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We did. Cam section read-along.
We need moar votes! What can we do? (Remember, it's PG13)
I am here, darling. So... we vote for ourselves, to confess our love is truer than any else?
I'm always Purdee, and you know it!
Reasonable? Not if the indoctrinate. A parent should guide their child, not tell them what to believe. Which is what I said.
Aw, man. That's why I despise parents who brings religion into upbringing... Indoctrination is despicable.
Oh dude, strict Catholic? If so, I'm so sorry.
Actually, yes. I have a theory that actually, we are all selfish deep down. You don't want to see someone cry, you don't want someone to hate you, you want to be accepted, you want to feel good, etc. My thought was that I don't expect to be saved by a deity for something I did :)
You are an atheistic theist :b
You don't need religion to be taught that the more you give the more you will get back :b And not to sound rude, but isn't that selfish? If you do good in order to receive good - It's a selfish basis for your goodness. Oh, and this is not directed at you personally, it's the idea that Give, and you shall receive. While I just give to be kind. (This is easily going to become a debate, which is not my intention, I just question, muahahaha)
So, Glen. Have you tried it yet?
You clearly know nothing about how to spell other than what the stereotypical people type... You're just being rude. I'm an atheist. Almost anti-theist. Almost militant. I'll let you have your faith, as long as you don't use the Bible or whatever book you hold as rules to tell someone what they do is wrong.
a·sex·u·al adj. 1. Having no evident sex or sex organs; sexless. 2. Relating to, produced by, or involving reproduction that occurs without the union of male and female gametes, as in binary fission or budding. 3. Lacking interest in or desire for sex. 3rd definition is the one I'm going with.
Then its an asexual relationship. This is talking about people generally. Most people aren't asexual, though, and that's what I am addressing. (Don't argue that you can be in a romantic relationship with no desire to have sex - because that's asexuality)
No, I addressed it earlier :] I said except if you're asexual. That's because it was usually not for pleasure/closeness, but simply to procreate. The body image is likely to improve, though - is it not? If you know someone wants to see you naked, isn't that a compliment? I know my (ex) girlfriend loved that I liked to see her naked. However, adding sex to the mix at the same time is basically what I am getting at. I have never pressured anyone into doing something they didn't want, which is what I'm advocating.
What the **** does it mean? The Marquee thingY? :b
Cheers. I don't particularly like it, and it's not really ganging up, as much as pointing out flaws. Pointing out obvious flaws isn't really...
I have definitely thought through it. I have more or less weekly discussion throughout the year with different people I know regarding sex and also sex outside of marriage. And yeah, I don't want it to become a religious debate either, which is why I've stayed away from addressing it in particular. I am aware of the paradox, and that's what it's meant to be as well. My point though, is that it shouldn't be considered that big of a deal (once again, not saying sleep around), but that living in a close to sex-less relationship is really difficult. At least for me. It doesn't have to be all-out sex, but at least something sexual/physical. (And worshiping a wall would be hilarious :b)
You. I like your style.