I switch between invisible and visible every now and then. Also, yeah. Thanks.
If there is a God, do you think the only sense he has is a sense of humor? Best cellphone I could buy for the least amount of money? Do you believe some people just read there religous books to quote them and tell you that you're going to some spiritual hell? Is there an afterlife? If there is, are we already living it? What should I buy with $20? Shipping not included if it goes into it.
Cool. I'll be looking forward to it.
Look at him working, darning his socks in the night when there's nobody there.
Father Mackenzie, writing the words to a sermon that no one will hear.
Thanks. I'd be happy to work with you. I have plenty of time.
Have different projects on shelves. Most of it I keep in my head, write down bits and pieces every now and then and it gets done when it gets...
Yes .
No. Nobody bothers to see me, is all. I stare at things, reply, and when I do, I sometimes delete the reply. You'd be suprised if you thought I...
Cool. You think this lucky site would miss my pressence if I left for a month or two? This place would simply die with out me, I bet./lololol sarcasm.
I remember. Was also in sig, and was used in A Life to Lead. I think.
Can't. Because I'm a fool who thinks it's cool to fall in love? Remember that?
We were exchanging notes. Done it before. Maybe she's being nice, maybe she's playing with me. Told me to add her on something, think it was a...
Missread a note that said they did not broke up. Thought it said they did. There goes my life.
Lol. Dude, I just failed. Epicly.
Just ask yourself, "Why so serious?" /Hard to resist.
It was a joke. As in the state of being high induced from drug usage. Since they actually call some schools High Schools. Since nothing was...
Teacher, I know! We all gone to high school!
Sorry. I'm happy because I just got a girl's number! A real girl! ... Now I just need the cell. Best part is I know she's single. I think. I hope.
Nothing .