To people saying KH's story wouldn't work, I heartily disagree. Kingdom Hearts has really good fundamental ideas, what it lacks is good writing. Put it in the hands of a person who doesn't greenlight dialog like "Who will I have ice cream with?" and you're taking huge steps towards unlocking KH's potential as a legitimately emotional story Just get good writers
they almost definitely haven't reanimated a single face for this collection
I think KH2 has the best synthesis one by the way, finding the items is a lot more manageable. I think KH needs to worry less about giving you the Ultima Weapon too early, KH1, Days, Re:Coded and DDD give it to you WAY too late to enjoy it. BBS is nice in that you have a lot of other things to do after beating that part of the Mirage Arena (at least in Final Mix) Bu having just beaten Lightning Returns, I see something I'd like a lot more. Special late game trials that each individually unlock the highest level abilities in the game... and each challenge you beat breaks a seal on the Ultima Weapon. I really like that (each trial could be on a different world, too)
I prefer the synth grinding, because as said earlier... what's the point of getting Ultima Weapon if it involves beating the toughest opponent? Personally in KH3 I'd like an actual side quest devoted to it instead though, that would be a lot more interesting
So wait, that's sactually supposed to be a hat in the old one? It doesn't even kind of look like a hat It's like a spiky pillow
yes but the main male character doesn't have white hair anymore
I'm going to operate under the assumption your mom gave birth to you while in a tornado Anyways, going back to the original question Let's just say You're Vanitas
The trick is to get into the eye of the storm and then move the trailer along with the eye until the storm goes away nothing can go wrong but in all seriousness, rest in peace
The first song is literally the regular version of Rage Awakened with the pitch lowered. The second ones is Forze Dell'Oscurita with the pitch randomly going up and down. Both of these videos are noticeably more successful than an original composition. Basically something that took a lot of effort and sounds drastically nicer than the others has barely a fraction of the success it deserves
Rage Awakened with the pitch lowered: 3300 views Forze Dell'Oscurita with the pitch going up and down 33,000 views 11 minute orchestral medley of songs from 358/2 Days? 2000 views Good going, universe, nice job
Googled it, apparently it's a Canadian thing
doesn't matter, it's so hot the hose evaporated
See, but the correct example looks incredibly ugly. It's like people who use the correct plural form of beer. I saying "I drank like five beer." just makes you sound stupid. Unless I'm being marked on it, or trying to look professional, I generally stick to the three letter rule with capitalization
it was almost 30 degrees the other day come home winter I miss you
I feel the implication regarding hearts without bodies is that hearts are able to take other material and reshape it into a body of sort. The Heartless obviously use darkness, and I think the implication is that Sora became a sort of 'light Heartless' thanks to Kairi. The extreme case is Roxas, where Ventus' heart used a body to create... another body :P There's obvious SOME sort of matter manipulation going on here because Ansem SoD was eventually able to reshape Riku's body into Terra-Xehanort's, what's more somehow a fragment of Terra-Xehanort's Heartless is able to manifest through Riku's body, and WHAT'S EVEN MORE is that Riku eventually was able to use this power WITHOUT giving up control to the heart. It would seem to me that hearts are able to create an incredibly malleable sort of pseudo-body
Well you shouldn't. Snark is about timing, do it all the time and it just gets tedious
I don't think Fate of the Unknown was ever used in Birth by Sleep, besides, it was already performed by an orchestra, not much to remaster there. Rage Awakened -The Oirigin- is one of my top picks though, man that'd be so good (at least we get the vanilla version of Rage Awakened remixed in KH2) Is there much you can do with Dark Impetus? It's mostly a techno beat with what already sounds like a realistic violin/ Hunter of the Dark could be really cool, never thought of that. And here: consider yourself caught up I can't help but wonder if remastering the orcjestral bits would be noticeable over all the techno and sound effects What do you mean by ending themes I'd personally love to see elements of Fate of the Unknown mixed in the Black Powder, or better yet, a battle remix of Fate of the Unknown. Drops of Poison could really use some more subtle instrumentation I think, and I have new clue why they chose 80s synth for Eternal Moments
Something I always loved about fan character sheets is that they almost always include random bits of their personality between incredibly awkward details about their views on romance
no results
OK, guys, we gotta rap some Kingdom Hearts. You just do the singing. I'll take care of the hard part. Let's get it on! I thought that I was the best there ever was. To beat darkness, yeah, that's my cause. Aura Lion, Cera Terror, Chef Kyroo Cyber Yog Drak Quack, Drill Sye, Ducky Goose, Eaglider Electicorn, Escarglow, Fin Fatale, Fishbone Drop 'em, drop 'em, gotta drop 'em all, Kingdom Hearts! I'll search across the worlds, look far and wide. And in the end Release the dark inside. Flowbermeow, Ghostabocky, Hailbird, Hebby Repp Iceguin Ace, Jestabocky, Juggle Pup, Keeba Tiger KO Kabuto, Komory Bat, Kooma Panda, Lord Kyroo Drop 'em, Drop 'em, gotta drop 'em all, Gotta drop 'em all, Kingdom Hearts! Majik Lapin, Me Me Bunny, Meow Wow, Necho Cat Peepsta Hoo, Pgaslick, Pricklemane, Ryu Dragon Sir Kyroo, Skelterwild, Staggerceps, Tama Sheep So now I seek, the Mark of Mastery To be a Keyblade Master is my destiny. Tatsu Blaze, Tatsu Steed, Thunderaffe, Toximander Tyranto Rex, Wheeflower, Woeflowers, Yoggy Ram Zolephant, Frootz Cat, Kab Kannon, Meowjesty! Whoa, catch your breath man. Shake out those lips. It's downhill from here, just a bit more to go. Now the story gets tricky, so listen real good! R&R Seal, Sudo Neku, Ursa Circus, Brawlamari Char Clawbster, Chill Clawbster, Commantis Hockomonkey Holey Moley, Queen Buzerfly, Spellican, Wargoyle Anti Black Coat and Armored Ventus Nightmare! Drop 'em, Drop 'em, gotta Drop 'em all (Dream) Gotta Drop 'em all, Kingdom Hearts Drop 'em, drop 'em, gotta drop 'em all (Distance) Gotta drop 'em all, Kingdom Hearts! Drop 'em, drop 'em, gotta drop 'em all Gotta drop 'em all... Kingdom Hearts!! (Is light)