuse in school
It takes two though. They can only rig sales because people are willing to eat it up in the first place There's a more complex argument to be made, sure, but at the end of the day a lot of people would rather take a safe bet on a franchise they know they like than to try something completely different
Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
Well maybe you shouldn't solve math in Re:Coded Wonderland
But you didn't ask him what x was representative of, nor did you try to solve for x
More accurate than you might think, for whatever reason I've always done basic math exceptionally quickly
well it kinda helps in that it's a distraction, doesn't it? I've never tried it myself, I have an addition prone personality, but the general consensus I hear is that it just makes things temporarily better in general
Off the top of my head, Danny Elfman and John Williams. The problem with movies (and games) is that people are way more likely to associate a song with the complete project, rather than the individual who made it. Most people probably recognize the Batman and Star Wars themes, but are less likely to actually know who made them you bloody ninja
really most people do drugs as they get older because their bodies start failing and they need them just to function normally
I don't really think video game composers will ever become mainstream. How many people do you know who can name any movie composers? I know a couple of people who recognize Hans Zimmer's name and that's about it
Only thing I wish is that they made it so the old music fades in when they slide to standard def in Christmas Town
Quick google search tells me otherwise. Google has anti-fraud checks in place that look at videos that suddenly get a huge number of views, but other than that 1 click = 1 view. In fact, the different results I looked up all said that youtube has never official revealed how they count views. Popular relative to what? I couldn't go up to a stranger and expect them to recognize the name Nobuo Uematsu, but I could rely on them knowing of Justin Bieber
If all it takes to be a youtube expert is to talk about youtube then... WOAH
Uh... what? No it doesn't. You get one view per... view. If I watch one of my own videos twice it gets two additional views