This is a really rude post. 1. Why would it ruin your life? 2. What's wrong about using protection? 3. I would ask what is wrong with abortion, but you've obviously shown that. 4. It's not killing a baby. (Life doesn't begin at conception. A fetus =/= a human) 5. Yes. If you believe if having sex before marriage isn't respectable, you have a lot to learn about what respectable is. 6. It is nothing, what so ever, like eating fast-food. Sex is healthy for you. For example, sex releases endorphins; painkillers. It has also been reported that if you have an active sex-life, you are less likely to be depressed. There is no real basis for being against sex outside of marriage than religion, and I would really appreciate if you don't call people who don't have the exact opinions you do, dis-respectable. Why? Because, ironically, it's proof of lack of respect.
I have already posted this, and I've made myself clear before. But due to the bump it got, I'll say it again. It should be legal. Marriage is not a religious thing anymore, I would say. Why do many people (mainly women) look forward to their wedding? Because they will be united with their love under God? Fuck no! They are excited because they get to dress up, get their will the entire day (lol), have a party where they are the center of attention. If you don't think that way, you are in the minority. There is a quite a good quote regarding gay marriage (which I just call marriage, because that's what it is, the unity of two people loving each other) that I think I should post for the people still against it; If you are against gay marriage, don't have one.
Aaw, but no reply means no alert :b I wouldn't necessarily want to save anything because it might lose meaning later. Why? Because I am not talking about having sex with anything that moves ;) To me, sex is the most intimate you can be with someone, and should be with someone you love. I haven't had sex with anyone I couldn't imagine marrying. Not everyone feels this way, though, obviously. That doesn't mean you should save yourself till the one you are getting married to. I don't consider it stacking the deck in my favor. I kind of mis-wrote earlier. I think sex is something you should have with someone you truly love, and having it doesn't become less special. It's basically the same with love. You always remember your first love. That doesn't mean it is better than another one. There are a lot of people who don't really understand sexual compability. It's a little of the "click" and, if you are lucky, fetishes. Of course, being completely in synch is basically impossible the first time you have sex. It isn't completely impossible, of course, but highly unlikely. It's very much like you are saying, if the guy is very intense and the girl is not intense at all (or vice versa), you can of course have a middle ground. However, if it's too much of a difference, the medium won't make anyone happy. You can grow into certain things sexually, but not all. For example, if the guy needs to move "fast," and that hurts the girl, or makes her uncomfortable; once again it will lead to unhappiness and lack of satisfaction. If the guy wishes to try out new things, and the girl doesn't - it will lead to lack of satisfaction and happiness - and sometimes pushing things too far/cheating. Also, talking about sex does help a lot, but it is practically impossible to know if you are compatible without trying it. There is, similarly to a "click," chemistry. Emotional chemistry is very important. But sexual chemistry is also important. Sexual chemistry is difficult to explain but I'll give it a go. The same way you feel just talking/being with someone you love doesn't necessarily transfer to when you are in a sexual position (no, not an actual position). Your bodies have to be compatible, I guess? It does reflect to the preferences, etc. but like with people, some you like hanging out with, some you don't like hanging out with. Think of being put in a situation with someone you don't like "hanging out" with, but you feel obliged to, because you are married with them. It's kind of like that. (It's a tad abstract, so difficult to explain) I do agree that "try before you buy," isn't always prudent. However, you can't really compare finances with sex - as they are completely different things. If you have sex, no one keeps anything. You can't reclaim anything, because you wanted to do it then and there. You don't take anyone to court (unless you are a ****ing ******* and accuse them of rape). I think just generally that people has to stop considering sex to be an amazing commitment/promise to someone. That's not me advocating you should do it to everything that has a heartbeat, but to realize that sex is just sex. Sex is not a big deal, but lack of sex in a relationship is a really big deal. For example, I know for a fact that I couldn't be in a relationship with anyone who didn't want to kiss before marriage. Not (only) because I think it's a horrendous idea, but because I know our values are extremely different.
As I said; sex isn't the problem. The issue here is her thoughts regarding it and him. If she believes that because she had sex with him, she owes him the continued pleasure, or whatever; then the problem is her interpretation of what sex between two people means. And if that's her only reasoning, perhaps she is the one wanting it from him. Either that, or she has other issues, none of which roots back to them having sex. I'm not going to go around saying things about people I don't know, but there is definitely more to it. (Mental issues)
Can people change completely? No. No they can't. On their own accord. Though, people can pretend to change, though. A lot of people act differently than they think, but that isn't changing - that is simply putting on an act. Others can possibly make you change, but it's hard. Which leads me to the On their own accord part; Brainwashing and Indoctrination is common practice in the world.
Not gonna wail on you due to religion, because I think most people here know what I think of it. I have some things to point out/ask you. Breaking away sucks regardless. Just because you have sex with someone, doesn't make it any harder than a normal breakup. (Speaking from experience here) If you stay in an unhealthy relationship, it's highly doubtful it is because of the sex. However, if that is so, there are usually other reasons for them staying in it. It doesn't have to. Most mature (not calling your brother immature) people will go on like normal after they have sex. That's how it's supposed to be. Whether or not you feel closer to the other person varies. That's normal. You always remember the first ones, because they were the most special. It's basically like anything. For example, I remember playing my video-game. It was absolutely amazing. I don't have the same feeling towards it now, but I still enjoy it thoroughly. (Yeah, quite an odd comparison to make, but it's still valid) I think saving the first kiss for marriage is unhealthy, for a lot of the same reasons waiting with sex is not particularly smart. If you don't have a physical connection to the person you are going to spend the rest of your life with, you will inevitably have problems. I don't really think you should sleep around, (not that I give a crap if you do), but the seriousness of a relationship isn't based on whether they are engaged or not. I'm not questioning your belief, I'm just pointing out what I consider to be flaws in the logic.
This might help Alright, after you've seen this. (If you don't see the humor, screw you, I know Glen.) Might just be curiosity. It's really not that uncommon. But hey, try kissing a guy, see what you think.
Yes. To be honest, waiting until after you are married is a rather stupid idea, unless you only intend to have sex to have children. If you plan to enjoy sex, it's a necessity to be sexually compatible. Many Marriages end in divorce due to sex-starvation as a result of lack of sexual activity/compability. If you think that sex is only something you do occasionally, you are wrong. Unless you are asexual, in which case you don't have the appetite regular people have... So yeah, I don't think, I know it's a bad idea to wait. This is not saying you should sleep around. But sex is important in a relationship.
My life for Aiur
Doesn't matter. Heard it before, just found it again. Worth more than one listen.
Change to fluid width. That fixed it for me.
I heard you from the breadbin.
Under certain conditions, not necessarily... I'll show myself out.
I was thinking of boobs, basically. Then again, I do that a lot.
Yeah, I'm aware you are aware of it, I just wanted to poke him a bit :b
It isn't, lol. I agree, I'm not too fond of Family Guy, but I've seen interviews of Seth, and he has repeatedly surprised me of how good he is at... stuff. And I think this might be him trying to get away from being stapled as "The guy who came up with Family Guy." I hope so, at least.
I still fail to see the issue. Nothing wrong with talking about sex, or having it... Never has been, never will be.
Nothing wrong with a movie with sex in it. Often way better than movies filled with violence. Aanyhow; Definitely going to check this out. It didn't get good reviews from one of the newspapers here, but still - Seth is very talented, and I expect it to be pretty damn good.
If the words sex and intercourse are not allowed to say in here... I would've been reported quiiiiiiiite a couple of times.