no. 95[voting thread; votes due July 8th, 2013]FREESTYLE The previous freestyle was last year, so the trend must go on! Almost anything goes, so there is no reason not to participate! (We just love to see your arts.)Happy sigging! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are unsure of how to vote then check out this thread here, anyone is welcome to vote but entrants MUST vote. Plums Beau cstar Amethyst What? GhettoXemnas Hayabusa
my eternal deep affection towards all of your persons is unfathomable. Please accept my gratitude in the form of an imaginary hug.
Hello, hello, hello, and welcome dear friends! Gather ‘round for another wonderful week of our Top 5, fresh off the press! This Week's Judge(s): Llave 1. MY ♥ IN YOUR HANDS; Dᴀᴠɪᴅʀᴜssᴇʟʟ323 MY ♥ IN YOUR HANDS; Dᴀᴠɪᴅʀᴜssᴇʟʟ323 Submitted by: starlightstudios2011 Details: Wow I was really impressed with the flow of this. The colors were gorgeous and simply stunning! The transitions and general flow of everything was magnificent! Link:♥-in-your-hands-dᴀᴠɪᴅʀᴜssᴇʟʟ323.533/ 2. Counting Stars Submitted by: minicoop55 Song: Counting Stars by OneRepublic Details: AREMGLAEFPF:OG love this. The tempo and transitions were really great, and the beat kept me jammin’! Awesome Job! Link: 3. Young Volcanoes (KH Beta) Submitted by: Knightshade Song: Volcanoes by Fall Out Boy Details: The music was really fun to hear, and the beat really got it going as well. Subtitles were placed really good, very clever with building them on top of each other. (like the ashes of a volcano awehuehuehueee.) Link: 4. [COLLAB] FLY ʷ/ғʀɪᴇɴᴅsᴀʀᴇᴍʏᴘᴏᴡᴇʀ Submitted by: starlightstudios2011 and Friendsaremypower Details: Great collab, the colors and the wording really bring out the beauty of this piece! Link:ʷ-ғʀɪᴇɴᴅsᴀʀᴇᴍʏᴘᴏᴡᴇʀ.531/ 5. Thousand Years FF7 and KH Submitted by: Cloud <3 Song: A Thousand Years by Christina Perri Details: A beautifully themed AMV, and beautifully transitioned with the song itself. With such emotion and deep love, I’m lovin’ to say it’s got a place in the Top 5! Link: Congratulations to all who placed this week! Haven't placed yet? Don't give up! Your video certainly was not bad, and you may place in a future week.
>Bought something from Amazon, which is usually good. Everything up till now has been through FedEx. >Ordered one day delivery >Started from Illinois yesterday, eta today at 8pm. >Checked tracking, it's in Chelmsford, Massachusetts, 5 hours Northeast of me. >UPS drove past me upstate and clocked my package in MA for the night. I will either get my money's worth back for a TWO DAY SHIPPING or they will die.
...To this day, my registration has cursed graced this forum.
Didn't find a thread for this, probs blind but seriously this is exciting. For those of you who have played the Project DIVA games on the PSP (via import from Japan unfortunately T_T ), you'll be glad to hear that they are bringing this babe Westward sometime in August for PS3 and PSN (NA and EU). There's already a demo version on the NA PSN, not sure about EU.
This world has many mysterious and wonderful things
no. 95[discussion thread; entries due June 30th, 2013] Freestyle The previous freestyle was last year, so the trend must go on! Almost anything goes, so there is no reason not to participate! (We just love to see your arts.) Any questions, pose them in this thread thread or ask either Ienzo or myself. Happy sigging!
no. 95[entry thread; entries due June 30th, 2013] Freestyle The previous freestyle was last year, so the trend must go on! Almost anything goes, so there is no reason not to participate! (We just love to see your arts.) Any questions, pose them in the discussion thread or ask either Ienzo or myself. Happy sigging!
His name was Michael, 20 years old, and only a month older than I. He was in a car accident, I don't know how long ago, maybe an hour or so or just a few minutes ago. I was informed by my parents several minutes ago, and im over at the house so the younger siblings are seen off to school in the morning. We were kind of close as children, always riding bikes together around the grandparent's house, and getting buzz haircuts from our poppop (grandfather). But as we got older, we grew more distant. I don't think I've really sat down and really talked with him since high school, but we've seen him around and at family reunions if he wasn't out doing something stupid. I guess you could say he was the black sheep of the family. He became very delinquent once middle school came around. Drugs, alcohol, sleeping around, road racing, you name it he's probably done it. I'm not sure how to take this honestly. Right now I'm rather emotionless, my mother was a wreck. (He was her older sister's son.) When my mom and dad left to drive over to the rest of the family, she just kept saying "I love you." Hm. I'd like to hope Mikey's in a better place, but I have more doubt than assurance. Too late now. Suppose I shan't sleep tonight, conundrum of mortality rattling in my mind and all.
STUPID ME3 MARS MISSION! I CANT GET PAST THE SLOW-MO PART BECAUSE MY PISTOLS ARE CRAP WAT DO??? ;____________________; I have to restart it... I guess I should just use the default. I hate this.
>Goes to import my femshep >identity code from me1 and me2 is no longer a valid code for my femshep >I have to rebuild my femshep from scratch because of all the new custom components >Got her pretty close but it looks slightly off and it's bothering me fml
Cute cute cute cuuuute girl n' accent. love her. She's not well known (yet), but I'm most certain that'll be short-lived and then she'll be everywhere. She's Australian, and you can really hear it in her songs, but a lot of her songs have that really nice retro 80s pop feel to it. Her EP "The Movement", on soundcloud is free to download, so if you like it, have at it I'd say. Her free EP: Music vid:
I was looking through the possible romances, and it's annoying. I want to get the paramour trophy, but all the female shepard paramour peeps are "ehh". I may romance Garrus but that's a maybe. I really wanna romance Kelly Chambers, but she's not an official one. And then Liara is only romance-able in a DLC, which also doesn't count. (my poor baby Liara ;~; )
Played as customized female Shepard Woo'd Liara into my covers mmmmmm baby Ending was very satisfying (omg that final battle with you know whooo. creepy) Moved onto ME2 Mechanics are a lot different but getting used to Still deciding whether or not I am irritated by Miranda's accent Armor customizations are beast Everything makes sense
These repulsive series of essays were ridiculous. That all nighter was draining. I'm going to hand these puppies in and I'll see you guys in a few weeks after my hibernation commences shortly thereafter... (omg im going to die)
This shan't be a spinoff of the Kingdom Hearts introduction theme. We are gathered in this thread today, to celebrate nothing. Now continue on with your day and I shall hopefully see you tomorrow if I live through this all nighter of essays to write.
no. 9[discussion thread; entries due June 22nd, 2013]Beauty An interpretation of beauty, this can be anything from a figurative standpoint, to an actual object. A person, or nature itself. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so behold, and make what you find to be beauteous to you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask either Ienzo or myself. Commence with the art! ~Animations are allowed Happy drawing!