I'm gonna stay away from cadavers. That Swedish lady got caught, so it's a bit too risky for my taste. Though I can't help but to smile when I think about it... even after I'm dead, I might get some action!
Oh no, not blow up, these were realdolls. (or something like that, can't recall what they are named exactly)
I found it hidden away under all the women I conquered while I was away!
Just popping in. How have you all been?
Have I missed anything?
531 .
315 .
513 .
"Are you ever going to die?!" Noroz asked, angrily. He walked up to the mirror, slowly. "Seriously, die already!" He shouted, slicing at the mirror.
Noroz looked at the mirror. "You're really annoying, you know that?" He proceeded to throw his keyblade at it. Noroz dashed after and sliced the mirror. "Will you get lost, you unloved Bas.tard?"
Sure. I don't intend to leave him in your care forever. Just let me know whenever the boss is up. I've just lost every shred of motivation towards...
I just finished the 7th gym. Axew lv 37 Lucation lv 42 Samurott lv 42 Electabuzz lv 40 Arcanine lv 42 And I actually disagree with it being a bad game, story-wise. I love the new twists added to the game, the Pokémon available, the way the game plays. 21 hours in, and I still consider it to be the best Pokémon game there is.
Hey, yeah I would like to still participate, but I wouldn't mind if you could take over Noroz for a while. Having some major issues with motivation.
So, lads and lasses.Have any of you bought it? If so, what are your thoughts? I absolutely love the game. By far the best game thus far (Only just defeated the 3rd gym, though.) (I know it's Game Freak - Still a Nintendo game)
Depression is truly a ***** to deal with. Thing is; it won't magically go away. It takes a while. Sometimes a long while. You're going to have to roll with the punches. Accept the fact that you have no motivation. Accept the fact that you feel like you are in a bad place. That's a hard thing to do, but it definitely helps. When you are able to accept it, then you have more of a chance of getting out of it. Baby steps. Things have already been mentioned, but I'm gonna mention what helps me. (Already mentioned): Accepting it Regular Exercise. (Researchers at Duke University have shown that 20 minutes brisk walking a day is better than antidepressants.) Eat healthy. Therapy (you already said you have a social worker, so I'm guessing you're doing this already) Self-Help skills. (You want to google this) Now, that's how I deal with it. (I suck at exercising and eating healthy, because it's hard eating healthy as a college student, hah) Now for what people won't like hearing/reading, because it seems rude. And as far as stopping taking your medication... That's just selfish. (Indirect) Suicide is selfish. Do you really want to cut your life short at the age of 20? That is, quite frankly, stupid. You gain nothing from it. It's just an easy way out. And what does it lead to? Yet another family left behind. I've seen what suicide does to the next of kin - It drives them crazy. It makes them feel so guilty, you have no idea. Alright, I'm done with the "mean"/honest part. I suggest you do the things I've mentioned. It's important to remember that it's a gradual progress.
That looks suspiciously like a bong...
Pretty sure this will be locked before you hit 1,000,000. 5K post limit, iirc.
This sounds like it could be quite fun. I'll definitely volunteer if you need someone to sing, write, all that jazz.
for Netflix. Nothing like laying in bed not having to move, just saying "Xbox, Next episode." Now, if only I could fall asleep.
Most women do like my distinct smile, it's not just you, you know.